<br />1, ' s3ld at~t'Oes m faer##s+tat;
<br />a .P31- pzttmp;fy pay ttte mndr~atat:d$rw fry ~titf at t&z times and in t5e
<br />sar t grawidcd
<br />b, >E$a trrLti pap a-f tatu.+a, trat~ nYaa, amd o3fie~ gaxersmantal +aar ma~i~il t}amr, »a am
<br />iiaa fat' xfkaieh grxrx~as -taa that made -aasrriatbefsr~, and tri-- gt~ptiy aiel-vet the o~asl tsneigYa
<br />trt:fatx is t~ atsid
<br />c. -fe wi-- par sxxc-t expcnaexa and fees as may be ittcatrxed in the groteetiun and maintensnee of said
<br />pra}xrrta•, itee-uding the fcrs art any ekkartter emp3ayed by the marxgagec far the co-}a>etion of any or a-} of
<br />the indebtednmc hereby nccured, ar for foreclosure by mart{gagee's sa}e, ar court grttceedinga, or in arky ot$er
<br />-itigakion or grtsctetiing a-fccting said pxemit~ Attorfaeys' teas reastmabfy interred in stay other way aha3- be
<br />paid by k-se tunrtgagor.
<br />d far -xtter tacttrity of the indabtedtaess 1•xr€by assured, upntx the rcqueast of the mortgagee, its snao-
<br />cx~ora ar aatstgns. he shall etterutc and de-inn a supp3ementa3 martgage ar moregaleffi covering any additianak,
<br />imgrttrernrnia, or l~ttrrmenta made to k3ae pragerty hereina3tave described :nd a-3 grogertp aequired by
<br />it after tfre date hemaf !aE- in form satisfsetorsr to mortgagee}. Furtftertnore, shau3d mortgagor {ail to cure
<br />sn~y defau-t in the pak•ment of a prier or inferiar encumbrance on the_ property described by ibis instrument,
<br />sktortgagor hettby agrees ux permit mortgagee, to cure such x}efau3t, but mortgagee is not obligated to do sa;
<br />sad such adbauces eha}- became part a>f the indebtedxtr±.a secured by t}tis inetntment, attbject to the same
<br />tetras attd cttrxdiliara.
<br />u~. 'f`-tke rigfrta a°rea~ta a3 lky thz~s c~rtanweryanx:.t rF:}xs-- rrmaira in fn:li forcr mxnd effen louring env pa>etponem:mtte
<br />a~r a:+utlrns~in~rs oE" ti:-a«ia tk~rrwa~: arf t::ruirymrx!rxut ~u# ih,a irp~dm:b9:erdnr~xs awialn~atc~ea,i bw srric- }arami~~axy atote~ or stray pa~rnY therevaf
<br />eases:r+rd hcxe-te~.
<br />~. 3~fe ari-'R, r~ronEiren~axttsrl~»~ axa:awntatia~a hndrard 'aaa~aaranc~n, of nwa>#a t:vl~r €nr ty{res ant- icx axkuth am~©nnts as tl'te
<br />artnxkkG:a:#,~aaae nxtay fromat 6:irrae t:a p'iane rri<-ati:ra^~ sera she i~rttprar+e~me:rats oaa5+~ o~r N~:nerea3'te~~x maex mait- lavoperrEy, utttt-
<br />ari-i- pay' pdroartr,~{at-y w3ren c}sear arty E~u~raan:i:uuua tloexeftsr. ~4.3- inataranxe sEaa3- -xe ararriod in a.~otttpan:ira acwacnpta)t-m
<br />tta mortgagee and tfke {w-icies and rencwa3a tfxer+rof aba}- he bead -xy mort{tagax+ and leave attached t-Ya~ratkt
<br />3ttsa payab-e c#sttses to fat OF of sad in form atxxptatb-e to tftc mart~aga!vn. ftt event of -otas, mortgagnr wi-- give
<br />imnred3aie notice irk srritixkg to mortgagee, aux- tttortga;ee tnay tna$c groo# ~ 3aas if ttvtt ktade promptly by
<br />tnatSkr, and trash :tkran€+~ ctsmgany co»Etrnsd i s lrcteby authorisac# and direetad to ms3cr pal nke:ut fez sucb
<br />-oas dit7cct-v to martgagee instead of to martgaRox and mortgagee jaintlp, and thr. inettraaate graoeeds, or acy
<br />gaai t-xeteof, tray be app-ied 3tr mortgagee at its o{xtiarx etcher to she reduction of the iadebtedaeas hereby
<br />~~ ~ is t. :~::~aa __g_ir of t gro~x:y d=.,~te or da~t„~r=afl. 3n e~e:;t e# fet~-ro of eh~
