<br />
<br />~-% ~ f t ~ ~ 056 ~IlDHafGAt~E
<br />'f°Hi?91 I71D~it7SIRr8. reeds teis__._..._..~~~~--.-.-. +dsl d___y_¢CSS+i}2rGS_____-.--- ----.-. 19.$52-_. eY ktIId 6s~areett
<br />x*a1!:er_t_._Sarensen _and_l,aara J__~rens_~tt_ httaband, and rift, each in his and her- o~wce
<br />-- s•~br s~s2ttsa.t~t.-.
<br />d -- Ha t I ------ --_ Cewtty, Diaeasaiat. y mortpatr _ ~ ~ . aad Goad islntd 7Soat CmtAtay of Greed Island. a aarpaaataoe
<br />+ aed esi aadrr the ~! at PYabrasin wke its pr!aeiitd olSw aed p4oa st t>ro~aaa u Greed itiaad. Niebtafita, et q®a®:
<br />W I'd'!it<"38EPti: 'Peat and tetottgepx...t~.... tar and at considaesdos a/ tea awe d ~ _ -
<br />,...,,
<br />.terse LHo,tsand Tvt~ i#undred fight d~2a~s_~nd....~4,f~Qt)_~swttmttt- ~" r i.
<br />Nr reawgt afi wetee zx hereby atin~`:deed. Ao ___ by tilaae ptaaenta > aad wuriffEStltA aefd elltattga, ' aed aaym,
<br />Hal-1 ~ .
<br />fikttwar, aV the toGo.knaefaacribed real ae[ace, adttetad is theC:oanty of -- - . _ __ _. __-.--_-~_.-...___.._
<br />aad 'kate of Nehrgea. to-wtt:
<br />Lots Eit~v.>n (ii1 any{ I'welvc (t2), fn tllock Seventeen il7'~, Original Town of
<br />,,airn, i:ati ' =iinz~, Le bra~,kzt
<br />TuKcther with all tkeattatt. err •u~xw[[wyt- iyrhtutK. and Ritunbuyl eyttaRaumt rM fixture. uxciudtoK artewm. rwnxt~t. suxto wvadnwx rrn!
<br />doorw atd wenalow stuWs M rfimda, uwO vn ur m ezktkttactwn wrih ~+ad prrrpny, whether tM eamx rte rrrw koatcad otk and ryropn'tY or ikeraattea•
<br />puceci thkrraus
<br />7'!r ltA41:.kkds YCt HOLD THF: tiAMF:. cryfeaher wteh dk and rtoKUhv [he tanatwnu. hw~editaments red appurtstktekcea ttkerutgtn be-
<br />iaerEinq. err ,o aoywaw appartasxtki. ?nraerx. rwd terra[[[ 4Mm aide ta thnk aama =isod nnarKsdtxr^ hteehy curenatK ._. -. wifkk s,a,d
<br />orett~fagtrm that :. hap „az e~~ . at tkka ,tedirrry hereof, thr kwtol cawtuxr .:; ref the pmenre aiawr aarve!red akui rieekcki~hexd.
<br />aktid,,, .~.t r-~: nwaad ed r kltx!^'~ and hkrialewibla eatata ui kttheritarxx tlxteneo., tree arwd rlaar ant rll eer:nmbraekaar. red that C !xe y°. ~w-dd
<br />wree;~n[ and eie,+artrf ihs iitar clrr Fe~rr~rw+r ai¢rtMxat~ t.iwr riwetaea anti ~rternka:+txta rm€ ati ~ra+~~ra~ wfr~ranna~nr~:t
<br />.:~''~1E;lV'a.F ~:! a Al,4k' 4k;a ra@ tlas xeuxrktatieskt ka r~xtex'~attert arRl i~tatkva'wxt! to daa;aure t!ua dnayerakkst s,! t~)kr- ;un; :.ki -..
<br />-e9Px as &.dF+-e "'ny&,;! xt+. Ili.'. Il cr~~ $ ky~hi eta ~ t,;'^: rip 'n ~'~I'!,7 xr ~k~W~~nr a ~:; Iii, ;.
<br />1 ' ! ll!nllar4 YY
<br />'vaftir itttstMaxt tdraexaru, tapcdkaP"lath suulh ciaarylea load addeatrCaa ax unay tke due a~aci f~xatuable txV a"ari rrarrtKaKre uxrlur t!u+ 4rt*n-w arxd rnxnd htireuy
<br />petuptweury awe a eren data hetreweth atd rugkrwl[ hae>,by. eaecvtrd by feel innf(ttaj[rN " ter, wud nwrtKaKar. I,ryabie ax exprcnsrex!
