.'"' (} ! # Q ~ ~ gXB'1'I~L n v cr OF BEdl. ESTATE M~G~
<br />iCNdW ALL Ml!!( BY THBSE F&'ESENTS, that are, Son F. Lueba aad
<br />Barbara K. Luabs, buab~d and wife, of Grand Island, County of Hall,
<br />State of liebraaka, as the Martgagses in the certain Mortgagee-Deed,
<br />haraiaa:fter deescribed, da hereby certify that the said Mortgage Deed
<br />steicts is dated the 29t3x day of December, 1975, made and executed by
<br />Mid-,A~erica Co,, a Nebraska corporation, as Mortgagor, to Son F. Luaba
<br />need Barbara R, Lutebs, husband at+ti ;rife, and recorded fn the o€fice of
<br />the Register of Deeds of Hall Cewntq, Nebraska, as Document Na.-'
<br />Ifs-E1ti75IXt of the racarda of said office, ie, as to so ~cYt of the
<br />property herein described, to Brit:
<br />Begiem ing at a point Five Hundred Twenty
<br />Eight and Foar Tenths (528.G) feat North
<br />of the South bvunduy end parallel
<br />to same, theSoutherly Three Hundred
<br />Twenty-Five-(325) feet of the remaining
<br />real property described in the farasaid
<br />mortgage, which propsrtp has new been
<br />platted and recorded ~ ie legally
<br />described as follows:
<br />Lots One (1) through fifteen (15) both
<br />inclusive, in Slack Three {3); Lots
<br />Fourteen (14) t?u~rongh Twenty-'S'in: (25)
<br />both inclusive, in Blaek 'ywro (2); Lots
<br />Sixteen ('15) ~4rp'',#P!ineteen {19) both
<br />i.ntlusive in 1slbeJk (1), al,i in
<br />Olds Mf11 Sul~dis~!q~:riar~~, an addit'lamr to the
<br />City of Grasnd'f 1'~I;laad, 1Tdil CCMUnty, Nebraska,
<br />fully paid, satisfied, released and discharged, This Release is given
<br />on the estpreae terms and condition that it shall 1n no wise affect the
<br />lion of the above ~ntionea mortgage on the remaining, land described in
<br />said omrtgage, but shall only be construed as a release from the lien
<br />a# said mortgage of the Land above described.
<br />Gi11?iESS our hands at Grand Island, Nebraska, this ~~ y
<br />of October, 1980.
<br />. Lux a
<br />der era IC Lue a
<br />srATS of xESSAStcA )
<br />sa.
<br />GtlUNTY ~ HAljb )
<br />the thi&~~ day of October, 1980, before me, g Notary Public,
<br />dulp ca~isstoned and qualified for said county, personally came Jon F.
<br />i-1. 1.ti+Bt-a Batbsra Il. Lueba, husband and wife, to me personally known to
<br />~- ,~ T~.e itirtpt3,ca1 pere~s arlw exescuted the above Release and acknowled$sd
<br />,~ the~esi~ ihe~eat Lo ba.his,`:har sad their voluntary act and deed.
<br />Witnega`my baud and seal at Grand Island in said county the
<br />dt-y sad =year „las t about written.
<br />'-. ~#
<br />NO u c
<br />Mt eommieaian expires: i - ,,f ,~ ~ ~,~ ~°:~,y~~'~
<br />_ ,,,~„-
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