fl~ r~r~E ~Q r5
<br />M9R'C>yAGE
<br />I€N4wALLME~vevTrlFSErRrsEtwrs:T~t William J. Woodward, a single person
<br />Mortgagor, whethti atte or meta, in tpztsidetatl~ of the stsm of
<br />Twenty Thoflsand and N~I00--------------------------------------°----------~-~- Opii aRc
<br />ironed to sad mortgs~ by The Fquitabk Bn{idittg and Luan Rssaciatinn of Grand Fsland, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon ZOO sttatcs nP stock of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, CMificate No. LZ3, SOZ , do hereby grant, wzwr;y artd mortgage urtta the stud ASSOC9ATTON the-following
<br />desixitxd real cpste, situsied in Hail (:c}unty, 3Vebrask3:
<br />t+>~thcz with art t:.a tuxmenu, txteditarnrnu rod apgurtananzs~s thereunto belungvq;, mJuding attasxed floor co}erhsgs, all window screcas,
<br />window shades, iztfztds, storm windows, awntngs, heating, ati .undrttonmg, and plumbing and water cgwpnxnt and accessories thereto, ptrtnps, stoves,
<br />refrigerators, and other fietures and equipment now ar Ixzeatter attachrd to or iced m a+nna'eNn with sold real estate.
<br />Rio{ wtxtaas the :aid timztgagur {Ices «42. eed a:id dues herr{ry agree tt:at the Enu: tg«{;nr shall and will pay ah taxes aril assesamentx levied or
<br />atsesatJ u{nm said piemrsea and upc=n thfs muroh.{cc and the hued s:rcuteQ fhnrtrby beteue tlx cane shalt hecut:ce dehnytunt: to futntsii apptuvzc!
<br />i.-isu.er,~ up..n ttse ,,,,,:r - , xa.u prr., -- in paya'ole to s i'I~iii3Y a.u ,v i. river to safer
<br />,k.Sa71€Y,.'IA'FIOtit t#~ ~x>3"~s `at std insur«n x ..,.x,i=ot t c rmmx t ne~r n~nsnanviw;n,ta ran ur uiCruut:~d uzenusas~
<br />{rn a=3~ a! cltf3uFS rn t.,e {~ttarm3zxs< of arty .rt t#e :€rms anc. tuz:ditiE-:x xz! th€n iuK.:itwge ;.z the hi>;tid :.,r.:arz4t her~{ry, ;:te nxr_t ah«:i,
<br />«sn desta~I, Rita erEtI,'-e4' ss i,-me~ttiaie {x:s~~uri ;x. t e fr;xa~f:+3 ~ta+:'nytsrs a.H.q tl'a, €;«€.YguSun :xzrhy ~.ssltsts, : a7:3ie~ :3'~~;# ~~LS ::}vs : t a
<br />1.4"p'LK., atWtt Et?'.d kk?r.,_.~_ tea.? e&?~ ....: ^i.wir 4cz aLgRYf=? any v°etN. k a _ ~n.a n [.ta!J :.. _ts;' i -[ .!__ ~i.?R.Se .N...{"a«r?,# ~+. a.re=nM'_a -LVt ...1:?~
<br />t7-- ~i~ :i5t't cf~r, -,- a is rc3 r~>r}i?,~ - i:.~s __ -v tF'. L .ar ~ ._. _~.x ! z1 _3~~ F - ~i~ei 3~1 ~±l'-=- "-n - _
<br />>:'{tµ,au3a`~`o a°u` «n~ "-Y a F° :tL;a Sri :;o -,. Ha..:~ 3.:;, ., .- - .Y, L,.,.,~ ..a.~..:Y - ..,,"' _
<br />~~i4 enwaul n~~ :I:e.~lzxr~ .xf "y,~t "-.vxxe~sae L>~hi Izicsn; !beau. t ~ til if4 ,__, ,~~.- y3R to ~,4 at s;_~ rL w ~ ~- en r zu1.
