~rF~ ce ~ ~""~ ~i9(~ ~€~9~s
<br />IN C~I(YS ctf the putt cif the debt nsrt~d therein, 1'he Ornetaa
<br />i~ Bic, a nafibnal batricing asebciaitim, and A~Co ~rporatiat rib hereby
<br />release the mar'tcp~gae rs~de to 'T'he Cfiatt3 tdational Bank and JtyC7o corp~attm hY
<br />Rtxih E. i3zsrri~bcri on the follawinq descriher3 real estate situated in bell
<br />CbuRity, ~, to wlt:
<br />'SSE 114 of t~&I 1/4 and s~- 1/4 of NE 1/4, Seetie~n 23, 'Tt~vns:,lp 11,
<br />14
<br />N 1J'2 of SH 1/4, Scaetwn 23, ibwnghip 11, Rarr~e 10
<br />M1 1/2 osf Not 1/4, Section 23, Troanship 11, R82fge 10
<br />'NL 114 of Nw 1/4 and NK L4 of rg 114, Section 23, 7~aor~hip 11,
<br />Rage 30
<br />W 112 of SW 114 of SE 1/4, Section 23, 'tto-atship 11, Range 10
<br />N~ ifd of [~ 114, section 23,, 'ltasrship li, Rang 10
<br />r.eh ~~ aca:~ re~eci as ilor~aaents fdo. 80-1300887 and Ba--(94090 in the
<br />officae ~' the Register of c>f tie:tl Ccxrnty, ~9~ataraaka.
<br />TSi "i 'II+CNY P, the said 'S?~ cla~ha 1~~~aticinal ~~n]s acid RgIC.b C.cu^pora-
<br />tiara have caused thm~ pmts to be c:xecvtsd by the appropriate affieer of
<br />each ~rotron and the ~:r>~x:t'ate seals to tie affirced hereto ~is+•77 ~y of
<br />tk'ixabec' 19$0. ,`~,~,. a,. r.r• ~~,,+,
<br />' Ml tiATICTyAL E3n[+ie ,~'N:l e'iATIGE+I -
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<br />c~tart+g ~,` lae )
<br />~~„ienari~ ViI ttris:x~~day of tic', 1+39(1, uetorR rr~, the urtdersi~gted,
<br />a ~' r'~iic in and fctr sold is autlty, item 1-}.Y s'~na
<br />Stie M. meter, vice F?rr~sztierct aE 't?ae c2mhe Natzcx~al E#ersk to ma perscxraily knowm
<br />to be tha Vicrre l~reer.dertt mad iciant,icxil person tilhaxr~ r,fsne is affixed to the above
<br />cemLAei~ and ackrrowlet3g~+d the e>ution t2aer~eaf ra be her.' vo7unC3r?+ act and dew as
<br />h c~ficear, stti the volurrtary act anct c, at! 1-he said The Ocraha Natzonai iaank.
<br />hh:,r»s my hamd anti i~otarsal :iaal at ~~rrolas, in .acid tbsnaty the ~Y and
<br />Y iaat move wriiters,
<br />_ ~ ' s
<br />NQ i7[)frrRtr3E19[s xHlR~I'tisr~,~•, '"~ ~ € - ~ E-~'~""~/{lyec...~
<br />^_ wXV f.www 6F, Fhrt511c
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<br />CT.. t,+":! "~'f ~,. ~'~'tr~, w9~, [e'~#"~.'~ .'~, iii i~'d3cr~a it ''.
<br />a Nakery H~lic zn are3 cor acid tatty, T~xsxmal.ty t aria
<br />a,:, r~.l~, s~4tlr3i~'t3t'~tiVe fix of ,~"3~ peara2:zcux tra ~~ ~.x3rscxrally imowxi
<br />tra ear the ~N»r+rtive l~~sger and identirxtl peet'acan t+txaee name zs affixed to
<br />tine airat*e mare aad ac~a~sleadr~d the rtisn rat cc: be hz$ vr~ltttat~y act
<br />3ee~x3 as c~fFi:~x, and tSaa ~ls~,tac-y act :af t.,:~ ~zd a ~XU3.~a'a-
<br />ta~ta,
<br />~itrn~ ~ herxi and 1a1 tiealat ~:lnahe, in ear.d county t3te day =ux3 tiedr
<br />S.aet ab ws'iitten.
<br />,-r
<br />~4au ~ i c
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