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..,, - _. ?-. tr.,s:~ ~ '~n ^+_%n'.re: toprm.les+te#t3s~~Eder <br />-: .x ~.: - ' ....-.- s1 «~ ~~ „~ -. E~' ~ ~_. - art ~ e apr^~ .: yu._az.g ro rhP <br />ti a-:,.~*r~s > ~ ~+rv'€~ . _ *_` . s_ ~_'._ r€er_.. -3..s ,..,_.e.:r.zPr...r <br />t,i=` t..r ~,:.` - ,:.~ :., .,~.~.-,...n. - : ,~#-° ,_ - ..a,,,~}., ..e.u Bs -, .:,?cretar' Eicrusiag ar•.d <br />t:;r ..n #JS?..rrr-„_'a rcr[th;y~~ar~ fa+i:"~.r ._,; ~. ,r;,,r._~-,re~trr..>»:rarrc> premiurai vttticf sttads f<- is an <br />a*tr+'a~'rn, riiuai .o ate-t:,'•~d:?h 2 i?#2i of „y3e-s:a3f £E'_J r~i crr;tue?; t3: tht zrermge outstarrSing ba;znce <br />da{P em tti: no.e :;,; jvuq?d ~,3. ;aat t2#ttnx i0?o aCe;rrat =!a!i>iqucn ties or prepayments: <br />ii•} ~ s:;ar ecdaf tax tf;: grortzzd :eats= it ar+, nr't Gsse, p1u.; tEse pnm#:,ms t;tat wllE next become dae 2nd paVah ie on <br />grs'.i+~ st ftre and ati:?r lxaraid id::urarice ci3aeiing the mort"r.-aced grvpeny, pEus taxes and--;sses?.menis rrezt due <br />n ti'€m mc,rtg~~d property /et( as .^srmrated ts~ tre ,if€trt;agee/ less a,i sunia already paid ?harc`for diaided by the <br />..antF.P.r of n:o^ths tv ^_tap:e avefsre a:r• rnenth grtor to the date n~hen such gru'•und ants. ptemiutns, taxes and <br />assessa-nents rrii# became deiinyueni; _uch aunrs to he he'td by t<'Eortgagrz in trust to pay satd ground rent's, prc- <br />miut€ts. fazes and spec#a: assessments: and <br />(t) AEE payments tnentiarsd sn tEre tyro prete3rtg .~ihsecrjpris os this paragraph and au payments to be-made under <br />?he rare :tcuied ltrebv shat# #}e added tarcther. and the as{rega?? amount tlrerecf shall be paid try the htnrtgagor <br />wae;. rr ..2h ir. a >?e+,.i'r gayrest to he apgiied by the lin; tgg~c to ?he fo#lowing itcm< fn the order ut for?h: <br />- ~ (I~ ptern^~'t charges ttndcr LEte catxtrac? ;>* insurance aeit#i the Secretar,.• of Housing and Jrrian E3ecclopmetri, <br />.,. or rnonthly charge !in fiett v(nrnrt~age (+raurattre r,retriusrl, as cite ease may be; <br />fi.3 grow .$ mitts. taxes. assessrc•ats, re and other harar:i htsuranez pretntams; <br />j({i} interest oa tfae note secured here!;y., acid <br />- t`g4'`t atnort#zaon =af ihs prircipa of said Here. <br />An:• deEiaxeacy ;n tha amount ref any inch ueErega[e rnotW.hty rayment shall, unless trade good by the 91ort- <br />~vagor prior to dtc due date o£ the next such payman t, .:\,nvtiture an event „f default under this rnangage. The <br />5fortgagsa. may eoUeat a `"Fate t4targe" not to exceed htur dents 1'w¢) for cacti dollar iXE 1 of each payment more <br />than 'Ifteen S ESj days in areas to cover the extra expense iuv+,Ivecl an handling deiinyuent payments. <br />,- 'i-haz if uhe wtai of the payments made by the FEortgattui under +'~ i of punsgraph 3 prea•a'tiini! sha!! azceed <br />the am+trmtt crf pay~tcats ~tuaiiy- mods by the 'sirrrtg,ttee for trrounef rant,. taw trod a.