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<br />'i'l:#s ?<RVr~g¢ s ¢nker¢d irkv tretween ~f~Y_tfAS F'I~3~R~2 ~1 LIl4'1?A F'iSH'F'~ ' <br />(heeeiri"Rkactgagoz"}~'-~tid - ' <br />„e;TFIE: {3LTF3iT.4R~ t1n'gj+~~,aT. 33A;v`t; t3F C,RANf! iRF,pTy'11 ,7wrein "Fbitirt^ r"j. <br />Moetgag'or is indebted to Mortgagoe in the principal sum of ~ ? ('~'2,~__ , eeidenceit ij3 -?r~o>•tgagq s note ~ ' <br />~tcd 20114 f $Q (h¢x¢Er. "Kota"} protiding forpaymenis o€ principal and interest, with Liza balanrw ~af the - . <br />ind¢bt¢dn¢as, it nal soaner paid, due and payable on 4/30/82 - - <br />Tvsec@Jtc the pagment of file Note, with interest as provided therein, khe paym¢r!k of all nkh¢rsumsr,witL int¢r¢st; , <br />advane¢d by A3ortgag¢e tv protect the secueity of Lhis Mortgage, xnd the performance at the covevartta art8 agre¢monCe of <br />the Mortgagor cantaineii hrreln, Mortgagor does hereby mortgage and convey to MYNtgageE -the tollntring deaezits~u <br />property located in ~ Ka21 _~ County, N¢braska: <br />iAi 15, in WY=stlawn, an addition to the City oP <br />vYRr3ti isi:~.eJd, iIa21 COtaot}*, iv'~nsir:a. <br />`iJag¢[nrr sFith ali 6uiiding, lmpravemeats, fSxtums, strx'Fts, allays, pasugnw~ays, !^tJSC+Ynenk , rtgh ts, pr#vifegc~s and <br />~~?,?'~-Aaa31?c_= tf-~Yl =4_m_"€'CY3 '-Sr 1^9~=t-?e Z+2c~-° ~a.La ~-°=RI~~ T.~'r~!9e l;^.Li 111r fL•'~'f[-!v'•.t_ -- _ r4*Silc v~ _F5y:'!~±J~i"~ t't~t€ <br />~eenxYt. in~nstit~> rJ?s4 1Svrfted ts, h€s~ttye an3 e~oltng eetuslrtr~nt rrASI srtElJ pv.nsolr•:al p vl++.rtp~ asst N at3ached to t=ie <br />4nYfYr:rS'i'!nt'eJ'. ib 5U A5 4a €a~.-Ltnte 3 ii%liifl2; '311 U° N; FR:i~] 1 • 1411'.I'~lii; fe}:Hkt'ti^Ynllaia 9YJi1 '~.;'11i1:4JilJ}' tU.!ri iu -' S ^_°Uy YiY'i«re4! <br />try b~ a ~~ :~' Liss ma! ~~~ g,~cure=l fey 61=.=; Fls=n str iais !.f.traf,u=, ~,.r: 3,t! K.1:' Ia::; 4r+t•cg,',tsJSo ew,ts~ rr.i~~,r.m:d tt: n~..,;u ~ ~~e <br />r_- '25fiE >_e___•r3Pur ;t '.Cg UF.,_'r .:.. _~a :ti3'-wry. es ,,,= Fir ,i a~},e lari:xSii".4'r ~T_e{~Y~. v iStE. r=--___ =i <br />t~.rrJtnl, gist €he Lien rr*at,.d 9er. rar r5 s f r-e aril treliir tJ •ti e[,Yi e`Rt= Frzllx*rty, r% lla ,.-, iita} r ,ne~rcK9JiL^ Irs € tarthnhercJtJ. <br />1 i2ie f'rczlx aty s3 stlufY:~f tx, @, `<'c;z;,gui,, +uf.z•:-.n <br />s= tlf¢ Mr.-rt- - r~ wed at irvaa 1`f -: <br />A., ~-.r~.,_.-., ,g._-___. illi`ar Lpsri~;,g.f.i'E"RJr::S,i.-___.___.-.---___--_GLLLJxk}', <br />1~=br;~, •aa~r.r; ,~~,i.=ri~,~? o-s = 1!a=-x ~ z-, .v fn., t,>~•; i.,~at;..f f,~.~~,.. <br />'~ j~ite? rr;G-r t@PrJ'+ Lrr Er`='';54'_3;•?~1<•.-'s. -.-. <br />~~ 'tea%i~r i§fitle!