<br />~.B Revised 1978 +., +itt~tn ,r.+< a^. ~ +tio++ »Yai+e, ke
<br />t3tS~I;NE H. MORG.aN and ESTIIER Y. MORG,~At, Husi;arid and tiife, +~acb in his and
<br />Der awn right and as spouse of each other Grantor, whether one or morn,
<br />t{iO,t30©.t3CT~.
<br />in cansideration ai SZX'PY "CH.Ot)S.1ND 3ND N0~ tOOTHS t)ULL,bAS receipt of which is hereby
<br />.. ..... ........................ .. .
<br />STdNLtY L. F`kttFtF.ft and YICKI)y i. F,xitREA,
<br />acknwrledged, conveys io ..............................................F.~usbsnd and Fife Grsataea,
<br />.......................
<br />as jaiat tenanu and not a. tenants in comma~n, the follatirsng descrined real estate { as defined
<br />is Neb. Rev, Stat. ! 76-201) in Hall „County, Nebraskan
<br />The Easterly Thirty-Four Fast tE 34t} of Lot Four (~}
<br />and the Meaterly Fifty-Ttso Feet (til SZ'} aP Lot Five
<br />(~}, Pleasant Visw Fifth Subdiviaian, in the City of
<br />Grand Talaad, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Grantor ecrwenants (faintly a>~ eeveral'ly, if tnore than ana) 'e~ttb fhe Gras#ime® tba~'i~'p~^t'
<br />t l) is lawful„ly eeitsad of sucPt real estate and that it >s free tram exi+cumtsrancea .,, ex~r~t.*»,...
<br />..~a,~a~ernaiernt~ nsnat.ra~~tr~~at~.~n~e, of :record'.d ........................................ .....,.....,«,.».
<br />4 2) has legat paver and lawful authority to convey the saute;
<br />43) warrants and will defend the tttle to the real estate agate.,`. the i3wfui clauns of all_paraa~.
<br />Executed: October 14th 8U
<br />......................................... 19......
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