=e~:±ments or intturtmce pte- <br />mfnrtts„ a~ the-t•ssn may Ire, =urh excess. if the Ic><trt iv current, at the optinie of the <fa?rtgagor, sh:tiE be credited by <br />the tiot'tgaaee ttn vnEr~! quent payments kr !;c matdc ha ttYC \Enrt~a~or, ur rofunded to thrt LEort~+ugnr tf. hnwe<~a•r, the <br />manthEq- jaa}°men~ made hs the 5kr, tgxgor under t' i of jaragraph _' preceding shall Hoe fie 4uffieieni to p;q gtrwad <br />rent, taus and a.~es~menc,. or in.~urstx:e pra:mium'•, a~ the r-;y t• maa nc. \:hen the -ama• ^halt 6eavr.nv due and gai- <br />abjtr, then the 1t"xEgn~ur t=haEE pat to the .ltortpaeea• ary amount nrrz a~~~un_ to make up the defirient•s, on o: hefrrc <br />the da.tst }when patrtncatt r>f such ground reins. taw. u~~e~-meat- ur m~urmct• ptrmtum+ shall bu clue E( :it any <br />tithe the 3#tft2~. Mgr .:haEj tender iv fhc 'ziartgagee- rfl a~-r-nrdn;i. e t;~ath thc+ {.roc;-t<-xiz of ti;e nets ^~€•euretl hereh:=. <br />fail paym€nt of ihr c-'nliee 4ndeheedne,=.= rrprear.nted the+nrhs, rbt• thin euj!r~•c, ,h tdl. rn romputlu4* ihr amount of •:ueh <br />irtdehtc'{3tres s, c'rcdit rc± =he necmtat ,t the ;`.~otteagrrr air jr vn?=-ttts icy.±+~- sst=~~_'i J:= .;- ,-.tea?~ c, ! til e,;Frg ~,rix <br />hereaC tv'zrtch thr ~iatitagee hut- coat Erecomi, obii;;ated iu {rat to :Lre =~-en•tat•v ,rf Ei ru--tog ;tad i'rhflai ilearlv:<mterxt <br />srrirf acts ba#7lnre {`t*maining in the funds accnmulated cinder the proa!~ton^ of . ' ~ +ri part>;rtph ? hl•rav,t. If thl•ra• <br />=tea## ho a default undee attt~ of the pturi4iunl of this rnx~ag+, + .-ultaui= to :+ pui_d it~ - dr• ui the p-rf.~tzr- r arreJ <br />h~eias. arc Ef fhe- S'>r+€eu_:eo a -mitt*x tii:,aa n ,:i.' ah„_ .-. ' ? : , da•l t -..! ,._ ` " _ ? -.. .._ -.. <br />tht ,::xmtxE rceetw'n, rx, ;uah :xoc•ec,:h i.t thr tt.,re t,ir a:vt..•nt t - i_, I zun.i. h' !-?! ins, IS ,._~... <br />romatntn~,g unjr,tid under sold nnk!„ unit jrcl# yropevh adEu ~i ana p.n mrnt> ,+h+<h '-h.rll bar b_ e n_:!rE and •r ~., <br />:. i ilnr tEr-c +r-- ~;it,°~aT -- ~ - - .:..- :_ret,. !.. ...., .. .. .::K, .,..,. . . .. ... .. .. , ..• .I•. •.• <br />et~rges, ftaca. or tmpo;IIxms~ lr, rrhtthal :~,e laarn ha, n.a hrcn mnria-rnatemhtt air , uJ :n Je~r~rulf t?ICre;,it;ha 11on g,:rtt• ,sf.