80= ii(I`~aQe
<br />fdiMETGACE
<br />MORTGAGE LoAhI NO. L 23:8~0
<br />~~'t'REtftgYZti~sE~RgSEtrrs:ituz Gene A, Olsen and Florence A. Olsen, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Sixteen Thousand Seven Hur~red and No/1QO --------- =~~~`t`~`'m`9O~0Qf1t`h"°m°f
<br />----- oou.ARs
<br />iastssd to and mvrippsr by TAa Fgtutabk Btuldirg and I.aan Aaociation of Gratd laltrod, tyebraata, Mortggga, uptm 167 altos: daaott of
<br />fsid /tsSOCiA1'tON, Certittate itlo. L 23a8jD , do hetehy Bmt, ~^tY ~d mortgage m[o the attid ASSOC1AilON the to@otriq
<br />dttaaihed teal eataEe, vtwted m hall courtly. 1Vshtarka:
<br />tgettter wuh aB the tenements, hrmrfrtatttenn seal appwtrrtarr~zs thereunto betotsgntg, rncludittg attached Flax waer>a~a, an wrndasr acmaa,
<br />trtrtdor dsadea, blueda, storm wxxiaws, swnutgs, hnastg. ate ,Andetusnrtt6, and plumbing and water ryttipment amt acrxaarns therHa, pump., noun,
<br />ref'r~rrawrz, and utMr faa[wea acrd rt{wpnsesti rwar or hercaltst Ntached to or used m cunnrctmn wnh sild real estate
<br />Atsd ,ahersas the card martgagty has agreed and d:sn herctfy agrse that the nwrt~gnr shall and wrU pay aU taxn and aasesmzenta tenet( or
<br />mewed upm sad pemraes and upon thu murtgags and the band sewer! rMrehv hefurc tfsr same stsail lxaxnc Seimyuent, to furmatt approved
<br />tasuransx upon tree braidtttga uxr sod penwrs vtuated m the sum at T 16 , 7QQ. DO payabM to rasd >.SSill'1.4T7t3k arw' to dsStrr to wsd
<br />ASSOI'IA TiCNI fiat priicm tttt sod ufauraa s, and o.x su ,~mmer ur prrmtt any waste un ur about scat premran.
<br />fn •..~ of default in the pertixmsme ul mY ul the trrtm and catnrhtwnz ut lhta nasttgake ur !~ ~fnd ze rsss-d hr•eb;.:#x ;grsrtgapa sSait.
<br />nn demand, tse ertrt&d 'u uruxtrdiats peaesrrx: ut the ;swng,~d premtsrs. and tha rswrtgaaor herrb} asatgna, sranafera seas sets urer to [he
<br />`-~"'' afi ~ ..- -. 's~ot~ ~; ~ ~ -~ `~ - a~::sam rs :tx.rtgr~d prsmtacs durtrsg su.::^. i t.~rtc :x ;hs ni;sr:gam vndrOtednaas tttau re~sn
<br />tmpsud, and the nwngager shall fiass tttc power t.s appuuzl mY spat ur .merits a may awrr tar the pupo>r of reptrsog sod premun and tenting
<br />cYx same arxf :asBe Y~ the tetra, revaynrsa ~1 tnzxsn+e, and u stray pay ..ut +,af sasri ,rtcxsme all expenxs of repurmg qxi premsan and rreneaaary
<br />sausiumtliarm and rapeatea :acrs=rsd ss :€atzttrz and nr thrt ~,= ~ .tf ~-e:l~a-t ¢nA rent:ta r.Fret..sm: t~ iii,-rr,« -n...rr»g, a my, ro x
<br />apQkeS ta,xward tiw dnd~~ of a i er>E-~ryttrar ,rr:#htp2--__, thrx segltu :;t s~hc ~mrtgarycr arsy !tc ra€cs~ed a¢ any t::re 3uns~ s:~ r~ +~. ~. ~-t y
<br />anarrii, STreipea'tF,Y :i{ m; irmprxary aattser :3r ;tr rd's
<br />Thrx '13reren:s. ?ti.s.cre.. are upot the t-.urWtnrn. char .r the zanl 1lungagrx undi repay +a¢d iuan •,ea ur belure the ,naruru., „r ~..n W,~.,o t,.,
<br />uw - n~€.. spy ~ ,y >~ ...: t~ --, ~. •~; m aiu {is>rss x a. »+_ 'tc rtv -,c rntere,t and prtnzi n rand iom~m or fxrure
<br />tCx Fwrustxnls der- - f eas.;, Brut .-. ~~u¢rt~ urns! rx . ,~ .,d? ~+_ fq, =}r sae-=,^-s ar~at~r.'s aga,;.,t ~r i >ttc»~€, s an.T .-set zru iiuz~e
<br />ms! the Bold ,e..zsnN thereby, netwe dNutyuerr.}. turnrah apln..,red msurmcc upon tht burldsngs therea,n in tha sum ul 5 i 4 , 7Q(}, ~7Q pyahlr
<br />w and ASSSO['lATlixv- repay cu >ssd Aa+SOCl~TTt t~ :spin demand all money by .t pod t.sr zu~ir taxes, aatssarnentz and ~nsurana wnh interest ai
<br />rive raaxamum IM+t rate thrram [nun Sate .n pvmrm ali of whu:h Nurigagw ttcrchy agrees to pay, pe; mtt nu wasis un said pemtae:. k«p and ~-umpiy
<br />rnb all fix ttg«nterfts arW axzdstarm ut the Brsnd tw 3 16 , 7DD . DOthn day pvcn toy [hr std Nurtgagur ru salt ASC(}('IA'CIaN, anJ ~umply
<br />with art the rU4urtrrpeaia err the i uaattrattsut tad By ~t.rtw u uui ASS(x'IATIt3N. then chase presents shall tstrronx null and yard. utherwne they
<br />at»til ramnn m {uN txxce asst Bray br ts,rn-toard a= the apron uf' the wed ASSfiI.'IATiON after tadute rue three tnunthz w ittake any of said
<br />pytttsnts w be ttu« mwrrFn m arrears n ¢ttai¢ag acrd nnurthly payment,, ur to kerp and wrnply wiN the agrecmenu and euwtnrum of utd Butul.