<br />i`.r~ffkwii, i*f!c-li i~f.~c .n anF t~ ~y wtin~r v .,mac snm~.
<br />':^~ P.>_ F~,w - non '_c i'~.R,:,t e_. i fiYt _€ e Fe. -- 3?:-..~a..e a t ±a _ _ _r ~e r_ - - _ ~ ra r~ ^}'
<br />payrtie?ktt ply matstttly to sasd R55L9CaRTtU?: of ifs4 wt.i apn-.t;raJ in I{x I',cnd tzawu3 hereby s. e;t ardl }, mecziZal or. s=.u krs.. an ©t Exiur
<br />[t%I i~}'Cxi€teltt day i;f e3L-h aiftl e}Ciy nt::fn{:, ~nItt a:d ..:3n f5 f of{Y paid, p34 nf{ tv va, aRty ii`n5,°."sileteEif5 iE}}rev u't+,uAt3: ;viv prsmis-z «nv ::.`; ltus M.,Yts
<br />and tfsa 1?gnd sacareJ thatehu, hcfoxa datihquansr: tttiru~ agutu+•ed rrxsunuxe unosa the b~1u ;;a Ihcvay±t to the sucn ut S ~ t~l , 0?~ft, tea p,yyaLr~
<br />Itl S3M R.4SOL11ATtON: rc{ray ro sod RSSfX.'{A~flO?{ ufwm damm~4 all looney try ~t trend Eor s`aeh lances, axse;,snzeaita seh3 muwapn.' wuh Sutafir:r ai
<br />the tnsxi;nutit #e~l €atE eha- -'n truest yi3z. r rxa*-[r,sxxi at3 t,f winch +.ieu t.,"2,gi.?i h i':hY :~tre•'a to {u,-, {?ern.?{ r- a . .n n3-u }?rcttn~°-s, M-. ~ -,J ~. ~=.p;y
<br />wgh 3lf the ageeenieats and n-+J#I:ui:} aw tlre. tksnd tin $ ZO,OOO, f30 thts daY ttiarn try Ux sou! Ntuetgagor ?o ~d r'~:y:(3l-~IAT{Saw d }'c,:IY~^x{y
<br />~'$h a[{ Brr re~unamanta of tha Ctansu[utt~ 3rxd Uy-lai+~s tzC ssa ASSf?'19dT{I7N, flan then ptexxrts sh:t!! hrrarine ~wk! txrad rex~.~', um-'xav-rsz ?Eeag
<br />~A ran~.in to full tpree xad nray ha tnsae{$~ stt t{Ice ..ptKtn nt the ss:d RSti(.M'I,iRON otter tasiura [tlz ttttsa utsmtttt [~ nixk.c any «: sold
<br />p«p ref s Ftr tv~ t1 }sY na,v=.th t asa i`} t zi a- rk, at y pay let to i- 6 - p I J cuzn{sfy Kaeh tigv aarm~xr.€ass J - :4s•,'.e ~ - aS {it3czsl,
<br />ace. if.~tgxpla:, ahtcwa rte ha a.ectfvze ~pY},u...=.:t=reha}t.nu.s,rct, t,.ri. c.x»txie t~t-~:~,.si,rs.
<br />It es~re e _ :if_u @e~ xn - c~azh~} ut t#>c re~i e~itr .: _ _ s~,ol ketetn hi ,die . - rt....~ i ._ _..T - _ i.-trer.lr~c.n i,~~hy
<br />sa,usc~ :haSi, a: tlu+uftttunx i'"mac P,qutiahir, IfutlAUyy a,fd 4~s asz Asp,'+;tuan u~t i:rsnd iflxnd. Nebraska,hewta.. tnuvxJtamly de}e:nal f~yaife wict~eat
<br />fur the ruxzcx, said Y{)c mtxaru}si iQ. isainmg Joe. wtdet aatd hvnd, »nJ Eay ,uttrai bond tu[ arty -aJwnoi131 sdvsares n,a:i.: thrrwrnaier, sf=3li, teuist t{~
<br />~?a.t.~ ,tf „<rc;i;xr of nzid a. Stay, Naas inzarxwt ni sit rr~.xar,~`n te.~.t rs?a, ; xid s,hs> r.:©r[gabw mah Ih; tx be fu:cc;o:.i:d tvJ rratah' t~~.- ztcvunt urn un s;.r.!
