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<br /> <br /> <br /> 0(~~i x: <br /> <br /> !.en ndWs writ-yen avret;r, eat or apphCAUr, it,yr. &Cr, S!r811 Pay the nrr; of aG toorr.& it!!avr2nce pirmirmtrs M the <br /> manner provKicrF tinder faragrapb 2 ixerrof. <br /> Ar.,v ~7,n ;ifs disbuned by Itrrderr pv,,- u=1 it •-•h» lsaraf.nspk *"x' iwr.;•t:t t':ac;,ev, .Irbil ttw(ki ve aclcliti'"Al <br /> incfrl+trdrtcgs na° l rruwrr aticurrd y ►hix ?+14at; s,Re. t..'nk, s Rw,:ovo and Lem&" wtf, to .serer temu of pm1^tttt"tri. Zt`:it <br /> amounts shall be 1aayatk ttp:rn noctict f-mm 'I rt 'y to 'Port' ^r ra a~srs;`T , t>a+ tr,r~,t 1hot-TW. stn hear hides frorr. the <br /> Cute of clisltu;si mcnt at thr_ rate Iaaya+' , fr, .o time to time ,m t;acatandlrtg principal urdrr: -!.%c N&.t unkss parrot of <br /> inwra m rrrn ts?c ,>~rya:+A1 be r;?nzrar' to, applicable, law, in wW,. event arrest at`xouhts shall near' inures? a:t thr'tilthest rate <br /> permissible urzclcr applicable lat:v. Nothing c~mitaisaed :at t.-as partkxapta 7 t,hatl roquirs LtAe" to incur n:nv t%prtrtse or tske <br /> soy action t`rertt:rAcr: <br /> X. lrasprrdop, mm'; :rta<ke or cause to to made teasvrable entries upon -me irsp- ii*rn of Otte PT&rtc -iF, piravirded <br /> that lender -hall t?i%'c tar.".-a p5":: V4,Ake prig; to any,r.ra ir;spectitavn -,;pecifyir5g remimabic c.-%,;v therefor !tinted to Lr_nder's <br /> interest in (lie PropfTty. <br /> 9, Cendtmmtiov fl,: , -.pods of any award or c2nt'm for dama%m dirmt or contcrarriial, in connection wit ! an,,. <br /> condemnation or of wr taking of the Property, or hart theteof. or 'Jor conveyrsnce in lieu of rn:kiemwdion. am ),t:trsry i+.t:µgtmd <br /> and shall be pnid to Lender. <br /> In the ti+^rnt of a total tal::ing 0" 1-'V properly. PIC prcceads shri'l be 1Pf%'ic6 it, the string srciimk by .tli4 "Tort;av, <br /> wl,.h The e rc-e~s, if at,r, paid w Rorzowc~, In the rvr:nt of q pxrtia) taking c*. Ow Protvrty. ar.,less Borrower and Lertd.r <br /> a,he.rwise a^rrc in writing, there shall b: applied to the sutras secured by this Mtrtgage such p[opK;rticni of the Proceed!, <br /> sa is equal to (l:?t rrtc'N)V-i n which the amount of t:,e. %urn, ,ecur d Sy this Mortgage immediately prier to the date of <br /> taking tiara ra the fair rraakrt ra!ltrt of the P trTtrtp imrnccfiatrty prior to the date :'f taking, v*-W) the balance of the proceeds <br /> e aie an 8orrow•rr. <br /> 11 the Property is abandoned by i3orrowtr, or if, after netke by Lcncet to Borrower that the condcr;nnor oflers to snake <br /> stn awzrti or seille a claim for c3frages, W3 rrowc. fwils to -i'pond to Lendti, within ip da)n nftcr the date such notice is <br /> ruled, I xir ,-lcr ix nuthorized if. coDw%t and apps} t(nr proc",& at Lender s option, tRher to restoratim rr mpair of the <br /> f cc.ptr'y or to the sautes secured by this 1%4cTtgag-. <br /> Unless Lent:-r and Roa,~rowcr others:isc agree in x~rit;ng, any such application of procerdi to princiNI shall not .soaps <br /> or pcrLrwnr the des, dare of the monthly irtw-tmt;t is refererd to in puagraplns 1 and ? twrwf or change the at:toun; of <br /> such insmIt-nents. <br /> 10, rormwer Nw* Released. Extcrzion of the time for payment or meditkation of amortixrtion of the Burns setrived <br /> by this Mortgag: Ping` by Lerurer .o any suecft%m in -',tnterest of Rorrower shall not c-perate to mlea►se. in 'an)' marimm <br /> the liability of the origintl Borrower and Borro rces svucatsors in