rt ,t
<br />~'~91k' ~~~i~3'i
<br />L 'Fbs ae+~attMr art ar fa~awa;
<br />s. Ile will preanttty pal the iadeb~tainua end by aa~l poannrrrery coat at the ties aa:d i3 the
<br />>,uEaeev tfi~ prasidad
<br />6. He sritl prf ~ ta>tmx aatas~ttnat, wYr rates. awd ester gesekwswmtat ~ toasieipal fiweam ®r
<br />imeai2is.. fowr ,+ ;p"°"~an Sus tact bath ttktade hes~efare. cacti wilt prosptly tteti+er the aii~al trteeipp¢
<br />ileee~war to the aeial moflipgvee.
<br />c. fie will pay such expenses sad fees as may be incurred in t!ce protection and maintenance of said
<br />grogeriy, iac)wading the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee fot the eoiketioa of any or a!7 of
<br />the indefuedaese berebr secured. or for foreelosore by mortgagee's sale, or Cottrt proceedings, or is say other
<br />Iftigstion or ptweeediag affrtting paid premises. Attareuys' fees rea.ooabiy itteurrcd in amr other way chaff ba
<br />paid by the mortgagor.
<br />d. For better security of khe iatlebtedntas Mtreby seenrcd, upon the regaest of the mortgagee, its attr
<br />ectaoes or assigns, he wtball execute sad deliver a sappkmental mortgage or mortgages covering say additioar,
<br />imgrovetaenGr, or bettermenla made to the property hereinaltove described :nd off property acquired by
<br />it after the dau her+rot tall is form satisfactory to mortgagee). Furtfierman, ahonld mortgagor fail to cure
<br />aay defauh is the pa}ment of a prior or iafrrior eneumbraaex an the property de~tibed by this iastrttmeat,
<br />mortgagor hexby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such default, lint mortgagee is trot obligated to do ao:
<br />and each advances shelf becoau part of the indebtedness secured 6y this ittatrttment, subject to the same
<br />t~~ s~ Evaa'iria®.
<br />e. "t'he rights created by tfmis ronvcysa€^e aftall r€°main rn full Camc and >IXfl~ct during any pmtstpoaemend
<br />or extrusion of the ki~.mx! of I¢mymrat of ehr indrhkrtlnes~a rwidnnrwwl by aaixl C'rratai~saory note ar any past thereof
<br />assured larrefry.
<br />f, fie will eontiauousls maintain haaattd inaoratxa-w, ,~{ wuclt rypr err types and in Much amcmunts as tlttt
<br />m€¢rtgagixxa may I'ranm ¢itae to ti¢nr re€t€¢irc cwa tier uemtprovemrata sow r>r hrreaftrr on avid prxtlvsrty, at¢d
<br />will gay promptly wl¢en due any ptemimtnu ihere[~. Ail itts¢tratttx shah be carried its tmmpania aceegta+'bl+s
<br />to smt-rtgagee and the policies and rwxewaL thereof shall !te held by mortgage[ and bare attached thereto
<br />loss gay:bk elaraaes ie !aver of sad is {arm atlccptaLla to the tnortgagce. la Cvmt of lowts, mortgagor wxll gtve
<br />imraediatt notice in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof ref far if not [Wade gromptly fry
<br />mortgagor, and each i~urance wmpaay coaeerned is hereby authorised and darected to make paymeatt for atteh
<br />for directly to mortgagee iaseead at to mortgagor and mortgagee jaintiy, and the iasttrattee preteeeda or say
<br />past tf, »y fro aggl~ fry ttaortgagte at its option either to tin ~ of th,s fwreby
<br />aetmst'd or to for r€a:e¢rati~ or 'zgsir of t!m property daorag or :trisy~ed. la evi'ttt ttf frmreclatartre of €
<br />mortgage., or other traratfec ref' titfe to said property in extingnishrwtnt of the indmihteuftur acۥttr+tmd hereby, elf
<br />rit_ titf~ sad i~karaa# of ibe m'~'tgaf ist ans9 t=s any inrratser p=37~ix~a than in !err.- ~¢a!1 p3as to tfw
<br />ptttrftaser mrr s~tsr€gagr~ +ar, at tf:~ oE:tian :~f the trsitrt#tait€e, may !te sut-rv^aderrrtf foe m r~fttts€f.