<br />said Nrxtgayur apes so have a recrx«e appr,mred tcxthgttt: m su.:it lurcikraurc pr+xcesh¢ga
<br />If there u any citarr0e m :wnarahsp cq rite real estate ntrxtgaged herrw, by air ur utfxrwue, than the sutra rcetatruttg ¢r+dsbtadrtea hereby
<br />aa:wcd studl, at ttaa opatn of The Faparaabie ihuk§rm sad Laur Aaw:satwn of Grand f~tland.!Vebraaka, hesvssa ttmradiatety due and pyatsk wutnrut
<br />fWthes rtutiue, amt the atanxsol reenuettng due under scud bond, arW any other tstaai fur any addstt~aal attvarxee t~sdr t!xr:unde:, sbaLr, fnxr the
<br />dau of eacreiat of aid upamn, hear tmerea as else maatmum legal rate. arW tha nwsrtgtsge may then be forodosed us srttaty the amuuru dim .m sans
<br />bond, attd tai rultar band i`a atWtte¢nal adranaua, tugrthn +nth all Wins pod by said 'f'ix l?ywtable Budding and t.uan Auax:a[wn of t:rand Istmd,
<br />Kehta¢du far itrsruanne, tsars astd aasrsansarrta, anal aburntxsg rstenawn :barges. wuh tntnsst tlxraon, from date of twy¢rxcnt at the naaurxunx
<br />~ rate
<br />Aa psevniad m the lfrsrtd lscnard trereby, wbUs thin mtnigag€ earnatny m etTact the tssangagee Wray fxre^ftre advaw;e aridrtsnnai uuna :.; ttta
<br />/°~'a'd t~ . thtas w *r~tus w ~tertyt. vrhsch Bunn eM41 be wttfun the aeswtry ut thn rmx:yge the 5ante u the funds wt{mailp
<br />tttyt~d Y, IYe mast aratutssu rsf prlsugri tiakt nut to asaaad n aov Irma the atguzal amauat uT thta rtxntg,p.
<br />~"/ 244~a!• day ~~f 4etober a n iv +3D
<br />~_. -
<br />A. O see? ~"
<br />Florae A. Olsen -_
<br />S7'A7k L]F' KB',)gRARi(Ji,
<br />f''~?*t'i1' CtE' !i4L! a ¢3n ¢kas 2jitfa day •>f (ft:ts Caer i+s i~ has~xr rte.
<br />the ttakta¢graed, a `v.nar}' Vrrbbc ut and fur sod t~uunty. perrmaky otntt
<br />Gene A. Olsen and FlererTCe A. tQlsen, each in his and her awn rirhf., and as mouse of
<br />each other wlw psrsr_vwiy krwwn to
<br />are
<br />ur ~ ~ tha ~ t'+*mn 5 whtsaa sssuta 5 are afttxed to t_1¢r alnrye ~_irstrutet~t as nwrtgypsr -, sins * ilt?y ,e.,urayy
<br />aakaa+ tlzt wsd tri~LrnYni tea b. their +zdwtaaay ><'r utd deed.
<br />R7?yf !nY' Yaad east t'hxitrd Seal the date arurea~rr """ s,-- ~.% '3
<br />k
<br />( .....~...-."..--~. -,-Hart. tin:
<br />+.ar.,w et ff fr, 'raxaz «te'av ; . ;; hu„~--t
<br />~aa . as"E
<br />t~,_ `'
<br />b„.~..~ ~ .~ t.
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