<br />
<br />It3 CtNSFSEAATICN of the p3}mYait of the debt r~Yed therein. The Qn3ha
<br />National Hank, a naticnal banking associ.atioa, acid AgCo Corporation hereby release
<br />the mortgages rtr3de tc The Qreha Natimal Hank and AgCo Corparaticm by Ruth E.
<br />Harrington, John A. Harrington, Sue Ann Fitzpatrick and Eugene Fitpatridc, husbard
<br />and wife, and Douglas E. Harringtai and Jolyne Harri~tca, husband and wife, m
<br />the real estate rmre specifically described on attached Exhibit "A", which by
<br />' this reference is incorporated herein, which irortgages are recorded as Dogrts
<br />No. 80.000888 and 80-000969 in the office of the Register of Deeds, Hall Canty,
<br />Ndxaska, and further recorded rn Roll £~, at Page 1155, and Roil 80, at Page
<br />1:295, in the office of the Register of Deeds, Buffalo County, Nom.
<br />IS!] '1£STII~.NY WF3ERFAF, the said 'Phe cx~ha, National Hank and AgCo 'a-
<br />ticm have caused these presents to be executed by the appropriate officer of each
<br />E~
<br />~rpcaration and the Corpanste Seals to be affixer9 hereto this~~'73ay of October,
<br />1980.
<br />'III, Q'r1~ ~TIQIAL BAt~C
<br />~~ ~. ~
<br />' tN . l~~
<br />. VYrte; ~r~ddent
<br />~'~,~:: K ~,. '
<br />~,'~
<br />:X~`"). C'Oi2PORATICN
<br />,names i,. i~l.l~ ,~
<br />r1$ninistrat~ve A'iaxaagei'~~ ~ - "C ~
<br />,~ā ā
<br />Statrs of Nrr-aska ) as
<br />'tlla~l?°~~dav nā¬ ~1-ter, inz~%Y. ~ror¢' sue, thy' ~C-?~.s~~~~1,
<br />a Notary Public in and for :said t:ounty, personally came :ire
<br />t9. Perrier, Vice Frar;ldent of The t]traha National E3ank r_o me Exssonally known to
<br />be the Vic:>r Preszdrmt aryl id~ticai perscx~ wtx~se name is affixed to the above
<br />t~le~e and aekracwrle3g~ the execution r~ereof to be tier voluntary act and deed
<br />as such, atxi the voluntary act and dead of the said 'Ihe t~naha National Eiarilc.
<br />Wltneiss my hand and Seal at imahs, in said Canty the day anti year
<br />last above writterY. ,_..____... __ ; .
<br />s~rw .
<br />My t:Qlfit124$1C2r1 E'X~lrt~i_.__~__~_.T__^~~ 1' L.- 7.f~.rr"'~
<br />~~ ~Ib11C:
<br />_,~.y___
<br />/.ate of Netbraslta ~ r;s
<br />Ck+tuzty of ~ las r
<br />tkr this~1~day of ck^tobes, 198c), bPiore me, the undersiclr~z,
<br />a Notarv E~uizlic an and for :aazd txxuity, personally calm
<br />ua 1, ~;, :ai~#`un3stratiVe ~~ u: :rte t:a~4~>°~ .:r ~;~: ~rsv~liy ,=icon;
<br />t4 ~ r~ Ar;~I.F~..1~tratlvt? !~**' ~x1 ic_is~ltlE ~~l. ;~~n wtx_~? r,~Ct~e> >_ .xf t i Xa~s ~ c, t tae^
<br />~ ;:~1 and aekrr~wl~ci the exr~ctrtYOn thereoY ?_o t~ his ~,vluntary ~3e.~t Wuxi
<br />ā¬ as sucfi s>`fioar, the wluntary act. ani de~i «t: .*,r~ ~~d ~ t'or7xsratxon.
<br />Wittt.~ try hand arad Notarial Sea-1 at Cxniha, Ln Satd ..'cxu~t.y r. he ~.iay .xrri
<br />y®ac lasct atxrve written. __ __~_.___.... _. ,
<br />^u~arsie rr.u. ~ ~ - ~°
<br />aiy ~xarmussian +:~ixre~ _.____.. _..= ~ wce~ ~ i .~~~_ _ . ~,;,~,r,b,~cr~.~c-
<br />~~.v_ ..~__ ~~~ Pub13c.
<br />