r. z. e: xa.:.. ~ ~~ z2s .._.......
<br />Rele of iViartga~e $(3- fl(i ~Q$9
<br />~`~o lod br: et,~a l~p_.._.~s~!n P. _ ~!~sl~.~..;#..~3.s~11....._...
<br />.....~........._ ............................................_...., to Tas Pst~t+sreztat, hrstrruwcs (;arrtwrr>• ar< A are:
<br />28th Se tdnber___ 79 xxxxxxxxx
<br />the ...................__...._...._......dap of._.......P ..... ....._..._, I9......, sad reootded
<br />_r .sib !?9tlll~it~..~....I9-~1b~5d......~dlt_....Couary, is the Stsu afl+l~ra~,hrta~
<br />been fullp paid apd satisfied, and such pusrtsage is herebp declared folly paid, aatiefted aad ndd-sed..
<br />~!Wl~loen Wlseraal. a Via 1'rnidaat of raid Tas Pstrrstrrtrtt. Itnrs}swrtcs C,aers~rter ~:
<br />Aritsigtyla,,, has hetsanto sigaed his name xnd hereunto affizr'd the. corporate seat of saick ~,'
<br />in ~I£trn~eatxrlis. Mip~errrta. thin 23rd day crf CY~t¢b~r' .. .. . 18'~il:...
<br />'II'''P1tUDE1VT'IAL ENf3i7RANCE CC114iI"AN1"" OI'' A1+dER~C+~, ,,
<br />f f~
<br />~ ' '~.~+ R7'Lkk>arar Sackri er Pier P~esiirat.
<br />'~F ~ ~,
<br />r -~ x-
<br />°~
<br />,, s , " `r~,~~
<br />", tiap, ut Dae~
<br />~.:
<br />(bt•~Tr ~rN Hr.~~r:r•i~. 4.v
<br />Qn tlria..._......._~~:Sl....__......dar a#........~SSQkSL_ ............. 19_$Q.., before :ne,
<br />the nadKeisned. a Notary Publie authorized to take uktwwledgnaeats, ip raid County and Sate,
<br />personally a~ared.._......._..._...Hd..G....Sam:Ld4t" ..........................._..........._.......-.........to tt-e penouH
<br />ally ltot„rn and knoxn to ma to be the person who executed the foregoing ipatrumeat, who befog
<br />bar rite duly swprs did rap that he it a Vice I"terideat of T'xs P>rtmsxxtwL Ixavawxes CaxraxY o:
<br />Ate, a aorposriaa undss the lawn of the State of New )eraep, apd that the aeal affued to the
<br />Gutrutnaar is the wrpgrate real of raid Caeap:any, and that raid iartrumeat war rignu!
<br />acrd iA b~rhaF# of raid C~arapaap by authority of itt Hoard of Directan, and uid ....................._...
<br />....... ,..._. !':d ~;_. ~~~~~ ..._,. _........ , uknorrledYed raid instrument w bs the free rct and deed
<br />~vf said Gasapanp.
<br />Ix 'f'rr+rrsa~rxAr 1lHaaCUr•, 1 have hereunto pct rrry hand auJ alfix.d my ~,tficial .ra! at my
<br />crNiax in the City of Winrreatrolix, the dag• and year firxt aixr>•e written.
<br />1 'C~ {.~- v ,#'{, i`e:t .ry /"u~s#+€ :r; ~l_rrrit:;u.
<br />~~' comrpiariritt cxfrire~ ~ rta~; ~,.
<br />~~.~
<br />~q R
<br />kYY/YTT,YYY`PYYa.`.'_#, .,. ~, ... ~, fi_ -cla.x
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