<br />I. EXTRw wURK
<br />fYuring progress ofconstruction the Owner may order trim
<br />work. The amount for srrclr extra work slralf be determined in
<br />advatue if possible, or' may !x chuged fcx at atttuf cost of
<br />tabor and materials plus ZO% for Contractor's overhead and
<br />fee. At! sums for eriras shall be dot and payable upon
<br />camplttion of euh extra. Material's rnst to be rnnsfdered as
<br />competitive, ttxal, retail prices.
<br />2. TERMITE wORK
<br />Contractor shall not bt obligated to perform any wort to
<br />mrrctt damage uuud by termites or dry rot.
<br />3. MA7'DQtA~C
<br />Contrattor cabs attention to Owner to the lirnitaiionz of
<br />taatcMttg t'xtSftxfgbnitding~ttazerials. While Comractor shall
<br />mate every effort to match ezisting textures, rotors and
<br />planes, exalt duplication is not promised.
<br />Unless specifically included, electrical work rnntemplates
<br />no change to ezisting service panel other than the addition of
<br />circuit breakers or fuse btochs to distribute electric curtm[ to
<br />rttw outlets. Cost incurred in changing point of service, main
<br />switch, or meter that maq be required by inspettor or serving
<br />attiNtity shaft fie pai$ to the Contractor by t$c Owner the same
<br />as any other extra. Changes to existing wiring in arras
<br />undistrubcd by aftcrations nrN incipded.
<br />S. FILLED GROUND Oil R047t:
<br />In event filled ground is eneountercd ar roc[ or any other
<br />atatcrzad nut removabt¢ by ordinary ttund tools, Owner shall
<br />pay cos! p!Itzs ZO ~ro~ C'uniraciar's fc¢.
<br />O•hner shall correctly indicate to the Contraetut the corners
<br />of the property and shall assume all respansibiiity for
<br />accuruy thereat.
<br />7, [:ONDUlTS, PIPES, DUCTS
<br />Unless specifically indicated, agreed price does nut include
<br />reruuring of vents, pipes, ducts or wiring atnduits that may
<br />ere discs>vrzd let t:moval of walls or cutting of upLnings in
<br />wards.
<br />[t. AC'>:E5i*a` Y'O WDRK
<br />Ow-nrr shell great fete access t:y work areas fur wurknun
<br />amt vetrietes. and shad affiow arras fort storage of matezials
<br />geed rubbish, !]wrier agrees to keep tlrivcways dear and
<br />asaitabft for ntoveme-rte and parking tri' trucks during norms[
<br />wort hours. t:ontractur and wortmen shat! nut 6e ¢xpecied to
<br />keep gates dosed for animals ar children. Contractor shall not
<br />be held responstble for damage to driveways, walks, fawns or
<br />shrubs 6y movement u(trocts.
<br />AU materials removed tram structures in course of
<br />alteratnne& shalt ba disposed ut by Cnntrnetur except those
<br />itrnrs designated by (?weer prior to cumrnencem¢nl of
<br />Cansiru<liun.
<br />fU. RUUBtSH
<br />Alt arrtstruaiuu rubbish to he rrruoved by l.antraclur at
<br />rernutwtton of wwt sad premises ledt in neat bream-cteart
<br />c.,>rditan.
<br />I /, iNSUHAf'fGB
<br />Prrw to cvwnren¢rrrrtettt of txtrrtstruction. Owner shat! [rave
<br />£'uniractar listed as addititma( assured un t'tre and extended
<br />ctrverage insurance polity by means of endorsement ur shall
<br />famish weever of subrogation far fire and those items cavcred
<br />utsder txtertdtd ¢overtrgc policy including vandahzm: or ahail
<br />pure#tasr separate entity to prsrtt+:t CrmttacYor's imcresty,. In
<br />tvtau tlua¢r fads to do sa, CaptraMet hvey~prc+¢ui4 stict•
<br />iaaurasres sad Owner agrees err reimbttrst C'antractar in rash
<br />fur the cost thereof. <'antrac~tor shall carry at his uwrr txpeusc
<br />wurtmetr's s~+mpeasattuo sad puWt¢ habttsty insurance at
<br />:aasi to the ntintmutn res}uurments of existing taws.. Owner
<br />rtsauares rtrs4 ut say rajary sad atamage to self. mttnb¢ra of his
<br />farwifp, rite; gt:aats, and nay ptrat>aal property of theirs sad
<br />careen t'.'~sr:trufar irarmt¢sa of nay liability thereof.
