<br />3. Thr tnortgaRor covenants sad agrees tbad if he dull fail to pay said indebtedness or any part thereof'trliea
<br />tbte. or shad fait to preform any covenant or aRreerttent of this imtrvtteent or the promissory note secured ieereby, the
<br />indebtedness hereby secured shall immediate)y become due, payable, and coileetible withant ttoticr, at the
<br />elgRien of the mortgagee or assigns regardless of maturity, and the msltRaRee or his assigns may before or after tangy
<br />t=said property :without appraiaement tthe mortRattor having waived and assigned to the teiottgagee sie>~-bu of
<br />I t r at judicial sale pursuant to the provisions of ~ L.S.C. 2001 ~ a 1 : or
<br />(tt) at the option of the mortgagee, either by ateetiaa or by eolaciUtioa of sealed bi~,Ya.~ the ItigbatN:tse~
<br />best bid complying with the terms of salt sad manner of payment specified in the ptibliet.ed notice of oak, fitolt
<br />Riving four weeks' Warier of the time, terms and place of sash sale, by advertiiemtat not lesa_than once
<br />during each of said fonr weeks in a newspaper published or destnbuted to the countyria which acid pzaperty
<br />is dtuated, sIi otber Wolter being herby waived by the mortgagor (and said mortgagee, or any pennon an
<br />behalf of said mortgagee, may bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by said note). Said sale shall be
<br />held at or tnt the property to be sold or at the l:eda•ral, county, or city rnurthotne for the county in which the
<br />property is Heated. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to execrate for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to the purchaser at such sale a sul6cient conveyance of said property, which conveyance shall caauia
<br />reeitaL r to the happening of the default upon which the ezeeutioa of the power of sale herein granted
<br />depends; and the said mortgagor hereby conetitutea and appbinu the mortgagee or any agent or attorney of the
<br />mortgagee, the agent and attorney in fact of said mortgagor to make such reeitaL sad to exeeate said
<br />costveraace and hereby coveaanu sad agrees that the recitals so made shall be eHectwi to bar all egniq or
<br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which an hereby
<br />expre~esly waived and conveyed ts, the mortgagee; or
<br />(ttti take any other appropriate action pursuant to state or Federal statute.. either is seats er Federal
<br />court or otherwise for the disposition ai the property.
<br />Ia the event of a ail! as heninabove provided. the mortRaRor or aor• person in poaseasion under the mortgagor shall
<br />their 6ecomr and 6r tenaau holding over and shad forthwith deliver ptrsermion to flu purchaxr u such sale or be
<br />summarily dispossessed. in atx~ordanre with the pmviaions of law aplulirabk to truants holdittR over. The power
<br />and agency hereby pcranted are coupled with an interest antN are irrevaeiitle by death cir otherwise and arc granted
<br />m c~m~lative to the remedies for coilertion of card indebtcdncrs provided by law.
<br />4. The prneeeds of any sale of said property io aceordaaee with the preceding paragnpb^ dull be applied ~
<br />ue pay the casts sad etcpettser of said wle, the e:pe:ew incurred by the mortgagee for the propose of prottetiog of main-
<br />taining said property, and xrasonabk attorneyr' fern; secondly, to paw the indebtedness secured hereby: sad thirdly,
<br />to pay any surplus or excess to the Iterson or peraow lettally et-titkd thereto.
<br />5. Io the swept raid property is sold at a judira:l fareelarure ark or purauaat is the power of yak harciwabovs~
<br />gremud, aed !~c f ass teas rs;5eient trs pay Lies fatal indrbtedatua secured by this insttvmeat aatl evidettred by
<br />acid prornitsery Ware, the tuortgttgee toil! be cpiitEcd to a drSciea~ey judgtnetu far the attwtuat of the dcjtc~ienct riatleaast
<br />regtart! to apprsisameret.
<br />6. in the event the mortgagor (ails to pry any Federal, rtsle, or local ux assessment, income tax or outer to lien.
<br />charge, fee, or other expense charKed aRatasi the property, the mortgagee is hereby authorsed at his oMtwn ~ PiY
<br />the saute. Any sums so paid by the mortgagee shall be added to and become a part of the principal amount of the
<br />indebtedness evidenre.l by .aid note, subject to the same tertna and conditions, li the mortgagor shall par and
<br />discharge the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and chili dirchacttr all taxer
<br />and litxas sad the costa fees„ and exile;sse. of making, enforriaR, and exrcutinR thin rnortRaRe, theat thu twortytge
<br />dull be eaexekd attd sutreadered,
<br />7. The covenrnu heroin contained shall bind and the benefits and advaataRes shall inure to the respective we-
<br />eatraua snd of the parties berets. Whcnerer used, the singular number shall iaclttde the plural, tNe pluual ilae
<br />singular. attd the ass of nay gesular s6aA iaelradr ail genders-
<br />8. No waiver ut any eavrpant herein ce of the obligation secured hereby .hall at any time thenafur 6e heW
<br />to ba a waives of the terzas hereof or of ibr note secured hereby.
<br />4, In eomplianer with seetsoa 101.11 d) o! the Rulra and ReXttlatioas of the Mnall Hhsiaess Adasiaistrrtioa (15
<br />C.F.R. 161.1gd) ), thin iarawstwsat is is be caorrurel and aaforced ti sceardaass wilt applitturbls Federal taw.
<br />1N. A jwlieial drerrs, seder, or j+tdgnssat hoidiigt any provision or portion of this ietserutttent inwlid or oar
<br />atftlraeable dead not in any tray iatpair or prcelude the enforeenarni of the rrmaisirtg proviriaets or portimu o!
<br />tkis i4tlrntsttent.
<br />~ ~ s+ :~>:, ~ ._ ..
<br />