~";~' t?P iKSlfitiXGt-Cxaarr4be ~V~~s ~ ~ ~; ~. SJ ~ tl rs!r3'rhn sfie f.n;n ; We~tt #e~t^n pe 5f14+~e
<br />!?V CC3.1SiCYERrfTfCi.~' of the psyxctx! of ike debt xa+xrd tJurrix, :kx ~~~mmercial ^;arianal Bank &
<br />':'rust ~. , Gzand Island, Nebzaska krrtby rtttases tkr rxortgage ixade to '
<br />Ccxzanercial `laticnal Bank & Trust Co. ,rand Island, Nelraska
<br />by Perry L. Walker and Viola C. Waiker, h'.uband#
<br />and wife
<br />oet tfie foUoruiwg describtd rea! tstate, to-uat: Lot Utte f l } and the Easterly Three and Eight Tenttzs
<br />(,1.$) feet of Lot Ttro (2?, in Block TM1tenty Seven {271 in Russel Wheeler's Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. ,
<br />of Stctiox ix Trrrvxskip Rax9t o/ tkr P bl:,
<br />Conxty, Stan of uki~k is rerordtd ix BifdfK uj Xeal Estate Afortgagts, page ,
<br />n( tka rrcnrds a{ said t;axxty- Locument tt78-006$24
<br />f.N TE-STlUi().Nf' Gf'HEREpF, tke snid Commercial National Bank & Trust Co. kat carsed
<br />tkert prrsexts to br rsetxted by i{~~esidrxt axd its ('orporate Sea! !n be a/jztd keretn tkis list
<br />day of Oetoher ,x980
<br />`{•dx _ Commercial National Bank & TrusttC6.
<br />.. _ ~.
<br />t '$~1'' .~~ .:'~! lC::.:1~.~.. .. -.. _. - Sy.. o ....g -. r - .: :._..~c.V.3~f'reridext
<br />-"~ - - .r`
<br />-,...,.-...._ -i.... - - ----- --Ittrst -- ---....._, Caskit-, Setrttary
<br />:~c:........___..... - ~~ On thls......-21st..day of ....................octaher...--• 19..8R..
<br />~~ ~~_.._.~~ia:.:~.'.~1...,:-__-...._.-.....County ~ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public is and for
<br />t~tY~ PY ciBree-.....T.hsxaas..,L... ~t7riilQ. - -.-_.-,_.-__-.-..-__..--.__..-...----....---..-.Y~s€-President of the
<br />- I:~a~ :ltak~
<br />..13,antc._&.'Erutst...ti:~4....:;za~d..IS1;~.itd.--Net~rr's..slsa,....-,..., ._..-...-__...a Corl~ratiom
<br />sus piateal~~ keeY~rr~o bs the President and identical parson whose tueerie is adixed txr the ahowe release and
<br />ei~mowledgsrl 1t~ic exetxilxtion thereof to kme his voluntary act and deed as srtch ofl9cer, and the voluntary net attd
<br />' to c~rar raze flee
<br />iNittusss eny hasaa ~TOta 'at ~ po Es .t reto used by its authority.
<br />~+ . r~; at-~,L?ry~g~„,i, t~a~l>r asks. ,~~ 3n said County flee day arl+d yeet]t
<br />last shows written. Sty el tMeer~rstu
<br />m~,~~
<br />{ ?.,~ ~,.." ~' Cep,, iRvw ~ - ,
<br />My commission expires ~---,i...,~ .. . . 19,N!!-2Z, 'vlif .. -C-:~ _,. ;T .e .u,. ~.-.....-._... Notary Public
<br />
<br />i
<br />
<br />
<br />