<br />;soh €ks a~r°,ar try-rrf~r of tat,-e to said prdr~,rty 'at€ -atitxg°sishraxrt ,d tlt- ir~tE°.-a:-dtts~~ ~ ~Y^-~ l:~x~'rby, a#I
<br />t•i~lhtt, tit-e, sad ittta:a^w.at oE' t3`ae attrkrtgamgur in attd to any ittettranee pa-ie:i,?s tkten in fetes sbra3- peas to ehaR
<br />3an_ t~~~.= a;a rxa_?segag s €ax, xt the optF$ktt atf t-a_e , atrt~agr~., may ht° wttxrartadcrxv3 frtr a refund:
<br />€• -~~ ~. x ss ri> alt luni'3€i„ ~ a fl-- ~,t,~.~ ire ~~kr~ra:r:tt~ a.,a €rn.i~} 1 rsExrrts^ :n p4;xr~3 a .ie_;r at,xl ~,..,.d'.ttmt;
<br />r~ri-{ ;aa~vatiuli. ,^otntianit. rut sVer no twsnwto_ iukk{tax~irmeu~t, r-+am:urVrtxuxmi~arra aaf uaitid tsra3rparrty xxx atia~. {pttxt khe:rx,of;
<br />iu the e~tetat ctf fad~~ut~~ of the rxrort_eaduy~r t.~a p~ the fDtrofa-izgaa aatm w~ai,ri6 -t~~atr~isuea aewd~ ~t~€ine+wr ~er~e~at,la~d +Ytk amid
<br />grrntises, tax itnprovrtnents khr re.'lts; itt gatlJx# repair, the morYaager may mace exxch repairs ms in its distr.-titan iY
<br />met deem et€seeasary #ear the gropr%r {xra~rcrratiok+ thrrettf: <tn+- the full amount of c•rxc3t atn- twrry each paymetxt
<br />aha-3 ha! imrartrdiatefy date and paya-a#e and sftal- br Eecurcx3 br the -iest cxf this mortgage,
<br />h. ffe wi#- rxaY raluniarily crr;tir. ar {rermit to be created against t-xe lxrvperiv suixjcct to khi+a mc+rtgaESe
<br />ant 3ien or 3iane inferior err sugerior to the iirn of this morigaµe without t}xr writtetx cansent of the natte~-
<br />gaxg+ce, axkt- furtharr, he wi3! Ixer:p atad txxas,axtaux tlae riatxke #rrer #r~tnk tlxe claim ~±{ all pe:rsana sttpplyixxg lalxar err
<br />materials ftx stutstrnction of ~€ky and a#- 3kuildin~ car itxx}trtxrruxk=rrtta nos. -krittg erectard or xa3 -xe erected ztn
<br />said prerr'tise?t.
<br />d. fle w^i31 ttat- rent or assign any part +sf the rent aR' a€aial rrtra:rkAagc+- pr€xtrrrty rrc +#emolieh, or remavc,
<br />or stoi~amtia34y a+lter ronF btaildik±p~ wititout tlxe tari~tLrn ru:rn=+~rat e,:Y'tlta nxcarsgattPE•.
<br />~, Al- aaearilxs x>i ilamagrs in ecann:~€^tioYa wik-x array asntsdenxnauir}tt fax yu3rlic n.e of ur anjtarv k;s atnry of the
<br />pmpl.+rty ±~t te. tftis maxtgaare herarby aaatga>sd atad sh~l3 ba paid to murtg;atg,;~ sr3ko nkay apply t#~
<br />saxets. t~ gayatent ra# the inatatltnan€a #aaY due xxuder said nat~ and tnortgagrc is hereby autltotnanl, in the
<br />__ _I .F. ._ _._. x 2 3 1 .,t~J t-_~ _ - Y~ u. .._ t g...d
<br />e~_ •
<br />{t. '-":t44' atwrtggg~.! sita3i haver t3te ri~#it ti# itt~-trri tlat' rr!{artk€,~~€d pSenxi>tea at attV x~aEkfttabEe time
<br />~, 4h~auft Ste anvas# t3xe c+xr rnant, €kr randilictns ttf thi~inrdrarmrtat .tr of t3ar axkkr +ar icaan a#rre~naent ~+a^rurrd
<br />dry?aieleh ~6a(3t~3'art#~a~t3:#p_r#;axt~ag+~r€.d-i3at ttt _Ea+as~ia2s ads, asxt- e[aEC1?taaraSt of th+~ c+rrpdrsr3v, as th+° <,t=ti.aaa €af t-t€
<br />tetoxtRa ar his asuilna sit -xrting atttecd ,hat tSa=, axrartgs~-,e xee,:iE taaa~ €+aar-t righa esaztal elrfxta}t S 1 {a€akt any rue-a
<br />r#elhatfG t3•te satartga+g~e slxa-- lkcrotxxc tha> €a+~x;rr t,f ai! of .hm rent,» :end praiets a+;rreatng after eie#au-T as awrurity
<br />s"ate' t-te itt+theattdrteea a~eeurea- h?rehr. with t-a~ r:gi•_t t€x ~ntrr u{axan rai:# rsxai-.~ti3 •"<ar tit€, {a+;rpx?se ai can--retitag xaarh
<br />t'ta attd grxafttt_ "f`!t~ iraytrxxtt;~tt3 ahal# zx{.•et~ta as ads a~grxrr„ent ~tf ry rnnta!a orx acid tmxaperty to t3ksY et:trut.
<br />