(Pf~tAl~f ~x-proveir~s~} Loan No ~~" -~.Y_r=---- - =---- -- --
<br />Tl~S #JD€KftlRE. made arrd executed this 7k,
<br />_ day of ~~,~r=-~,__ 19 .~~L2_. - by and between
<br />Steven L. Husen and Nancy !(. Husen {husband & wife)
<br />parfies of the first pi3rt. and Commercial f=eder~ - _-- -- _ __ ----- ---- ------. ,
<br />Savings and Loan Assoaatiort, ttte party of the seeorW part.
<br />WtTMESSETFf: fha! said parties of the first part. t« and m conaideration of -_- Itrel ve Thousand i)o11 ars 5 N4J100-
<br />-- - - -- -
<br />DOLLAAS, paid by said party of the sec«W pan, the receipt of which is Hereby acknowledged, nave granted. bargained. said aril
<br />rbrtveyed, and by these presents, bargain. sent and urgo said party of the second part. the fonov,ing destxibei real
<br />property sBuafed in the County of na t t and State of TM or • , to-wit:
<br />Lot eleven (111, in E1ock seven {7), in Parkhill Second Subdivisin;,,
<br />an addition to the City of (rand Ysiand, Na11 County, Nebraska.
<br />together wfth al! the terrerrrents. hereditarttents arxf appurtenances to the same hel«tging, acrd ail ttte estate, title, dower right of
<br />homestead, claims and demands whatsoever of the said parties of the first part of, in or to card premises « any part thereof; and said
<br />parties of the'Past part do hereby covenant that sand parties of the first part are IawfWly seised of said premises, that said premises are
<br />tree from incumbrarr„e. except any laths of record as of this date.
<br />and that saitt parties of the first part wilt warrant artd defend Ilia title to said premises against the lawful Geints and demands of aN
<br />pers[xts wfromsoever, except as above sin forth. Parties of the first part furthermore specifically coverTam:
<br />Nat to suffer arty change in awriership of tits real estate mortgaged herein, by safe, eitlter outright, ar bll ]arwi contract, or by
<br />aesigrnnent of any inter't3st tftereon.
<br />Fd~YiOED ALWAYS, and these presents are upon these conditons:
<br />WMEF2EAS, said parties of the first part nave executed ary~ejtxeted iu said party of 4na seoond part that r
<br />'3 6/o UtJ ___._
<br />promissory note of even date rn it,e 4ross amourti of S >
<br />NOW, if the said parties of the first part shaft well and truly pay, « cause to be paid. the sartl sum of money m said Hots herernbet«e
<br />mentioned, with irrfereSi thereon according to the tenor and eMect of 5axf note, and shat) duly keep and perform aN the other covenants
<br />and agreements tterern contained. then these presents td be Hutt and void. But tf satd sum of money or any pan thereof, or any interest
<br />thereon, is rwt paid wtren the same +s d,re. or d sera panres of the friar pert she!! !ad to keep and perform any of the cavenants Herein
<br />contained, the adder hereol shall have the optxr» to dec#ars the while of card indebtedness due and payable at any time after such
<br />failure or deiauii, and may maintain any action at Iaw « equity to recover the same, and ttte commencement of such action shill be the
<br />anryr notice of the exercise of sent optxm requved-
<br />WtiEfiEAS, the unttersignec! ha~tYr.c ,A~y~tered rrtto a Property tmprovuamerrt Loan Contract wttn party cwt the second part. whereby
<br />ihcy 1' ret,'eivx+d a aan of ~ ;:3-+ tnr: above daSG~nbat ryaE prtsperty, as av°,dcrrrced bi'
<br />the prrxtory rKtte rtrenin~ned a~'+e~va, arxf as further securrry tdr saxi k~fs: aixt as ~r part of fna c;.r:ttrdarafron for rnaiung saxf loan
<br />torHract the undr~d, r3 ctauif oa r*tade as tttereue pravrdeo. neresby seu, assegrti and set aver unto party of ifte second part, the
<br />r~rti~ i~~~ ivy n_nnfira of trig rQal rascra~ra E'h*ye d~r.±+er^ td tkata' arxt to f:t.'ld tfkt sarS:fk ur:trl t'ia aum i:t a ~ e n
<br />and interest as provides in said teen contract are fury paid
<br />The txtdersfpned hereby apfroint the party d ins secortct part as ttterr aft«ney rn tact, givn~ said attorney power +rrevex.abiy, either rn its
<br />own Herne w ow name. to take all necessary steps for proceedings, rn court yr oiherwrtte, to collect rentals due on saxi premises and,
<br />wirer veCdnt, t0 rater said prernrses, aft at such hmes and rn such manner and on such terms as to said att«ney may seom best.
<br />test above wr%ten
<br />Stk~TE/ t7rF htfif~RAS+tA
<br />..
<br />On the ~ :i_~ y
<br />#%~+!tty. ftertortai-y cane
<br />we nave nereu~n"t'o~ J our ;`~ nand the date
<br />" ^_ i Iii
<br />rwi ~+ ~k' ..L.',,.. r
<br />Nancy !~ ~~~It~Sen
<br />C;c>unty
<br />day ul , t._~~•t~= l Y9 1 - before rite. tter undersrgned..t notary PubBC ~n dnd fof s.tuy
<br />5teverr L. ttusen and Nattsy K. Husen (hustsand 4 wife)
<br />~s m! lutowo t0 be the rdecii~al peraor¢i. wtxrss name 5 are affixed io t~ finegang utstrume»t and ar;krKrwter#~if the
<br />9iln'te b be tAlYir ookrrrtary act acv! deed.
<br />YM~apea my hand and NfRarrai `trod! ilia day arxt year Last atxnne writtery ..
<br />~ ~ ~ hkkarti PuL•f+c .• -
<br />+s
<br />C43nMrtf]rldSrrt gxpH€s: - ~ :~j Gk} ~ ~ fa t .y '
<br />