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$~'..,_ 4i~; ;072 <br />`= -u.rrrtrr„ agreemtrc c,s xpplx.a~e au~ Barrow~rr shs,6i pad ?;rr arrwsant ~ aft ^rartga$t insurance premsums ~n the <br />matrr+cr prow*ded •.:ndrr paragraph ~rurrof. <br />~.,;p~ at-,a; its disbsers.Ed by f.rn~r Pur-warn to this paragraph wrt'r, tntertct t}aereon. shaft became additions, <br />!nrfrhardne_a ,,f Hnrro•xrr srsurcd h+~ zhts 1Nattgagt. L;nk{x 8orrasrrr attd Lrnder agree to other toms e,i paytwtnt. such <br />an;r~;nis sf:aff ?st payai~r upon rxxtce €ram Lendre to Bsrrrrrwet requesting payment thereat. and shat) brat interest from xhe <br />dart of distaurumrnt at the tart payatie tram time to tiiM on artstatadirig principal under the Mate tmiess payment of <br />interest a? such rate would l+e contran~ to applicable taw, m which event utch arrrounts Shari bear interest at the highest rate <br />perrtaissiil±lr uttdrr apptx_ab}r lawxv'trzhing contsmed in this paragraph 7 shall t'egurrc E.ender to itactrr any exprnae ar take <br />stay actian hereundrr. <br />g. Iaepectlax. T-cndrr may make nr cause tc, ere made rcasacaabk entries upon and irnpectioaas of the Properly, provided <br />that f_eetdrr shaft give Bcrrowrr nrxice pricxr za any arch inspectian specifying rcasanahle cause therefor related to 1_ender's <br />Sntrrest in zhc Property-. <br />4. Cam. Tl,t prr?tietds of any award ar ctaim fnr damages. direct ar consrquentiaf. in cortrra~tion with any <br />~ortdemrazinn or athrr raktnR of the Properev. or patt thereat, ar for conveyance in lieu of candemnation, arc herchy assigned <br />and shall be paid t<•, l.endtr. <br />in the r.rnt of a ustal taking ,,f rhr Property. the praceeds chaU be applied to she sums secured by this Martgage. <br />with the excess, if any. paid to Btrrmwer In rhr rvrnt of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Tinder <br />otherwise agree in wr,sing. there shale tae applied sn the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportian of the proceeds <br />as is rgttuf !a that prepartian which the amrntm of the sums srurtd by this ltartgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears €n the fair market value of the Prcrpery immedintdv print to the date of taking, with the balance of the prtxeeds <br />paid to Barn,w'er. <br />if rhr Prnpern :s ah3::darxd hs Borrower. or ;L of*,er notice by [.ender to Barrawer that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award ar .tale a Maim f:,r damagc:_, Borrower faits to respnrtd ir, Lender within. i0 dayx after the date such native rc <br />mai}ed. tinder is authorized to caltect and apph tfac proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration er repair of the <br />Praperty ~~.* ?n the sums .enured h•. this Mnngage <br />1?nless Lender and $arrawrr othrrwrse agrrt in writing. any Suitt applicazian of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />ar pastpane the dun dare of the rtaanthh' installments referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of <br />such trtstal3mentx. <br />10. Brorcawer '.Vat Reieaeed. Extension :.f the rimy for payment or modificatian of amartization of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted Fay Lender ?n any cucce5u,r in interest of Harrower shat! not operate to rctease. in any mantaer, <br />the fiabiiity of the original Borrower and Harrowers successors in interest. tender shall not lx re+gttiaed to commence <br />proeetdings against