<br />~~~F 3~'i
<br />
<br />Fn s;onsideratian of the payfscnt of tt;e debt na~sed therein, Hf3QitER
<br />& HUOKEI3 d/hfa RIsY~4t33NI) & BL1RI~ Ht3UICER, a partnership, hereby releases
<br />the Mortgage masse to ktoaker ~ Hao}eez d,/b/a Raymond & Burl ~iaoker, a
<br />gsartnership, by Ruth ~. Fiarringtan and Harold ;~. Harrington on the
<br />fallowing described real estate, to--wit:
<br />The West Half of the Southwest 4uarter of the Southeast
<br />Quarter (W~S~I~SE=;} of Section Twenty-Three i23~, Township
<br />Eie~ren (ll} North, Range Ten {ld} , :lest of tha 6th P.;~. ,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, except that portion snecificallsl
<br />described as follows:
<br />Beginning at the Southeast Corner of t?se Nest Half of the
<br />West Half of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quar-
<br />ter i31?~W~SW~SE%a} ; thence 23o~ther2y along the East tine o€
<br />said West Half of the s,`est Half of the Southwest Quarter
<br />of the Southeast Quarter tW~W~SWa5E~d}, a distance of Six
<br />Hundred Sixty !bbd,d} Feet; thence westerly parallel to
<br />the South line of said Section 'Pwenty-Tt;ree t2?}, a dis-
<br />tance of Three Hundred Thirty (33d.d} Feet; thence Southerly
<br />parallel to the said East line of the s;~est Half of the i:est
<br />7.1~-1f of thsx _~i~~sf^itf.tgaf,_ t~sR ar ter n€ tha .r-+n~~tt:°a.~t -r'~'..ie~.rter
<br />£~t~~i~#~a~=~S~=~} , r~ distance of Six Hundred Sixty 46bd.d} Feet,
<br />to thr~ South lic~~± of said 5ecti.on Ta~aenty-~C'hree {23}; thence
<br />Easterly ala:xc~ said Swath lin+a of Sectiaaa Twenty-three 4 23 }
<br />a distance of Three. ~~undred 'Lshirty i33d.d} Feet tss ttze
<br />place of begi~~nirzg and contai.axincg S.Ckdd ar.,res, more ar less,
<br />of +~hich d.~5t~ arr~:~, more sar less, are ;„aresently occupied
<br />by County Road right--af-""~ayr
<br />whieia ~#ortgage is dated august 4 , 1971, and which is recorded ira Book
<br />155 of :teal Estate ~3artgages, Wage 499 in the office of the Register
<br />of Lleeds of Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />TN TESTiFRt3NX' WiiEi2Et3F , thy; said booker & Hooker sifbfa Raymond r Burl
<br />k~asaker, a ~aartr~~arshi~a, s cause€i these presents to be executed by o:ie
<br />~+~ ttte paa"tners this ~e3ay of ~"~ufi.~r~a,st, ;~K3 zl.
<br />i£s.~'~~~&:x?'f i'% IA~,AVV~~C >=+,k~ 's.iO~~'-cif Get 5=~c~S:Sii}`Ju Ot
<br />~,
<br />partner
<br />S'1`Afk. t3' iJEF3RA,aIiA
<br />CG~UNT`t" QF He3LZ.
<br />ss:
<br />can t~ais 'day of nugu~t, 3971, «~efore me, the undersigned, a
<br />~totary r'~xN~li~~ in said fc?x sac? ~~s>unty, rxersin;~l.ly c;ans~: ~3ur1 Hoc};er, a
<br />~~~±r of Ha-esker ~ ?-It~oYer c~.; b;~a Raymraaci & Burl 3iosaker, a p~rtr,ershz~,
<br />te.---m~-persaaally ka°~tr to a parta~e*_' a:~d the identical person whose
<br />tr~sne is a~fiated to the above release and acknowledged the execution
<br />c~ereaa~' to be his vniunt~sy act and czeed as such part.nex and tt~o ~=r~3un-
<br />t=~E-t~ ~~t ~~? ~?e~d of _ a,b ~-- --~~~~„~
<br />Witt;ess sash= hand and Notarial Seal at C~razad island, t£al1 ~cusi=:~~,
<br />~: b~ ~.,~k -* ~ day as~€l ye;; r ~ as t above wk i t t ems.,
<br />- - .. ~ _ _ _ ~r~
<br />§% _.
<br />9t' 's r t ~ ~-1 F3i'i _~~ % re ",'` = f .P,.~ `, ~ h4°.~t.%,% .,,~..-..._.... .,......
<br />