~ttt +r--~ t ~i~~ tio.,..... ~...It1.5_._s_79.-• •-•
<br />H.A3212ZNz~i'OAi, an tanremarried widow;
<br />wife- aae€3 husband,
<br />~. H~RR3i~iG`PfSN, a single per;~on; RL3TIi E.',
<br />of - Hall 'C"oaatg, ;k nhraaka. he-ein rat;.Y1 tSriTs"tr:Af: fl R. a: e~nn4sr[e-ra?!m: pt ~ 8~~r ~d~#. Q~ in hand -
<br />~id: d herehv ¢raet, harKavn, :u_'~+. acd mnvnv to TIF}: S'ift'{i%:''I"iAI. itiRt.knti?'}: fit,#S~~*;;' r7}' ~1f F.R tc n, w enrturer.~n-.
<br />- d tb<Stste pt ?a'e: x' der~y. #aszag its aria^_Spal n1l3re m zh. t,'ct= cd tie,.:r k, ;Lea' 3er~v, hsr±+tta ral#ati .`,`.i €lld Tt.Ati 1<: E. tte sucw.trs
<br />- and ssstgns- Smei~er, i6e ioI[ow~iag dr.+e°rtipod sea! xtate xk;:at+xt ln]~L - - ~'..
<br />- Hall Cpstntr, ~ebraaka, try-a'tt; .
<br />Tract 1 Northwest Quarter (Nf~} and the North Half of the Southwest
<br />Quarter {I~~SW;) and the West Half of the Northeast<Quartex
<br />(W~Nu~) end the Northwest Quarter (h'Sd~) and the-West-Half
<br />of the Southwest Qisarter (w~St~s3 of the Southeast Quarter (SE 4) ,
<br />all in Section Twenty-Three (23), Township Eleven (11) North,
<br />Range Ten (10}, West of the 5th P.M.,
<br />' Tract 2 East ~ia1f o€ the Southwest Quarter {E~,SW'~t} of Section Twenty-.
<br />seven (2.7), Township Eleven {11} North, Range Ten (10), West.
<br />of the 5th P.M.
<br />Tract 3 Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NL~'NW~):and_the.
<br />South Half of the Northwest Quarter (S~NW~e} of Section Thirty-
<br />. One (31), Township Twelve (12} North, Range Eleven (l1), West
<br />of the 6th P.A2.
<br />Containing in aII 575 acres, more or Iess, including all irrigation
<br />and-~te~ ~igztts, iZriga~ivn welts, Puts, irrigation e~uip~iefif~ and -
<br />,acc~ssories thereto:, ~ i
<br />,
<br />Subject t~3 easenten~s of a~ecrard'. an,t~ aristi~xg ro~d~ and, h~.ghwa~*~. ~~
<br />~~
<br />togsthsr orith s}1 the t-ppartananees fherot.nla helpaging or cn any wife pertataing th«reto. \~Spr:gagor retinyuishe4ati rights o1 6omr_
<br />- stead alto alI otknr eantatkttnnt ir,tzsrfie6 ,n said ptetnrses, The ran vayancn at the protmaea above dascri izaci together w:it: aft -the rents,
<br />isaacw and yrol#s ihareot is made to c~:vr« the repay nlcnt 4P a luau made try tho ulartga~gcw w i#e illortgagor, as svtdoaced by a pramse-
<br />qaa~ a~sa n€ eY~tt date 4ese~s3t16 in t~~ prtnctpal sam pt Exilrzt Hundred Thousand
<br />' #~otian
<br />t,! ~~: ${?4, OOt'~. ~0 t, nT,wcuxcw~# tt+- the 7~i~prCi~tor apd payal+le tt,> Sias airtier at the-_~Sortgagee, with interest st f»'se rate
<br />t#teraus sat, SUrth, the aI and inttsrest pavalx~a la a!xnrdauar ~w'sc6 ik7ah Wq§r.;paa
<br />~,'~~~. ' ~ tiP _ t ~ter~x aTtiWt' G~,. v ikurNk{a7;t; I; rt,pp.~ry .Hole, aid tl~alty matyr+ng ea
<br />J~i'#b~y ~., 2$ ~$ Jtl: aut€tx due a tae# Naar n, !w~ #te tpt Lhesatt of~;~tper aRir4liik. and ?t~ih a
<br />tntlp ipGt4rasY's: #e's es r~u4y i~ d49ertratutrti ?y SRS i'sturt :d <<~
<br />'~ ~~~ 3pr t~€. ~,-~ >:i€~~-, a~-nt; ;tg~tt~~ as f ail ,„~*:
<br />- ~-~ ---=--a~-s.~~~°s~='~.~sz„d-B.'Fa.R€r~~sttrtt•-:.,. ~~t~. , s.-..,~n,ue:'_=F~ac.~t.!s~-g~a-_-~... 3::; -., }..€r `.-~-
<br />.r -.?~-,.~.
<br />, [9rtV@~' art 8b3i:tL'[e C]tt@.:f•. teC apmplr, tnC[tpoing aft C#tE rights o! hOR:x»iead, and wlit wafraRL 8nd deleted Lhe title C4 C#te aamC AgAItLL
<br />- a#i #aW#Ul GP3¢ISp.
