<br />v,
<br />~~--~)~'s~9$4
<br />P60RTGAGE
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY TIfFSF. PRESh'NTg: That Randall 1. Johnson, a single persor.
<br />Mortgagor, whether one m mote, i¢ wttaideraffov of tbt ~ of
<br />Thirty Thousand and No1100 ------------------------------------------------------- DOLLARS
<br />Ioaiced to said tttarigagor by The Equitable Buildirrg and Loan Association of Grand island, Nebreska, Mortgagx, upon 3DD sherca of s[rtdt of
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certifimte No. L z3, S2J , do hereby gran(, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCSATTON the following
<br />dtsraibcd real estate, situated in Hatl County, Nebraska:
<br />together wfth all the tenements, herWitamcots and apptntensaoes thereunto hc#ungxrtg, including sttxct*td fTnor cnvmnga. aE wind,sw trruens,
<br />witttlnw stxadts, blinds, storm windows, awrurrgs, heating, err Ymdttionmg,and plumbing and water equipment urd accessarits ttseltto,pun~,storrts,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used us cunncctron wrth satd real estate.
<br />Ash wtxrcar tht card mnrigagsrr Ftas agreed and data hcetbg agree that thz mortgagor shelf and wdl pay alt teats and asatsatrcen# Itvitrt of
<br />assessed upu¢ card pntrtises and upon this t*.wrtgage and the fxnAd secured thereby t6etnre the same shall txcorns de[mgrmni; to furruah aporctml
<br />inwra¢cz upon tae 4aiidinss oa said ort¢nses situated in rbr Burn oft jv . i}Dv. vu p=yantt to sssd A~=[si.l,4~t(tlti and trz dctixr ?c a~€
<br />A~LX`1AT10N rt,_ ~ciex fa. r~rd_ its__x___; and not xa r~r¢u~? ,u nerAAnr snv w~.t¢ ..a ur 3~,~ ~+..i .,rt~.r!-c.=.
<br />to ast of default m ttx nerirrmrance of mny of the ternts and cnadtt:uns ai this nmrtgagc ur t`tr twr:d stcrt?e' hereby, ttte rzrlrryager, stta:i,
<br />ao ;temrrd, tit :tttitkc iu isrrrticdiatc frcrsrca. rr,:r .ri th,- rrrrrtgaYed premtrs and rive mortgagor hereby asargns, transfers and sets urxr to the
<br />eeee. Wait i~ ___._.__ ___.__ .- -_ ._~.~ r,,.z. ;.~ _„_ _ _ ._ __ _ -_ _ _ . _ -_-
<br />.-,p. „,~-- ._:::..., ;__....~_ _....:.._....,,.:;; -- :;_,:.,.a ....... _- ,.,~;~~..; =m.-.-: z:u ~.rs: rv v as ~~ :;;-~ ~=t.: 3Y i...-':. ~ ~ ~ .,4.u,
<br />n9.~=t; Sad the :rxxtr~5a -~.M'-;I f:aer si_, t r t :u z, ,~usrx: ~rtY scent <_x amts s; uzas eanef ~{uc ttr pure c( eef_'aritsg earl Stt*'!-~° axsd~t:~r3_
<br />?k~ ~,r:t -nd _~n~ _ rex~~~,r,s ~,~~. _._ - - rn~t =t3 = ataos':~,. _.. Win! t `strt~ t ;,~
<br />,: _'.~~ a exr~~ m .rte . r€irt~~ :~ .~.~~r;,r t~h~ - s arm •~ -' ts[n~g~.-.= __ _ . _: _ _ ~:isn;~ t=^aiai: ~,. ~ auY,~ _
<br />'-'e ~~rd . ~R.a ~n~ .t,~.r..~~ .,ter Pgii; U,r~r.. at.~..,_~. __ .,.,...~ ., _ ~ ~ r - ~n~=4,.~... ~, a... ...,Q ..... .a .s ~h~-~G .,, ~,.