<br />rn te, a?kl ally ctt7+cr Sz'riid t . } au~tFxanxl sd~ .t~•s, ::~eEi.s tilt,; a^ =:..n~: I-vu3 by xa,.R TPh', t~:,{txt.~ni. Jui,ding «trd I.uan R~.R,°i;t~ti ts_ . ear .I lsi~x:3,
<br />•~;nt~Y~Ka ff~t irt~` ,tai:}self ;«M1?:~IFIT , ,wa~I ik`.'•}t{;,,i.t=a^.,t Catea±anau c:{r34~:iY. .ti'.t !€:?,3€C3S iherb°ain, iltfirtl .Sate .+t {-agn~tt? aL -. t,b. Si:Pt?N.i
<br />~'~tltE.
<br />~' Asprisvfdpl iA ttx L,tsct,i se- uiaJ i eaksy lsre ti a fs.a-tg~ya -xuasus °t1t`ct the nrt€ugay~e carry h t-otter udv~- t c ,idJiExw>a1 ztxuu to tFa
<br />t .ets s{ ~~s:S #k sy; fx; uin.. r er>.., w_xa~r n r_}S_. _?, w,,tci> nv...,f.F?i , rtht.. tiia ~. } uaty of thzs eva~riya~° I ha mom. as thrr {und: ar>xtslty
<br />Be - .t ,'. tiEh'v- _fSC rti#it si} tt? i3P Ti2.ui ni•SS£ i~ t - -. may - i3tsc itx ,>[ta~ l vrnt<,ig.t „_ this rn.»iwia..
<br />-si t,isc5 a~#~ - Ct=LC~aS3i;~ l {Y, t+ __
<br />d b,l. d~Y ~~.
<br />f~~ t~ ~"'~,,a}f~-~~ €€.` fir,
<br />dF#S lT l3t .7 r,,~tiL~iT`e.X - ~%
<br />~. }
<br />5~itirc lie ?tieiiltA;57:,w, +a. (in than I7tt'• usy ui »t~Cti`;Etbi''t' ~•+ -'{f h@Iurr ux.
<br />4Yll;tif Y i?I= ii,1b>I,
<br />t3se, ando+u,ianJ, e M1luta€} Puh{zc m and tar rsix! t'oeuxy, pat nittaN,y auoa
<br />`-Fr', il3:t.,r al, iS~tDt:wzit tiq d `:. ift4j'I&' ilCt'Si t:
<br />sr he { ; poi nniaAy kr?arena to
<br />rdrr lr?'r t#"~a-'*~ti3_.~~-s';€~z terse :~t~ 15 :'isss;i:-,3u<~:rr.. rutae:.'>rine:,s eu-~::e;.~~ z:ni ttp S~;%E4Y
<br />aek[W.k,:,u-I t}sa >t-u{aatuur-u7 to i?m f71': r,1},t.,?.up ~.x _zJ <t?r k.
<br />t*'I't~. ``S.Ss ?rty i€x_ar.° naaoi `ivi32a3i ~c:t} 0«'e sass: ait:ic~:asd
<br />.~ a r.xcr; r ~ e .~~s ~ t _.,~€ ; - ~ k, i! .i ~ sr.. ~ `his § ~ c.~" ,
<br />.~:~.rrs ~i < ,. ,~ {Irk
<br />€a° .,
<br />