such staccrssar nt refuse rn extend rime fnr payment ^,thtrw•ise madsfy atnc+:tizaiiatz of rhr soma <br />r.ecutrd b+; dais !slnrtgagr by reason of .ny drm;and ntndr by the nrigi~naf &rrrawer a~rxd Ba~.rrower's satcca:ssors in intetroat. <br />il. Parhrmuware by l,ettdtr !tot a Waiver. Any fc?il,earanrr by i.rndrr in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. ar <br />otl~iWisr rrffnrdttl Fy appiirat,ie law, xha)t oat tar s waiver : f tar preclude the rxercisr of anw such right ar remedy. <br />"11~ pracurrarrnt ctf insaarancr ar the taavment of tails err nthrr liens err claacgr,"s hq I.tnder shalt oat tit a waiver of l.rnder's <br />right to accrirra'tt the matct'riry of the mdrhzrdnrss ~,re:ured by tlars Mortgagr- <br />12. IRadtotet'~erp Carsselwllae. .All rshtredies per+oided in thix Mortgage am distinct Arad cttntuiativr ro 'any other right or <br />ttmrdy under thrs Mortgage or afforded fay taw r,r equity. and Wray be rsrrcised cvncurreni',ly,. irnfeprndenity nr succresively. <br />13. 4atrcrsewms sad .Nssi~trs Bmawd; Joliet sad Serrrd f,iab8i'ty'tl <'alMlwaar. 'The cr'rs•enants and agre.^ements htrrciiaa <br />usntamed shall hind. and rhr rights hereunder shat! inure to, the rext>eciivr successors and assigns of 1_ender and Borrower, <br />cobras? ?a !i>r prs,visiont .,f ;aragraph t', hereof -yft a,venants and agreements ,,f Horn,wrr shall t+e iotnt and several. <br />the captiam and headings of rhr paragraphs of thix Mortgage arc for :anvemrrtcr Holy and arc oat to be used to <br />,nterpfrt „r drfinr the. p: o^:ISf.>nti l,rresi€. <br />(i. Nutter. Except fnr any notate required under appticahtr law rn hr gtven m nnothrr manner, fa) env notice to <br />B<,rr::wer ~ro.ided far ~n :hi; «lorrgage shall ht g.ven Ft mailing such natrrr by ~ettified mail oddressrd to Barrawer at <br />ihr Property :Address nr ..-+t wch rxhrr address .rs Ac>rrr+wrr may drstgnxtr by notice zo f.tndrr as provided herein. and <br />rb} am ;xN;Ye t=: Leaadc? ,ha}} l,t ravt^ }.,y certifreel ma.l. return :r.~etpt rrytrestert. to C-ender's address stated herein nr to <br />such uthtr addnrss ,rs l.rntfrr Wray designxtr t,p no:,ter, rt. Bor-e,wcr ats pravided )+errtrs. Any al5tice pre*vided fs,r .., this <br />Me+rrgagr he drained to !ha~~~r barn gi,~tn to Harrrwrr or I.cndrr when given in the r+'tarreaer,drsignatrd herein. <br />15. 1'tditurm hf+aftgatte; GtwrttripK l.ans; Se.enbiiity. This f;+rm of mc,rtgags:.nnbinrs t'rmtarm covrnams fnr nattanal <br />x - •, n~ a .as =the firn;tr) • tree+tx~ ru by tort Ei,<trnrt tc+ cnnstinatr a :era€is,rtn scctrrity insifumrm covering <br />rr~ r.r~ 'ETS;~f1_a-yaa~ ~„alp 1>r e.~rrrrtrnd :~y rhr f;aw r,f the iurisctictann is which rhr Property is Irxatrd. fn the <br />e ve~,r :oar } . q:*4,i : { v, a,f thtc ?.f.^rrgage .+r the N.: t urnflrct. with appfis alelr law,srrclr contlact shalt rxx affect <br />,~'~' '`' •, a saw ht. €nven r^t}exA witluyut ..._ :eta?'t:cz:n}: .,.isiu:..,nd .. .hsa <br />a.od the ;,r~rrul>n1 .,1 -k hfortgaau~ ssnd +ihe \ nc -re lira~fared to he srveral_,fe- • <br />16. ? €'aps. Sorerrwcr shalt f±t furnished a conil*rmrd copy of the Note and of this Mortgage at tht time <br />ui ese.:utinn or after rcrrndatian barer,(. <br />17. 