<br />g. fir will lti!!ra ;all 6ttildit¢gs and or .»r i_ urnu..enrnK~ ..M . ~ ~4 I,r.~f...wv~ '~ ~ e i ,..,p~~ir _naY ..,a.r'
<br />~?.._ .rt a_t. tr „tu.~t. €:o._.._.ami:
<br />will permit, cararmi't, ar sud€tr no waste, iamyairmeat, deterioration aB said 'prat,~m~y cxr° auy~~art thereof:
<br />in the event of £silure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings on said prctniers and [hose erected oa said
<br />pretaises, ar imprnrements !hereon, in goad repair, the mcrtgsger may make garb repairs u in its discretion it
<br />may deem tmrceasary for the proper preaenation thereof; and the full amount of each and every such payment
<br />shelf fee immerliauly due aa€3 psychic and shelf be secured by the lien of this mortgage=.
<br />A. He will not voluntarily create or permit to br creaked against ihr property subject to this rnortgagw.^
<br />acv lie€m or iiena infrriar or sukwrior to the #irn oC this mortga{r+^ withK!NUt the written convene of the mart-
<br />gagae; and further, he will keep sad maintain the game free frwt¢ the claim of elf persons supp9ving labor ar
<br />materials for c€mastnscttaa of env sad all hutldiags or improvrmek¢ts now bung err€•ted ar to 2t,~ rrretr€f oa
<br />said premises.
<br />a 1'fc will nut rent ar ~sat~tw ar:~~ hart .wf the r+~nt „C ..w:~ r¢,,,ra~taav,r~41 txrxwp~^a t.- .,r ~Stnr.,li91m, ~,r re.rx..~w_
<br />of tarestisliv slier a€rr bsrildir;g wmxk~~r.;ut the a~rettan a-:.n.rnt =e{ ~fhe taran~rt~agra.
<br />f• Alf axu3s of damages is eonneetioa srilb say cetndammaation for public use of or utjury to any of for
<br />paeparty sai3juet to tbs. tKrge err herebs awsigard and shelf he paid ko mortgagee, who may apply the
<br />ash ~ ~€ ~£ ts€ i#a tact ~>~ lei sac.: svt~~. arri>i trr~rtga is irerer7,y aatftrlFrir~f. ci
<br />nawsfc of tree ~taarira~'-'r> t., +rs.%u!±tr 3^d de#tv_. -_k,~ ._. n^r~ [baser :i an:3 ... of fr~~ . t: r'~.
<br />k, 'The as:art;agec shaft have tfte ngftt to itrgrrt the murt{tagcd pretttrse~ ut say reaauaablme times.
<br />g._ fJrfatrft ~ y sl tfs=_ eta=~ er
<br />tia®a t this i::3:b:;.rFtr ;.r of k:.F n.rte br #r3ar: ax~.i.F,et sr.-:::rc'
<br />ftarttiky abail terminate ifmr mortgagstr's rtght to paw:rsaton, oar. and en jsry+nrnt of the praaprriv, at the opttoa of the
<br />tYNrrtgtlt ter his aatigas bit bring agreed that the mortgagor si'matl have such right until drfat:lt{. I!fwa env such
<br />thefay~t, xite eaor4gartx of€sff faasomr !hR owttrr e;f a[4 aC tfnt r«nu cad prolhta arrvu€as#t steer .#cfault as m~c~ttritt
<br />fir ffiw€ iadebtrelrtrra secured ftw=tebt, wtth tfine ngfmt to mbar [[poem said krraprrtr Car tree purpose of e•ollretitrg eetrh
<br />awns sad progb. 't'fta inwurm¢ateat chaff apwrrata as ra! a.a:~.amt of ~v _.Y.,.tah an mid pri-ty to ,!ta• rst••r!•.
<br />