~-- °~r'` :3~~1 RL ESTATE ~RTC~A~E
<br />HARt~Y L. LILIEWTHAL APJD N,ANDA R. LtLIENTHAL, husband and wifie
<br />o£ the Caunty oL aad State afP. hereinafter veiled the Batty a#'the'firat part, Tai
<br />~+~
<br />TiVENTY -THREE THOUSAND AND t,JO11G0-----------------°---------------.~--.._.
<br />e~ ao33siderntion ~ot_. ~3GIS.::Ita,
<br />!a hand paid. da hereby gsaat, bargalu, sell and rnmrey unto the Homo r^ederni Satringa d I.oan.Agaoatatiaa af:G[aud-#slattd; 4 -
<br />i'-~ HALL
<br />Grand island, Nebraska, and lts a3Fraesxara and assigY3s, the fallowing real mate, actuated Io
<br />Cout3ty, State oP NEEif:'ASKA -_~, ta+git:
<br />{
<br />~:'
<br />ELeVEN (II ), it. .,~^JT1tJE' ~~L!i'.! ().J Tr THE. C.iTY Or` uRtIND ISLAND, NE6RASKA, LOCATED Lkd
<br />ti~ (';a?T ~,~ THE .a~,RT,srF_ST i~;AFT6F .:, .., f.. `~Fi'TI~:~~ TlvEtdTl' ~tv4) ....Z), TGWPYSI-iEp E~L.cVEi?i (iiJ ,
<br />;'-J. I I'da 'ferfiid=iE Cii €~: { C%) ;,S__>T ;~F l-Mt '~ 114TH F, f,9. ,
<br />'Tol{aitiper u~Jtte ati ELsc appu32ans~reYt tbereuato helongfmYl, and all covua'nanis iaa all Cite Fine deeds ntnning w~ttiY Braid real aa$ata,~ 'til _ '~
<br />valid all tits- neuWr,. V!{aYtes and pr~l'ta arisdug tberetraYn after dote{4Y. in 19Y!xPormance a# aeny camnnan3t' in wtYdlition herein ean~ ~I. '
<br />iFalaatt„ uand. watrania the title thea~tn peTfeet and elaar t'acalFt fnr X1Fia mnrt'Q'.age. ~_ ~'~.
<br />~nrintl the lfine this anar2!#a~ is is Paree the morf3agars agree: -
<br />F`iTSt Ta pay ail lases aad speeiai assessments levied against Said pte2aises, fncinding all taxes and asseasmeata Iavied
<br />upw, this. mortgage, €FS° 2iae doh; sec{sivi ~ tbie martpagc.
<br />Second. Te keep all buildings {heTean iasu3'!ed against toss t}y fin. lightning :u%d tornado in same eampY..,., to ba ap- '
<br />pros°ed by the said Home F'tderal SavsnKS & Loan Aasceintittn of Grand Island in the sum oP 6 ' n~-.u:~ab! r~ va I tt~~ for '
<br />the 2sene#it of the Bald Aaacefauon, and its sncressars nr assigns: and to deposit said pobrres ;vith said Aaaociatton, aad shall nM .j
<br />cammiL or suffer any waste oa said prcmi.~, and shill pui snd keep said rca! estate buildings and impravemeata In goad '
<br />--tom-
<br />'1'~iry3- T[r [,.~}r nT .J~;d(3e W btp faft3 t•'. the FPtMGlN Fedel"di ti9litn{'A4 rLa 1.A ~1a .tJhSiK'iLa!iUn Ut Grenfi IaiaFld, iti l:Y1CLY,".Lal;'F or
<br />~aLtl<3YSa, th#S SSt~ Qt °s~._..~Yte~~.l r ~_ ._.~ ~ ~~.,,_-. -,..._ .,, _'.~- „_._.._...._..,-__._~.,e :~L~i'hlt.%f.
<br />pKy-~i'ifis GEi :oliin~~:
<br />„- ltrtttl 1t1tCtYat tllerFCrtt ltayaillC, aCCafding dfY {he Le n'aE sail c3{Ctct <)E till` floc t'eELaln i2TSf .n>^l ~~ .`Tot if a.:sid RlUr2ma~UCY, $'
<br />t36arYtlg even datC ;vith {lY%ae irfesanta. APttr nN%IUrity raid Y)t'ltYd drawn mtYfe;;L llC !hc' ral€s 1>P n}d8 $9er [rn2 pvr finatm. Ed
<br />If'said-LYFZes and naYCSasneYtis Ora est. ratd when dtte. QT :P the hn3idings r>a nafd peeml~es re nsri %nsi<rvrd zH abnt:.- n ~.
<br />vded.. +S ~ .3#f of €aId 4oterYit 13 ?'r}t O§t[t W't~n duP, tf4sn s :3~~~ =h;all Itw;.rvx;:, .t~~q 1 3 P *!i{3{e3 ii~* :[(: ! ...
<br />t
<br />sold A~Kf~'iatiaa. ant`s ;~a51 tiikf[9itt.T :;raw llldei'tFt 5t tae ra4e
<br />ff[1gFlau ~. i C•' ti i_rer aaFFIIm. _~
<br />~_. 2`lir ~IQ2Yf}'~SUT~._ h@Teby assfgn_.... {p Sa{d sacirtgagez~ al'J Y'Cnta alltf ia£'srme ::r'f~Fri;a a{ 8flY =.frd sfi tf 31Sf'.3 tPf+fl1 .std -
<br />l~esa~,sd~- ell[ hnP,afm ~.}}:_~~ aa.T `_. - - .._ elrs.f:ts - u.., ... , „ .:2 -z.- ~rR.