+v <br />ptty !ho axone; and that the ~f ?it;,a~lt a+ll? ; torr:pilt deha-rr tt;• vuiiu t.u icy ei?a, i;iEFa,x fu iGc• .tat i;ugcc <br />$. The ~iurtgagyr rv;H pry +ill cane-+ vs htch niag hr 'teateti uta:n the tlortt!tigrr ~ rnia-t t-,i in ..,Id +s.J c-+.!t. .f nu uupr~„r <br />men-t5, and which m,e} he tevrod open tPm m.!nsaec .+r r!u d•; Pri +ti:ua-J here i,r thw +•tuv t,, the citt•m th.,f ~. o. k; n mf! p!„ntnr! <br />a'd b7 lar~ .mJ na@c to the cacao rtr.t ,ucb wdl rut nu+kc ihu i.:ea ;,,uf i:.u,., n,a ~:. iudsn~ .,nv =u.,,.;!c !... ~i:uc „! I r,;cr ak <br />impxaaed nn SirZxis~'z}s'Y-and coil life the u$t,fai :ecei t h u v,n htapalr~•ni a;ti; thet 1#aYt;;.;••tr It „t;,,r a+[lkm~;:: r-!;.; <br />takirxg, ur +f the 'viorzte;vot tr pa,hthai.Ed ht en} law now „r t;cru.titcr e rtcung haa;t Pai wµ the r+huh• .~I .ar, pal ttsm of tl.c <br />srtiri coxes. rrr ugraitrthe render„yut ,ra 'lof't dr;trc ;,,utrrl+tunpih Sln:_!rt hs the tiottm ice.-_t au\-, ht.i a,', .r f v_h l~u <br />o; dtcrec Prus§aEvs that soy .rrnutFB} ..t p:;:d tar. tl:e 4!Vagn,a~cir chat! t^.e . rcd;frd ,ai the nnuikayc d.+i. dr,- :fm teaser Jrali h.n c <br />the r}ght FFt k~a`c tliflr•ty eEay+' auitCn nutacr !ar Ct?s ax Her of the rarr t;_~a-tsri prctnta:.. reatu!nng ihr f.w rnent „I !tar :n~rl tg,,~< <br />etEivt. Ef such raatna k-K svisen- iha vw deEa .hall tx. c,me dos. ts.•, ante tind arhra uhlr <et ihr e rpira+u.r. „i ,.,lai nua^f r .in: , <br />h, Thr-.f ...~ySA Fw fin.! . -tSm :.... 'i ., - t ft , Eel t 33- .,a ,,,. r, nc .a, , ii; .: ft, ~ <br />tier may {rsy' arc ~rerfoem-ihc ,;,rte. and akl exP~~tui¢a ro <uuti=• .hall he +rJr~led to the pr Matt +i -:,..+ + w u;-.~•!~ !.a t ~~v r ! ~ le <br />sbaE#!}e cecuredhere~y, and .had! heat tnlerr.i ~t fhe i:de+et fsrth to the ..nd n„ic. ur!u! t`nui <br />-t'haE fs= he.. ; ,t~rr r- transtr: -. 1:~ +rtr a al r. i`.e .. --+ ~ t.~ i.aat t ~ .r-.- ;~ - ,.. tr,.... , ..• <br />:ut't* <c4tired h- shy t,r a,_ . F ;; a!_;au1r ,n the {+ctl+-~nrancr :.. i. ;. I. ,.,ru ., •ult u:.i ; f ! -r ... 1.. -.~ ,. <br />:it:#2 :Vii tiiE rC'Y'aa. icll,rlt:- air !nttmr, i. I. !r Cn tPt)li!tne !1 (f~,,vt;.lai k,lt+-1. ~J~IY+f.}, "..k Ivl••a' , _ ~Ji !"-':~ <br />narxr•-~haj# r€mnire ueipaid: and the Merttgee sha?E ha_a pacer rc appa=tiuan<.r;Ernt.xt .t~ants n ftr,.a :lr.u.~ tr„ ri'i< Purim =,E „r <br />eepe<iri said gtrmi~_ :zttat of retttnig [rte-PC+mr emd niifectin{y the ants. rrrrnne+.,ud !aKUmc..;rn; a ,ua: tats .rut i,t --,•,i u~ <br />etr'.Lrx~F-alt CA'r-'~zrS2' 'S rEj}a:i 3ny ';zri;'E pitlt,tLi'.w ~SiliE t}CiVSS.siti at:nh'Yti§3fi,sii lad cc#'ia'-C.1CV in.. ut€a'at 1n rot rrm~..nd .. c[, tflc <br />~`~ ~s ~:%s,s~r~i ..r-rv.