<br />~~~~ ~~~~
<br />.TAPd W. R~,KW~L;L and. i~2~.E32t~~3 ;~. ~tC~CIK'~SI:;.L, ear i.n t~is and he:r o`er
<br />! r~;st ,~rd as f spc~,~se of 'tom ot2#~e'r,
<br />G~kidTtJf~, i~ consicierat>+~rr csf
<br />"T4~i;Et$";~°~-T~7i3 'TIi(3[TIS~,ATD ~`I Ji+ SISdD~F.~I'~ &c no~2. --h;.-°f)Ci~ ERRS recetveCf from GRfiFtT1=E:
<br />H~Et4 ALE P1~R'Sr3AIS and DAR~YL (I. WiIL112EELMI,
<br />eanveys #o GRAP#7EE, the foEto~ving de~cr:bed rea# es#a,e Sat defined an Neb. Kiev. S:a# 76-20# 1:
<br />Lot S2vei3 {7} in Holcomb°s Highway Hanes, a Sub-
<br />division of a part of the Northeast ttu~uarter ref the
<br />Northeast Quarter {A1E'~NE~} and a part of Lflt Foux
<br />{4}, Mainland all in Section Twenty--Eight {28}, ire
<br />Township Eleven (I~) North, Range Nine {4), West of the
<br />f.th P.M., according to the recorded plat thereof,
<br />in HaII County, Nebraska.
<br />ST'A'~EMEIYI' gTi'ACH~
<br />STR#1P TAX ~
<br />7 ~' r`S n
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<br />k'1''"ih III, ~!~lluaH'p~uE}P' y+~hdi+~l4~d,6:rpf 1~:ta~;~lh r~„r1~i i~~t'tGw:#~P esq'u:d #hwi!p'# =. h' :i fr:3,4 9rrarr~ ~enio;~r,.wr7~~t~rs3u'~ic:w!rG x ~:~,~~+¢p;~"~~7:Y'*
<br />Q~fs+~MeYttS ailCi re~tri.cti.ons w-,sf Y£CCt:"~Si
<br />[;~; #:~S :+:g~7 i=c~'cver and } ~"~i auths;v=#p ~^ c~fi;r~y f^e! r:.~^r#P;
<br />G~?~,F kr~~{[:~.~ -,3xic~~aF#e tit, Far iz1=.t' 2r~a ,.tie -' a3s r,~3 tt t}~~s~:Fr ~t E#~rt ~:r`a,oyit,wi i,i~~E:fir~a c~' ,x`ti {,r~;;,7~x„.
<br />.~f
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<br />Fiildrec! L. Roekwel2
<br />~TAT~ t3F NbEBRASdCA }
<br />t SS.
<br />.. ~l'Ct±'US7Er„ .. ... .
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<br />.,,..la~a~n,Yw. ~Z:~c;~w~W~li..anc~.'~S~,7d~-e~c'~1 L. ~lt~c~cwc~lia.cac:tt in h:ii aeaci her ow#i riFhic
<br />:'~ ..
<br />area - spouse v:E th~* t~t:her,
<br />~. F
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<br />- .. ~ M'.i""~: ~ ~emL t7:8~u ~itF'N3rt -- r t j~ µ
<br />Ike' • ~
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