`h.TiJCE2tJ. '1'a pary` Wt1YJl dt19' Stt tYF~l``~ 3pf`ildi 1fYvi5vJLCll CS y14{l yii iltiicB 4:AJT64•.r d{±3tAwt tilt' 1'ra{JeYto' <br />- - .,...t ~, . <br />saSy `6'fl 1tE[-x- i[rL .i9 k ~L,-: e!n ial },~'v It [3 L u{-ai _~sti-. r~ i'L 9S.iriEts e.i erL~et i E I4.egr_ e.s 1 k Y -. !!z. - ~.Y'•. <br />!. LtttBra~. it ki?;p €li~ i~ri:su-rr+rsz•, @s 5:9~w- or l:~Yt~f.-rt€ ltr~a[c-rk .,;r the reti ==~i.c,? t#rr.c•:et~-i h-n•irr :YS.ztarre# <br />f r, A.,- - -'~ c 'ia^ tnay Jz~~auin. J~ .iulauilw ~.:d krlt2, .,,r:sa~;,~.-. -- -..#,c~!7~f:.,, t;-.. <br />,:i#2iti,~ ~~~ h,- Cit= ~^? suc-kt '~ -,. :.tom - R, x[~S <br />a.Ja# J4HL ~#tte #:~ e~av3.-h',i- 13n ?hc+ ~tarE:raex-c, in cssv c:r pea=. uncles a to tt~si3~3,= :3ae ~ustse: _~ ~ evi=JS;r.~;v €a <br />.iII'jSdFt, €'i~1Ffit Ti6ixT C~e~iTkE:dSY'Z`, 13E 2ts iF.atiS~SliTS£, itl£ €Yi§f,£.tl 4f.:.i:.iSiliRi ^FL iS.urvs .... itJC ~vF=+. s..--)-Ve+4'f !i;)CNT fr±' <br />~s,Jn:e2~ _ ~° *~~ trm a-r.nrz,[r a nruz .3 ,=sew,=_ - L¢as _ -cam ~ - a. -s~~ ~tm <br />uil3~ uti.ll .i'xe tyxt;., srtu:~:.l toc:i sasv y ail" t Y susi. A <br />L~.~ ~'#~ 1 1~ ?~?~=r~:~€~x"4;~ a!ay €-Jl:=-=~ c~lir;z!a~u iz:, :! r:J -4 i.,-.,,r t.~ #t~ <br />c~tttrM+''Y> ~vr'SgvP 4b1d3 lsw•i tcJ the %filzr'tgagee st 4ilrr kStua 1!t ps;'e+=.~ 4hv rrJUnt#afy ins+.allm c Ir sli' txleulfY41 sad rrl€ure;t, <br />±.s>a'•.e-~~ ~ 'vli-~. ~.e~ 1~.~~ ~ ~. -_~.t ~. ~?'S ~n ~ fir; -~ amt n ~!a~ r•*.~ i.i ;-y f ~e - ~ r~s - r <br />~~.ia - -. :~€~, ~.. u~,. - r Cy tr- .r 'g„s .. i.aia .,rw4 .x <br />344'id ~` tha* T!~~Rr¢~.. ~ tsat4 Ji34Pt~sL aasae p,Jllndbto @hc ltdye EUeati IeC the civets ur renir.~ct n nivshxn J.-J su3ocang', w. <br />*`.~c'x~.. -a'c'. r~~.. LY,s ~r'#~=~ i-tom.€<K~aa azi' ,: c.:vi{t=sc ~~ r3tec~4tic+n~i sc+cuat}= inr titn rncir@:c+.=d^.cn, :-ec;unrri its t?sue <br />x41' af~r%:.., ! tJk; kt '~ p~+g&cg 15.ry. Lm~_c:; ri c d,t32':.+.~, ~:a 1,, Jr [het «i~4,."a r ~s~•~. ~ _. J..:a. IYS.,4s:a~JC..^ <br />ls~rtiaur~ ~;o I~„~ ntnil Jrr~ti c.:Y? r»'lti.~sis nt<und~:. wtfrtitq 't0 uap^t+ efts+r c9rnJtat4Yl i" rres ie ulor;u .#I~.. t,~,.~,ur rwtyur^xiJn@; <br />pJ4?f5ib°fii t[Jk`4 <br />~. Rr.- ylr ~~~s~,a _-,- .ix~ i'c nano JSL-~ty ea•~Jxa:, rti strace vz ol~,.uit$ ~nr irr,~ilu`4n Rs ,=:r 4115tre<,9+: rsJelJi3 au9v ur <br />~fsr. - .$ - ^ , .-.. - -.~° T l+,uiF'sJ ' g,v u~ ,as. _.. Y`~ ~~r5.i=. ,. s,sti ae,. urvti. _ ,.u , a , +G, iY aiu. L,ir3,Fi' . ,=Y <br />x s> -s ~ . . ._? --.:~aE., 1 ~ s_'z., :as - -..F3i ,i J a ~. ar \ ^._ ^., Y,'. T. .-all fc~z~ir,TC'.- t.,,.. ,x .~F r+is:l <br />, 1.a2°t 443 ~s ~(~{.. Se <br />