~.'iar- SiF--..,aa,. ,.a, .ate`. i'~.:a5.ii rc:iSU:F.~rg, r.,r.. Ic .ir*~ i car 5 .rsl t.rc :. , , , <br />tt- Tit #~ 43ii E:f.Cjt tiff itn~tE)V Cin4flis naE< eh{tit5n~.! r:r Her K:tEtii et@'ttti7 Esn ;tit rntNit;:S~'i'tt ;,i sr(S(:: t\ tn,ii tt'ii :I. gin. \ rse <br />rtyrsited from tE!TC to tmtc h} the \{~agauc: c~tl'tst tuvr_ ht titr sad othav hatua d•,. u.dirc.. ,uui .~uitm~cu. te'„ :+, <br />.u, A. <br />----~v'tirr--y.,.€~ies aerz[sj^-eP~*es ,ss ma¢#ter.gurrrd by rrte 4(ortRibgte •ind wril p'c.r ntftil{ -h.u hl si€ nuufn. a•n .ur.h <br />rx9gtslais>+3: iirov-tsiflvt for t3accrztrt tr€';,.hn/.tt iras rurf trern ntidr Ptex22rtlre'.c+rc rh mnuranac 4htak[ he nd m +fnp,uuc, ,.p <br />pru~cv t:5-tbx '-tti5;t{t„gec .and the ~fictea and ranervak thcre,tf shat! i*c held j.r the 6larttestra•<.f n,J have slit:!, taeJ thcrrio I,,,~ <br />~3a1==:.`~-„'.~~ is fH.<r .zt .:-ii sfl f~;n t;csri;yrisi3Ee tv [he P,r;it,G.,rsec. , -cent:.{ It,,..i t,a tK.;a fi t;tr iinnaT\ka,da• na+f i..t r" <br />- ...act r nt- ~-ra maKC bsrocf ::f toes ii na3r mash {!iv:r,trtiv ha tiatziuapur -•nJFa-aa is s+rwi,tuae . ~utp:.i•e .. .a <br />ia78C6 t5 Y=-+6f?y ,t ~~-vu .xnd c;trt':=zed to maize paY [nctrt (ot such Seas dsrwiVt' t>a the \Evr tt; rgev rn.lead .~! tcf the w4artt:apoi <br />:E r=-2Estt4.t~~ec t+izntt;,v s!YY.•~;i»=;r-. n c { c;:et s. nanny pr.t ttr~f-c.:t .rr, y' he i,.7aprr.i k,. the ':t.; ' .,I rrr i,nr,l+: °thtr <br />tasi'"t~tf?:s.:::3rt ~;i.t>: rgafi;f?Edr~,x52iafchY?^.vt;rasi crJO the rraitaoainin or rei'arr "ti tlse ['r,+i-+<ri. .~trnova-a( In <:. r+f .,t t,~rr .:,~ <br />S+Fi-^,..C# #ltr.4 ~t~!y~y`s cer ctS'.kC." MR.f6,#,i ~~U~ 43i#R is k~-c L#vrC~i~,'t'd ~iilb,^FS•r rirgk#n:~S}k+-. n+Cr•,t t,f I3;.1; +rttc h7r.lrt•~-: ,r. uae:i hHt KnY <br />ai? fzai~. tG:c ~ - Eni;i; ess of tY~ t#ortgts rn surf to -_n +n-arnsxcs punar,•s t4w:rt tt^. f„r._ ... ,,, ,nr i,u• -.., ~ a+•,PO+r. <br />~- ~hax t,> „~?,..n?tyS :ant a.;dtat*<€ai .,lErdlp of *dtg papn.3Cni of t7~ sate t' .- 4lwv.. roc, -.I; - , t,- Yt<. +r,a ,t.a.- ear .ia hrv <br />~s~taua>r. 3x- 'i€ ,~,... s~ ~ tt Ear - ~ t` -- r ~ - a-_ 't .. t, ' - s I . , <br />t4c is~€ r t<ru= -arm ,~ E i ~ rus .ris s.. -, ,- m„_ - ,.t...t ...... ~ ..R ,., „ <br />tY,t}i•:..s>3u;~a..7t!.ra'•adu tti4aic-.R:€..t,.t'f;,k,f t;...~;:cna=.a::..ris r,ft --....~,.pa ~~€',t. -y;€~... tta,r.- .,.:s.E..!< <br />,- _- s~.-a rrta: ,a-rs^. .- r,_-.,,i am .~. -, ...-. ,.r..-n.!r,. ... _..-,:,tr <br />.mL c,». r<. szr€if.`d;iL"t tl~d3t C£_;1+Kr,fit4 ..ra[ir[-{~+.: <br />