<br />if ~d eae4r. rfd W saaeta th~jisloemsen a( a!3 tie ta,rma and aoedMatos CunWkoad tlkaretn. 1'he lefmr ~I tad nUtr atv aetwl.y ,xaurtaxat«ri
<br />11waB1 try SiM rofenlRtil.
<br />it r the iwraptpa and attwrnert t>t t!r patty htaekrt that thr mwtpp ahail also ewcktee any tucure advances Oxatl! W seal nwrtKaKrx:,
<br />by tad , rod aay and ~ ~ to sddtt.ra, w [he rmnttnt above stated whtcd. sad riukt~re. or any of thenk. mry „wr. ka
<br />aad matY,gs~+u. hawwar sv xdarsoad. waabttar by ekots, 1raBlk oauum ur ,lthw'wkre iTus reweLKa,Ke shall r,atukrk kn folk &rrre and etl[at txtw[rn
<br />the Part+aa htrrata and tiktar hat.n, prranaat rep;eaotsuve, eucixae[va aad esskgtr. onui aU amounts aeattsd ftatwa,tder, ,ncludkng tutu rr
<br />advaoeaa, rte part is tuLe wah mtareW
<br />Tike . - hrehy rawtrk w sad mark~aa ail tkeeta rml tttrnar arretpt at aoy ud ail [mar [rota sad pnafwny rnd
<br />heea9y aat4arw stud emrtrtyiwt w nu adrau.. rt dtx rtpUOtt• upon 4efiwit, to takke charKe rd said propkrty end odiart ril reenw red knxrma
<br />tetlafPtke aril apply tie alkaaa to tea prymtmt td iataratt, paatttipal, tefarwoe ptetgaaksa. taaaa, aaaeaasaslt, tepees or dtgtf+svsmtklps,~.~.
<br />naceraarT ~ 'teat' 3sai tk+-We+ty ,a trmuatrWe a,~3eucm, ,x en other rMrtq~tw .err prymaeta pnuvalyd Mnr herein err in thr aae lrtehy atm. 9'h
<br />reef ekkxapeimaar shad! cUOSwue m toxer unt.ik the uttpad hakanrx rat sad Wort r fw!ly prd The aeitkK ut pkxaaaaarwt iktaetmdar shsl! in m tttaa»ar
<br />~parrra Let rataeet estd awtdi/w a the n><iacuao oL rkx~d sktamt b7' duraeiaaue'e at athswtae.
<br />Yea Iatitree ttl tM uwtpps m akrre any ui eta ttdit6a eatauudar at any timke sidl aw be cerotNOed as s trsivar d ib tdt~IK m aaeprq tAae-
<br />trknr at aay ititr ttma. atd m [[twat spat aad etdatc7, stmt ~iianea with all the unat and ptavwaoaa aF as)d etxfa eed aE tela tf-
<br />lE aad astst `- shaid esaaa to ba pad m satd ttrmtgases the serve amtkant, ct earattndar, >red aadat•tia takatta aad-aai:.
<br />d aat8 auto ireiY eaaatad, Inthadtol[ fatitta advaa^.etk, end sny eatrarreae ur teaetrris titatwat In atx~onittealx wits tie Mt~ka tttd 1~-- -
<br />tiwaet, ud Y rttd ktrIX ... u. abed ' wtth all lie jasvssinair d acid oaMt aad d thpt ~~ tt1eR tAtltla ~tlaet~~81t raid:-,.
<br />txitaww m taaaie ut ~ lrtees and stl6+tdc, aad aad mesipq!aaahsid isa re[[[[ad to tie pttaaaaaian e# ad of aaid>+lap~. aYiaMt~'>~1fl.iJNikta.•.
<br />dtdaw tit ,aeaia of aa+d eaY sad ai< iaditidnaas trrpkwrMwf tiareby tea ha iamasdiete~ des twd payseM. YMb ttttytt lefeidttk!tttttnll/tt~
<br />ra ttklat rery etiar >~ at'ttaa m psatatx 1Wt tip- Apptairaekkn[ wuvad. - - - - -
<br />TMa trttdasa aik.u es dredyt~ euyitte aad afraid anat. to the 4.netk of the brit,, atreatpts, ~waKgtexe, wtarllteeea tttt~ efI1M~# 11ia .
<br />wtipaetvrs pettwr tteteaa. - -
<br />.,_.
<br />lx wiT!st ytti€Rt~3t', said ~rypyatr s h.~tt: !ruwaw ra z:hati.r... im+i.m..zc..-tea twat .lleNe ~tkn
<br />~-
<br />__ -
<br />~~ ' .~,
<br />`-s~iar.t -. ..wren-,~
<br />