<br />F
<br />3
<br />~ CULSCCt alt T~ntf
<br />apd Yneutna ti3erc;r }%j '-iy?iy ttYC sad{lt' 219 tlYe ASYytn itt -mint 3 ^rt. prYldt lp al, ~taP i { t%L7i3n1' t n
<br />13k4CiKiihCatar repairs .df i113I1^UUCmkntC nt~.`~Aty L'.3 kreP r.ald pr'u3q'r{y In .t...It3nCabit` l'Unlilt,l Ul), rr 4er .*YtiYY ihaEh~S rri Iay- ~'
<br />_'G3ki~:? (t#Y i;~- _ f[; d:i _~ '"••- _ •~F~;2. t.<L fYL2 -~ ~~t_` ~1>~ e,l:Fsyr;~ i:l fi.-ii ~.1 Ft-~ ~~_t ]~.. -
<br />~%:~ f5i -~Id -i}t- L P'Si: .}3.t~ T22Y. F.kf-.n ~I .--L?Yi4a .-~.'x3P;1a° ~taa.1 .. I v Eei3b:xyu~ t.EiLeI..~ °, . N!~Y ... .. f .c ..J
<br />ta''-~ wit#iliK:^ sat4 fir-his b LCti eclr:..~ir° Uf Itli 3 v.
<br />it%t%ellter -~i~ d~'°^-l [}G.-..n]e~ tyG. tF4 IS,.~. ~. 3f iSR i'.~ -3S ~rY ^C>}aei:; erg i~C t:J l:ak'e ta( ittt^ 5..,.' .-.i Ft:?` trT~ '~-.e .a.;£t°.i}Y -
<br />rf{}? aY?F c~t:.i,ti_.Y h~. --tt;, hr.. .;«~d lla,...- 'r'era,-.1 ....33.sv ~ t.c,:fn Som. -Y,:.t.f:n ~r2 f7.-atr,5 ts..-~..~1. the -.. . .r .! ~.
<br />. i! ^.~y~' f`' r1gl.~i to r,._. ,< the €vrcciaatTe ct lists mc%tt„~#,. =C v:~ i<II {fct ,shct.~ ~Se2}'- t~rz a,3- tzn-f3~1. a:%?< c .sa?aa~3a%
<br />~_ ,. n iisi `_. ~.... -. ~, -sake ~:~ ~ ~~,.s .~i.~, :mot.: i.,y ,r ,rr cr :~a _- u - _ _ _ 'a_ -
<br />..,.. -' Y litt~4s ~ C€? ~clY^ f~> +:~--, 'St 5 ~i •'Ej`%i's to [n. ~; ,R ..._ '.' FI .3 stay1.1- .~_~ -t k r ~i-1. -
<br />~r
<br />~nii till". wgYd tir3L i}Fd"t~ riSii ilia f9}w~t.F'T u( 9eY1ti tLU`-. f`a S3f :.'!3;113 -Y.c .a{.J 1--'.~t''• ihJk EF Y€--*,i+eEe. ~,~.Ea?le _d ... _t ..-
<br />K
<br />~.'} Galt; Lta Phi%t%, l#N;sitttar,j ..~Pa LSia4 £.•s~ .,,P#M c, as.,x
<br />ifi3t her-~::ites acv{ircr.•+i. Vs 1. ~t. i:;v-d .-: nd bvUnc} irrr tr,r {- k.r•c SY{ .rt
<br />t(~s d~l3t F°.ertter 5~,:.uFxi. ..
<br />- .lftr#f t'tF&'- t"atY3tA}etN,'~StFnenl rr$ a3Yy at;ft ;ry YU,:r^Clotturn Ihr, ylaWiiSP thGSCCta .cfYall 6a~ .r4ltii~ti {tF the lmnoA{i.~CO: ixua~rt:Fxs~+. ~t
<br />~[3 ~ ~ tliG ~,i~e~i~~,2;r'.sti, y :v,2'aVaP [:`xv'~4et£Ca. a4t E+'rchs t,..aiing el3ey 1s1. trc- t!.e r?neurtie aif.7 ,-.k tl:r r'C'~'ui`~rtr ..cxf ~!.
<br />&kt ~. AfNii}LH%ii.t!;f :35#r i>Ytt'ltCka ]3a;31s< tclr Yi}$ dni}t ozag tra snivraC, anti tits i[:'at [':it ip ha2'?•trY r..s~f: ntn 2r! the ai-{>,.~r;E'•~•.o{ ~,. .. -
<br />faival u;wn, rit3 ;1rod3rLi+va .>s. this snder..:3uv, wF¢lYVUt otdsa<t t'vsdtanrG.
<br />}Pin fnrtegiasttt #~~~`ie awe ~e~i%F€:;ta, C.ll ~.ad sipgv.tr.Y': beuYll tufiy perzwraa~c'+3, ta; :rrnv,,'r uu~r' :et:;3i2 isr ~.:.id. ,,the*F ;t,
<br />tYirMi+ tU is@ aLiri T1ttu~af5t la b31 Pat'iMa and .^1PSel
<br />-~ ,'_`itjgaC.d thl-0--. ...,..__. ._.. _,_. __..-... .day' «P,_ .... ._.-, ~.... ,.„ ~~\. ). ~, '. -
<br />
<br />
<br /> ~`
<br />
<br />._ _ . ~~~_ ECe.. .-.e
<br />