<br />2, Ta pay ale sues;. hereby securt+d when due.
<br />- - -8, To pay when d.te sit ta~tea and aases~aR7e~rts of every. type or naturr lecie or asw~~d against said proterty, nr uppn the ?:Intt-
<br />R'a-#niarest ihert+in; apd also to pay any rla:m, Lien or encumbrance against said proSzzrtg whie# map i>e or bcenme pre pr and senior
<br />to: the Bees af:thia mirrigagte. - _
<br />!. To keep alt 6utdings on the mcrt~aged property insured against §:xis and,daRpage izy fire. windstorm and other hazards, Hrith xuch
<br />' '. asr{Vent infuraace.cafiyytky ar ivsnaipaniCS. and in aile#1 arnounte, as are satistactary with thr 9io.*tgxgee, and with the proceeds o! -trt>;a~
<br />~ ~ isayabk tV the i~~'tga. aft-#ts-#at~reat Ropy appeal. Ths polio of insurance, and aDStearts and other evidence of title, shat; 'tre deieverrd
<br />ta.and ba#d try thehletrt~agsewltbtritC tiahil4ty,and upon lorecinsusrr o! this Rrprt~age, :.r arquisition o1 the real eataie or any part thereof,
<br />it#_ asey-gather, tsur:neri tilirtli-#aexurne-t3pn abacp#ute property of the 44ortgagas-. The loss prof.~3s ;lose ext~ns~ o! n:llectioni s?ra'st. at
<br />,'.. Mflrtga~e~-`s-optEt>s., at>€+3text t,~ said iaelebt~ednesa, whether uue or not, or tv the rinpteratic+n oI Cho imprnvecnenia, or alt ar any-psri.
<br />L 3aay,Ap rs~ by Mortgages, #n event n# forec#asurs Mort.gagxx authpriass and empowers Mort~pgee to efiect'ineuraatfe ittsgtl
<br />t~ }xreRt~satw #n the IpiN~Ytsta afordaa#d for a pa[tOd eoY~riag thF time. u{ redempeion [rotn fprectvsure sale, and if At.~a'tarY tAcese#O! to
<br />:,
<br />;s Mtr~ si: ~~It isot reripcve pr dernolish r=or attrr t#se ,__,~ rr sirfc-rural rhar.cter ~t anY bftii3Rg na.~ ttr h€teaft~r pt~si:
<br />u _pt~ntass txntesa ldmtgagee shai! first: cunsetat thereto ;n writing, ,iii' will maintain the-preRSiaea in good conditiars-ard rrrpii`tr;
<br />=ti;--~.;;nR.:t~c.~~tt eF.teaae €#ktt~ctl,-tvi-wikl-npt euf ~r-rxmcrsn nru stsffet tSw .u€tsag ar rorn.~v~ ~f-a;e~-try-tc-tit;ttiirt~.i#m _ --
<br />tisaa ex~srtrt=-lt+r, fie-l~trp~ex.~t rc'itltcxtt Martp,at}zre's writtets consent: +rt o•itt comply with -aft kaws.,-ardina+~ess: reg~kt~aijsiie, - .
<br />t~a#enAQta. a:h# Fea4ricistatu at£at~taa~thr prartussts,- and wktl nvt euRer tx Swrmtt 'any v?aktiore iht:real.
<br />-''~ #.a-e7Sd.sy~ni ..drrragrgasr 4ru;is let pay -arty triaisn. tine err. rsrez~,brantrt- nr th,. t.ax,«* tx .,, ...; s^=or>?s at.,.ave rpe'atiVteed. l:r tie v- Sloe,. -. -
<br />-~r!AgII#327~i3~!3#'l~>: °•."'°~. [3r 'ke8p told prsm.isne r;i.ta;lp,#r-. q* ah9ar-4'~c°,;.', [- .t [.»sr iaa tt. ki r .,.t3: cal ,ie,r: s?f any arh4fe, Ur {Se~(# 4'•-~~: -
<br />-.- ~,: 1ae ~-
<br />- ;lar,~~,.°~'auew~f~'a.:.- vt zha tsa~wn, aavat~a'n'~ aufi rgre+arr:can:, ;, ;t,.' l.~t:c. .. ;<,~:' t , ,.,> u:-...ti;ap;t,, ar or tka,,: ri-. ;ir -
<br />ka... ~ t.... ...,.. atmrtii.r=s ~' ,...~.~s. ~ If tk~,.- ;Sir t'v, _ . .. ,. ~ ~ -
<br />. r*.; t. n'~P .-a ';?. h:. i~.r. Y},. a ~~.k:,.": t'.". r:.' '.: a~~.,.e ES. .... i"$; .c4 tt.~, .. ~.
<br />.. - -tk.i._3s= ~ r,,,~. ~ ..: n. S,t; .:t.j-+- #a~ aa.: ~ ++F eta. .tie, ., - •?G;- .,~.. .... ._ _ t.. _ K~~
<br />a:. , .. ..f ~ :. _ ~ i7:v 'C#ik.`v3j+:.i~3tn Wit. f ~ .,Xx~3k.--la:, Ye Sf-,..-. It eu.. , ,,. '.x S,ES .. @~,, te~•".v- - a-4a 4'fliI~,
<br />i-= -- -
<br />