inmmst. Lender shall not be required to comr w ce <br /> proceeding- against such sta=CWW or refuse t.. extend time for payrrtetnt or otherwise modify amortization of 'be sttns <br /> secured by this Mortgage by tease , of Any demand reside by the original Borrower and Borrower'& s.sccessom it, interest. <br /> I1. Forbearunce by Lxncii-r Not a Waalver. Any fccbearance by Lend,-r in exercising any right or r dy hereunder. or <br /> otiar;rwise afforded by appfica bk law, shall r^ im a waiver of or precla Kk the exercise of any such right or renvily. <br /> .The p.rrxurement of inwrarwe or the vayment of mnes or other liana or charges by tender snail not be a waiv-r of Lender's <br /> right to xccclerate the nth;uriry of the knaebtedrnaaas secured by this Mortgage. <br /> 12. Reercffies f7owuhrilm All rcmeLZ-r pp,-.vidr!d in this Mortgage arc distinct and currautative to cny other right or <br /> remedy under this Mortgage or afforded by law c egraity, and may he exercised a+ncurreistty, indepeMently or successivcly. <br /> ;13. Sorcemrs grad Andgns Bound; Joint =W Several I.trab ty; Coptlitres. 'The ca-veetnts and agrectnents here-n <br /> contained shall hind„ a-id the rights her,,tutntler shall inure to, the respective socetresmm and assigns of Lender and Borrower, <br /> subject to the provisions of paragraph )7 hereof. All covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint And se:vtra:. <br /> The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Mortgage are for rortve, ienre only and are not to be used t,) <br /> interpret or define the provisions hereof. <br /> 14- ~4cttlct, Except for any notice required :tinder applicabte law to be given in izwthtr manner. (a) any notice to <br /> Borrower rmvia'xd for in this MortLpgc 3ha)1 be given by cabling such notice by certiflyd ,resits addreraed to Torrower er; <br /> the Property Address or at such other address as Borrower may dtsignAte by notice w Lender as pTove&A herc:n. atad <br /> (b) any noti•-c to Lender shall be giveta by omli&yt- mail, tie um receipt requested. to Lender's address stattO ha;rt'in or to <br /> such ether address as Tender may dcsignpl7i by, trance to Borrower as provided- herti.a, Any :rotiec 1•rovided for in this <br /> Mo gage shall tie dee;ned to :rave been given to Dorowee or Lender whin ti- -n in tae mantic.- des;: ulad herein. <br /> 15. Uniform ly,ortrne-, G;r rerabsg Law: Sev+tabOl. This form at mortt;atge combines unrfot n covenants for national <br /> use and non-uniform covenants with limited vatiatkxu by jurisdiction to.constctute a uniform security instrument covering <br /> real property, 'Chit 'Mortgage shill be governed by the law of the juri clictiv n in which the P-.opcrty .is located. In the <br /> event that any provision or clause of this Mortgagre or ewe Note conflicts with applicaNt a law, such conflict shall not affect <br /> other provisimvt of this Mortgap- or the Note which can be given cf:ect wittmt the conflf:ting provision. and to this <br /> end the provivons of the Mortgage and the Note sere declared to be sevembk. <br /> 16. Norranrer's Cop}.. Bomywer shalt be furnishead t conformed copy o4 the Note and of this Mortgage of the beret <br /> of execution or alter record tion hereof. <br /> 17. Transfer of the Property; Assiamption. If all or any , mrt of ,hc pr oerty or an intmm therein 1s sold cr transferred <br /> by Borrower without 'Lender's prior written conscat. excluding (a) the creation of a lien or encumbrance