7'taaufer of the Praprxty; A,seamptioa, If alt or any part of the Pn,perty or an interest therein is sold or tramfrrred <br />by Borrower withaut Lender's poor written sA,nsrnt, excluding tat the creation of a lien or encumbrance suhnrdinatr to <br />thts ;tiiortgagr, (b) tttr crextian of « purchase maaev srCUrity mrertse fnr household applinnces, tct :e transfer l+y devise. <br />desixnt or l,y npctation of law upon [hr ekath of .? taint zrnant nr td) the grant ni any ir:rsr:hald tnterrst of there }rata or less <br />trot containing an option to purchase. isudrr pray, :n tender's .+puon. declare all the sum, secetrec' by tots bfartgage to he <br />ammrdiateiy due and payable. I ender shall bast waived r,uch ophutr nr accrtrrale if. prior to the ca!e nr transfer, Lender <br />and teat pursun to whom the Property is fu br sots( ar transt"rrrrd reach agre+:mrnt in writing that the :relit of such person <br />is satisfactory to l.endrr and ttaat rhr inzrrest payahtr nn ihr sums secured by this Mortgage shalt tae at such rate ac i.rnder <br />xhafl rtt}•wsr ff i.etrder lsas w'nived the option to acctttraie provided to thts pwragra ph i 7, and tt Berrrower a successor in <br />tntercst ha. executed a wtnten axiumption agrermtni ncceplsd in writing fry trndtr. !ruder shat) release Harrowrr fram all <br />obligations under this Mortgage and rhr Note. <br />if i.e.rder rserciu°s such opti/m to accrfrrate, t.snder shall mail Harrower' nonce of aceeteratinn in accordance with <br />naragrap_h S3 herraf_ Such nlrtice shalt provadc a txnsai of r;at iz~s than 74 daps farm rhr dat, rhr sauce is naaiied within <br />which Borrower may pay rhr sums cfalarei dire- If Harrowrr faits to pay such sums poor k, the expiration of sus:h penud, <br />lender taay, witixrut further noltct ar rirmand on tk,rrowrr, invoke any rrmedirs ptrm,ned by paragraph 18 hereof. <br />zr~r.`--i;~fa=c~ra t'.n~t~.:?ais Borr,wer ;rod f cosier further ~ovrn;tnt and agree as tc,lirnvs. <br />t6. ,rr'-fzr>:fi2a; 1~ €xcapt as prsaida6 is par~ra~ i7 baycvf, npr~ $nrrawer`a ioreacfs of say cavetgttt or <br />agrosweewf fxf Nwrtuwet is thew NweigtsRe, MchwNwg ihr rosraanfs to pay »bew dtfr awy 9avi+ .ntuxd by this itortRfgtr. <br />letotkr pritu to ~ trht~ atail awtice iw Barrwxver acs pravkied in ptfragtwpie ti hereof Kpuify«yE: It) the breach; <br />(2l Rae a-'tiaa stdgati•ed m rare ttexh brawslet (J) • +~, oat refs thaw 3@ days (cast the date the watice h twaitcd to Narrower. <br />by xehirh acerb barearh aaeaa he roved; scut (41 thra faUwe to rare sash breach as or before the date sprci6W in the natke <br />may rte is arrtirKratwa of fix swfas sectarcd 6y thin ta3ertgatEt, forrcbwre b_y yadtcLd pr+x-erdfwg sad s31e of the Pismprrtl, <br />"list as+t{rts athtdl itettirt adartae Ntatrawtr of the right fe fehfauae after arre{rratiaa awl the rich( to afxn in the ttfrealoarr <br />preect Nee aaa.eaieteate sd a detaeett or any ether defewfe srf Ntttrwwcr ~ arrelertuba ~ fatxciaeara. N the breath <br />is traW tt1r~ sa ar hefare the dote f;psc~d is the t+alire. header aN l.ewder'a uptioft may deciaue sit wf the stswt, rectsfed br <br />(bier ~ w betaaeardialely dove turd payabb aeitbaatt faHher d~..+..wr awl may farerknr by jyrtiriat prszcsadiag. t.eadtr <br />be eared ~ t^st8cri la xeb praref~tyi aN eapergwart[ cf fortrrasare, [ariwll~, bat sat iimkrd tu, c-au#a of darameatan <br />atldewst. -..:c'r~ts sad thte raparar. <br />i4. tiFarrwrot's Tla(ro ibPUlfttatl' `slsawithatandrtag t ~ndet`s accrlrratx+er nt rhr sums crsured by rhr. M.rttgag~. <br />ha3rtar~.t sirsifl have ttte t~ht err have any ptc?crrdtugs f,agern by f.rrsder to a;ntxuce ehra Mnat}}agr drsc.rnaauatrat at arq onto <br />