<br />di*iaua, trrrpectist of arty itmpor-sty watvt3 of tilt wax. - -
<br />Ttt,^,s•T ?rrmtsis, ?arnas:.~, alt ;:~. tkt ;';;nd:tt:=n, : hat :t ttx s. d h:=utgafi:; she.: rc fop ~ :. . ...: Gc-t:;r: for rvtatu.np u' ur8 s#t:ees b}
<br />onyment; pay nronrttty ru saw' ASSCICTA"3'tON of the rum sfxcdxd Ian tht tkrnd secured htrrny~as mrzrtxt and pnnegwl on .wtd loon, un u[ txfctt
<br />~6t Twentitih r4y of tech and tzry rtwnih, unttt card lour a ttiity frard; fop ail lasts and axxsurscats treed against said pnnsrxx and un thu Muatgage
<br />and 4he !#nd xcurcd thtreTiY, btfwc lrkuquancy, furtus_h apfs:uvcd mauran x upon ttt^ 6nr_lntgs th:rcuar rn drt wsu ut S 3D , DDO. ll0 r=aYat`~
<br />to ,aid A$SOCIAT}ON, repay to saui ASS(X'[ATION upon dcnwnJ s!1 nMrucy by o pan! fur such taxes, assesvritntx and ~nxurani wnh interest ut
<br />t#te reaatrnum lePal r to thertvn t*um date of pay¢setst alt oC wtucit Muttgse~vr t:rrtisy ag:tcs to peg. Fx.•snut rtu waste un sard premrsts; keep and cYAnipfy
<br />wnTi all t1x ayirtxtarcrus and urndda:m of the (land Cur $ 30.OD0. Hahn day gore by rfft .said hfiutTtrignr to utd AS'`rfX.•FA't"lUN, and wmplY
<br />with all ttw req,Aiterrxmarrf the i".rztstrtWiurA and BY~laax ui sard A:iJO('SA'TION, then these presxnts sltaii btcuxrx null aztd r~uld, uttttrw:st they
<br />shalF [ttnanz to full tiricc anti ear} bt tarakrsc;i at the onhun o! the c:trsi ,4SSOL9tiilON afar Fafturt Cot three nnmtlrs to make any of sa<d
<br />paynxnts or #rt rhrt+e rtsrirrihs ;n air<aea rrr Ftwkutjt sarsi rmtettafy paynrenia. ar n3 krep and c,rrzrp#y write t#te agretnxtrts and candutuns of n:rid Bond,
<br />and Esttrrtrsr ;tgrrex ter tta-rt a reesrrrr aTrtxrmttd €raetitwtth m sucfr t~xrretususe pnr:xedrngs
<br />~rn,~ .., ,!q • ., nx„t;~.,d ~ .:;tx to ;. - ..., a;;,ants:.e t a~,.y
<br />sa~rsurtd stsalF, ai tit:: optturr of Tht Equttal;k Buiidtnfr amt t.oaxr Asw+:ttuan'alFi;taind tslattd, Nebraska, btuuncevunnxdiattly due urd payabkt wsttxnut
<br />fvatiwv rHatKU, and the anxwnt rtotaint~ due under card bawl, sod any other hood fcrr any add€unoai adrattcex utadt dxraundt:, x3rafi, (eum ttrc
<br />daft s%I txrt.ixt ui' slid rrptitin, Eicar udnecst at tht ntaxumm~ treat rate, and this mortg-At}t uuY Wren Gt fuazclust4 to satix;y alts anAUUrt€ dot utA s;Rr~+
<br />twssut, arnl an't` otitct burl f?xr atWiC}ttrtal atirartrsss, trt~ther wttPa aI] sure pa,~d ty aa;d 7Yte F;qunabk Btritis€.g mY.i i_uar Asr~emtrr»r rzf (brand Esbnd.
<br />Nabra~a frx irauraura, texas and asaa~ttxnta, and a€ri€ras'lrttg exttxAtwn chats, wAlt, otttrtst the€cva, Ftcnn lair of #raynstnt ai tttt aiaxuttusn
<br />rat;(.
<br />Aa yrrrvtelvd us the ik nd seturv+i tscre}rY, wJttit t9ru uxn tpap}c rcu.astts rte eftaet ttw uwrt~ec rtray hctca3ler advxttut addtiruerat sc[rrtx to the
<br />nmkers of saui; lisp, ttxgr 3sstans or s:tcycssrrts to hi€+s+at, wt?tctA sutras Atta6 he wrttun the st.uruy tcf this n±rxtgagt tht sytret as iht i'unda urigsaat2Y
<br />r~.r~f i!i. _.a~4. &.. a:t ~~ a ......y_~. :r.t ~m -.a ~,,..., r;~ - ....._ .~ ~-~...
<br />=-y ##~1t9 [{~Aa .},SkF`}~'^~ jd}y?rr >tx4 tVUii .l. Il, 1'J `~(1
<br />~aT['.lit' tiE~RASKA, f xs, (ttr this Z211a. ,lay ut QC 6C}bC i' I+r t,G . btiure rrar.,
<br />CtMJNTY €5F fiAtl
<br />Iht uudtrsAgrred, :, Rotas Nubhe ur and fur avid a uunt7-, Ccrssmalty wArrxc
<br />Raaid:~ll L. ,:trhtt~[tn, d sint~lt> t~c:rst>r#,
<br />_ ,,=s-, ~ wbu 1 5 , mnluly krwwrr to
<br />~ to ~ii'''t~~xt„„''s,sltrAaatst fx:~rt = -n..~i~~rA~ s~,~ 5 aS~tse~S t.3 tSa aft -e Aastrwra:n[ as opxraagn, uNi ~ r nf: A~aYtta~X
<br />ai'~k4t4Aw,e~.u tbt vxd itAUt_lp~fli:tSp'fW IT k':~',, '-~. ~C.'ArAtddry RtiA and UCe*4.
<br />~3Y'+crsa45~A4~?`~, •';d a'#1 tell-.ia .., ~ Yapu : CL'}+ar¢ ztuF^saRi. :l
<br />My i"c rt;~:r*:,'xM_er_t#tei.. . _ - - ,`-~
<br />i sf.:ss, ^ _ ~ d .~' ~.^"aYx-i9-~i ,'". ,'" 7 k! -'~"€;t
<br />;: \otary FeubEt.
<br />ra.'"~x.raa xr - - ~. _ . yF'1sf
<br />'`~"
<br />