waRUnntmv nw.~n DQ--~~ (~~! ~f}~b
<br />JOHN a. HARRINGTON, a single person; RUTH HARRINGTON,
<br />an unremarried widow; and SUE ANN FITZPATRICK AND EUG$NE
<br />FIfi2PATRICK, wife and husband, each in his and her own right
<br />and as spouse of the other, herein called the Grantors, for
<br />and in consideration of the swn of Two HUNIIRED NINETY-E9NS
<br />THOUSAND Two HUNDRED AND NO/1D4 DOLLARS ($291,2D0,00) received
<br />from Grantee, do hereby grant, bargain, sell, convey and
<br />confirm unto BROADWELL, INC., a Nebraska corporation, the
<br />following described real estate situated in Hall County,
<br />Nebraska:
<br />South Hale of the Northeast Quarter (S~NE3t) and
<br />North figi; of the Southeast Quarter (N~SF~,i) of
<br />Section Seven (c), Township Nine (9) North, Range
<br />Twelve (I2), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />TO fiAr~ AND •PO HOLD the premises above described,
<br />together with al.i the tenements, hereditaments and appurte-
<br />nances rhea-aunts belonging, unto the said Grantee and to its
<br />successors and assigns forever. And we hereby covenant with
<br />the said Ga:antee and with its successors and assigns, that
<br />we are lawiull~_ seized of said premises, that they are free
<br />from encurebrance and that we have good right and lawful
<br />authority t_c s211 the same; and we hereby covenant to warrant
<br />and defend the title to said premises against the lawful.
<br />claims of ail cersons whomsoever. And the said Grantors
<br />hereby relinquish ail right, title, claim and interest in
<br />anti to *_,ae .zbo~.%e described premises.
<br />i
<br />iy-.ed c"r.is ,p'=>aCday of
<br />(_- f-, rx
<br />S'I'nTi'; :~.
<br />COUNTY ,?t
<br />~n ~.,.~~ ~ day of ~~,%~~1~7~YfJL~/ 1980, before me,
<br />the undei sz ,.,c~a, .~ do*_ary P ic, u y commissioned and
<br />quaff S.f ic~i -oz ; r, ;>airi t:ounty, p®reonally came sue Ann Fitzpatrick
<br />and f.uget,<- ': ck, wife and husband, to me known to be
<br />the ?aer.v_; whose names are affixed to the foregoing
<br />inac.r..::,e:~ ged the execution thereof to be
<br />their ':'u .i a: _,; .t deed.
<br />wa Notarial Seal the day and year last
<br />abour •KC r u.EaaPxg51 ~ ,
<br />.,
<br />• i ,c. i
<br />(xis.
<br />i>
<br />r +_ns~ ~ clay afyi~~~~fY__, 1980. be tore me,
<br />t:he ,iti9tix . a :i <'i, zt No tar C, u commissioned and
<br />c)ualif a.s+.s `;: n :~ai~3 County, peraonall.y came John A. Harringtcan,
<br />a ~:znf~te _~-past, t, and Ruth iiarrinyton, an unremarried wadaw,
<br />tes sip xn..~w.: ~ be the identical peraana whose names are
<br />asa~syviny instrument and acknowledged the
<br />u£ ;,c, be their voluntary act and ~leeal.
<br />`svnu anci Notarial Neal the Say and year lasst
<br />.uo
<br />