<br />pTHI& &I08T~yLG~~A'.G~~E.~~,.ppiyys~~made tyyh~~i,~~~. -y-~ . ,•.y .. ,.q.~,~?rytd....~.~:~.{ . ~.y;,y....daAy of .~y.~...ticyt~o~be~r~. ~ . ........... .
<br />;~.-~rl7ett9t~Tx t.lw ~""O"~" .A4~1*34 fit.lRFfR?t~r}.Pi1M..YG41'~.8~.'~c-4Vtr$,.. Y.4~+/i1LiL. ~lLd.l7'i~~~y (.$(.1't
<br />~sa.~d~t~xl~Zt.artd.as...fheYein "$ortr3wer'"), sad th8 Mortgagee, Hame Federal
<br />vmgs aril troa, a cotporatian organized and existing trades the laws of The United. States of
<br />America,-whose eddresaia 22l South Locust Street, Grand Island, Nebraska {herein "Lender").
<br />?~VttE~,ss, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of..~$1~ 7?3~. ~. $!7C 7AIAl0~BB
<br />~~:"°`-°°'"""-"'-'°"C°"--"Dollars, :vhich indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />dated. , _. ~rC,tftl?8X:««.. 7,9$0..... (herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments of prineipal and interest,
<br />with the balanee of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on ......x4Y~be; .1, . ZOS15...... .
<br />To SECURE to Lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest Yfiereon, the
<br />yayu .,. ,.f all nthar `.:°,s, :. .. .v ~t i,'~wsF n, .a,..,,,u ,.. ~'~ nc~ her~w `: to protest t::o s.. °f-t.'•-,a-
<br />Mortgelge, and tha performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrowct fierein contained, and' fb}'the repayment
<br />of at}' future advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof f herein
<br />"Fntttre Advances"}, Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following descn'bed property
<br />kocatax3 i71 the County of........ ~ ..........~~t .................... State of Nebraska:
<br />Lat. Sts (6} in Black Seveat2en (17} in Fairvi~x Park d.Eiditioa to the City tat
<br />Grand' Island, BaII Garmty, tdebraeka,
<br />wpteltl~xthrat'~'3!'x;0€ ..............~2~.~~,t< `d~(r. ... .-, ~r~ Is3~tl.
<br />s , r,~a
<br />.... ~~~.•C.~, - . ~~..... (hereitP "Prtrlx:rty ArS3rexs..j : L•
<br />ibiNn Mid E!q CaOM}
<br />silriL't3itA ~rtrt Rt.F t-rte irnpr+~!'-2#ti~'.:i~a `.ti`.~ Ut ISk;r>:a7 i~Y li'CCIL"t3 t3Pi fItc- l9t't~i>cYrY, ~SSd uii r. N,:,CEnCPitn,, iP~n6Y.
<br />xipprta'ienanc^es, rents, roya=ties. mitxiraik. tri6 and gas rights and pn#tfct, water, water iiyhtx„ Arid w~tcr sty:, k. ~inJ a!7
<br />€77tnires rtrtva or l'see~ttar a[taeltti:.d to tliz prr±r+erty, af! of wPiicii, inriudiug, reptai.~^irPenrs and i<ttdiuatrP t9x:retu, stPUA he
<br />ciev'~rn+:d tt~ lsr~ and rt=ntaitP a part ©i the prcapertp ctrv~rett b}' tteis hlrrrtgag~.•; and jl. i,i ihr inrEycring. tirb.thar with stiit4
<br />grrspcrty €nr elna tebot~f crtirte if this Atortgafe is on it lca::ait#aidl arv hrrsttt rrft.rrcrt ii) a, a1PC. "1'ropt~rty"°
<br />rror:.oavrtts ttwt 1'scn o'axt' i•~ iawiuiiu sei.texl nt the Ktiuty "ricrr:by .astvr;yr'tt nod ttas ibt tyght to mcyrtgnrtc.
<br />~Ytd[ti tiit€,; K'R:nL'#y t'r~- l'"ri13X.i tiy, tt3it iHe i'r€~lYc[ty-.a ciflc nenrPPt?cr`~t, anti brat r~(]FPiebtivi Evifi fiµrrr3nt rii.i alttCn,i
<br />~~. : ~: . ~._. - „.~..,,w tom., =~-a....:.~.~ :~ Rr.= A...~_, ~. A....,.~ ...._.-.:. z...,.,z.
<br />Y~i'.5t~d' in~a sa5wduic pf 4faaept.. i56 ico eovttragv in any ti#ir: insua;tnee pct7tcy inssirint~ ! l~7iKkCP-.. inier~:a ur thu F'rtrlmrty
<br />-..1 ru4 ttq~q{x...-0F75--fP,I~tA!£Ri~ UM~'tlRtaF 3~{SkaNfflti
<br />