<br />~(}-~ i3(i~Q62
<br />I2. LEGAL FEES
<br />la the event Contractor shaft employ as attorney or bring
<br />suit to enforce any at the terms or coaditioaa of this
<br />agreement, in addition to his claim, Comrattrn strait be
<br />eatitk6 to reasonable attorney's fees need trptases of
<br />litigation.
<br />13. PERMITS
<br />ContraMar shall obtain and pay for all permits rtalCia
<br />otherwise specified.
<br />fn event of cancetlation of this agreement by the Owner
<br />prior to commencement of conetructaa, the Coattxdot is to
<br />roceive compensation - ftarm Elie- Ovssem~ Ear-~a6-eraNrtses
<br />incurred to that daze pltrs 5% of the rnotraet price as
<br />liquidated damages and not as a penalty.
<br />If the right to rescind appties to this contract, tight to
<br />rescind documents will be submitted aeparaWy.
<br />t S. DAMAGE TO PBOtisFBT'Y
<br />Contractor shall not be held respoaaiWe feu damage trtutaed
<br />by Owner or Owner's agent or Owner's employees. Acts of
<br />Gud, soil slippage, earthquake, fore, riot. or civil eommotatf
<br />or acts of public enemy.
<br />fb. E7fTRA 77ME
<br />Contractor agrees to d'iGgemly ptsraue weak tfsrough en .''
<br />campl¢tian but steal! not be resptxasible for delays ~ eay of "
<br />the !'allowing reastrns: ant's of neglect or amisskxua of Owaec
<br />err C;Mwncr's employees or Owner's agent, aerie afGod, stormy
<br />err inc•krme~rrt weather. strikes. lockout, boyeotta, or other
<br />iulattr union atuvitica, oxt¢a work nrdetetl by Owner, as~ta of
<br />public c-nervy, riots or aril tvsrnmotioa, inability to secure
<br />materials through regular reetrgnized channels, imposition of
<br />government priority of nllocatiuo of materials, Eailure of
<br />Owner to mate payments when due. or de-ays cauud by
<br />tnsperrinns, ur changes ordered by inspectors of
<br />governmental bodies cunttrned.
<br />l7. LilrNS & ASSESSMEtW'1'S
<br />t"nltss sprctftcadly incVudefl in this agreement Contractor
<br />wi;ati :cut lee he~ltf resps;tnsibtc fur arty bonds, 1'tens of
<br />assrssme:tts un existing real t:statt, nor sewer or utility
<br />assussnttrtts our yet a lien unsaid prxeperty.
<br />t)wntr .agrees to remavtr. or to protect ant Personal property
<br />it+sidc and out. tncirtdistg shrubs and fiawers, and Contractor
<br />strait not be held resptrnsible far damage to said items.
<br />Cuntrnrtor shall dilligently attempt to save such property
<br />from harm.
<br />Cuntrartur shall have the right ro stop work and W keep the
<br />job idle if permeate are nut made h+ him when due.
<br />2U. Al1llfTtONAL k'ILL
<br />Unless spcci6eally included, addtuuual fill, dirt and top sort
<br />wdI be atnsidered extra and shaft be at pwner's expense.
<br />1ny ~eccss ntatrnris delivered ku Utc tub sett but nut
<br />nc~•dcd to complete elite contract shall reeuain the property of
<br />the Cnnu actor.
<br />12. PAYMEN"T PERMS
<br />[tegulu stattntemis sleet! t+e submined by Contractor to
<br />Uwner and are payable accurdtng Ia tree terms listed ern the
<br />face'-f elite Agrerntrnt.• A finance charge will bt asstsstd uu
<br />any pact due halaucrs cuatputed nt a periodic rate of 1'/ire
<br />per month (annual percentage rate of tH='o),an past due
<br />balancer ui S3QU.Utt sx less, aed I°~r per netenth lannutil
<br />lx•rcenta{r rate ~,{ f?"a) un the uulstartdttrg last due bslance
<br />;n Cccs~ys .>t l~t)t).tIU.
<br />A Met iwmc Lren wilt trt feted autvmai;catty if lht taviluttt is
<br />trot paid withtp the lien penal.
<br />"tn the absence of other tenus staled to elite Agrrru,ent, this
<br />atks!unt is pa Yabte w tthiet i } slats crl heeling dale.
<br />tiak.x tae as a,, ..s4 is:ct.~st i.; th;s yu~+tat~-..., acct r•, t,~ t)w cet~s
<br />as:es~u;:r
<br />