snrbordianate to <br /> thisV-*rtyage, (b)'rbe creati*n of a purchase P wy immity interest for bmwhold app)butaes. (e) a tratsfer by devises <br /> u.s eat or by opera i" of lair, upon the death of *,joint tenant or (d) the grant a any leasehold interest of three years or less <br /> rra containing sn option cc, purchase, Lender may, at Lender's option. declare all the sutras secured by this Mortggagt to be <br /> ;rnmediat:ly Occ and pays le.. _ct-dtr shall Lave vraivtd such option to aercler-ate if, prior to the sale or transfer. Lender <br /> and the person to wl-m the Property is to tr^ sold or tranr•ferml reach agrrernernt in writing that the credit of such r,erxm <br /> iz sartitfmtory to Lender and that the interest payat,le on the sums semret.# try this Mortgage sngA be at such rate as Lender <br /> shall tttturst. If l -kN&r has waived the option to aacceleratM Provided in. this paragraph 17, sad ii Rorrower's starcrecscar in <br /> in.rrest 6N excitateal A written assumption Agrecimmt aaccitpted in writ;ng by Lender, Lendt» shall relelt-a;, $orrow:n front all <br /> obligatior_r -ender this Mortgage and the Note. <br /> If Under exctc*,,;s such option to arc4mm-tc, Under .seal; mail Borrower notice of a=lcratior, in auardrtaace with <br /> paratgraph 1,4 hereof. Such twtace shall ; ovide a period of not less than 30 days from the date the easier, is trudlee' Within <br /> -hick Li; rrcawcr may pay the stuns dedlatred +i se. If Borrower fails to pay such ;nnu prior to the enpirai ion of such period. <br /> I-ender may, withow further nosicc.or demand on Borrower, in-oke any temiediia permitted by parajiiaph 18 tetrcrf. <br /> Now-Uxtt=ostm COV•EXA w rs. 11 corrowcr and Lcarler further covenant ;►nd agree as felkrws: <br /> I& Acc+eIrrattaa; Rer..ediea. Except ,m prevMeb in pwargraph 17 4uereoi►„ upon Rion Woes hreaea of any cavtasat or <br /> agrVerUtOt uf. Borrower in neap' MOdgxCe., tuct"dirat fbe eoresrrntx to 90y wbtn doe any tsosals mcmed by debar 11 rltrrtgsegt. <br /> [sander prior ter aceekrattkm shag stasis zwtike to Narrower as pcoykW in pwmw-q& 14 hereof specifyisw: (rr) tkz bmaaitk; <br /> (2) the acts rrgWft ! to ca s awch hraasch;. (3) a 4*o, "i teas d"m 30 elirrlni frow the 4Wt tM *Odce is rm red to Isla rrowrr. <br /> by wWck sorb bstam% smmst be .tarots: mad (4) lha4 fzr.e to titre stach brtwb oo4 or befove the date sper,!&d in the aofice <br /> outy sraastt to %ccekrabos of the sours J,teaared by ddt Il'amrtMt, fereclasarm bj bdkid Rea*dlng grid ark at the p wpRr1y. <br /> lift t-~2 emu tVTOW 1"RKM sorrowsr of the ft m to; rehm elift after aeir+ahtratiors end thtt dirbt too a m"t lea the foveckss.I <br /> tie stow-exidrasce of a defae t ore my edwr defeii a rd llierxwwetr ,1a a vAmigilacs and twedq~ if a* Nmoc t. <br /> is Mat ewee On or befiam the date "Wdsw lair dw WO&r, L,nWkr to L"111MOS eapfben may deekm an of am sanaas tarcwrtell by - <br /> thb Mextpet to bt isuntedbitrly do* ac,,1 ymatrlde vid"Mt frrdbe r,derieamW aims aiW farseieraae by jwdkW p,-omdh*,. Lmmier <br /> than be tadtkd to craUtct is, vwb preccedi ft rill a xpe+eraet of foteel rav. Gecladleg. bat atot orhtdt to,, CrAts of daewnesstary <br /> e vOtuct, ab strach arat d thk nTorms. <br /> 1#.. Swrowees R.icht to Rem Ncttw bstatnn&zW Le"&r's zcc~emmtio:% of the taetna :attustd h; this %rr".gage,- <br /> fl,arro%vr shall have the right to have any prrrocediragtt begun by Lender to enform this hfortg*ge i1 c,-ti t-ed guy tithe <br />