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~~t~tCr f~r~_+. ><-a ir;3r.~s>-.._,t* _, .-, .r=ye-.., ~,.v,~h~r ,, }: =~~:;r <br />_, _"__,_~___ ?~ __~.-.=_a~' -~~~~ ,''!yea v. .,b ~*~~it, r3~~G~R~ :vi?.?s $c ~oi31t <br />~_~ - qty= -,.Pa E: Z` .,`7~~5~:'--_;+ - - party of f3tE 34rx part, <br />_ ... ..~. - r. _ - r <br />rn~ _ i y-"!.. w r,~ _ _ ,=w a -1=3' - s ,v~•~Z`$$'Y.~ a.,3"is1.: c.?' i~Yf partv <ff the Ae ma,t pRn - <br />vrrzr'r~-SF;'Fit, rxaf th,r-a,sld fmrty fls ffs< !fret tert. s+~ :.,.~ to r~s=.arrRtt:~n as (s. ~~ ,.?GQ «..~4. t Twent•~, <br />ia+'~:n~ -#"t 3z.t,~i. "''` f ~,-'~ -`------ - -.. ._ _. _.. - _...r_FD1.t,AfL~, ,Wald-hy RRki pa*tY Gf Fka'-- --. <br />srrnrrli part, !be raeatpt -.rhererd iA hrretty aetr.;rwleJgr.t, naa greeted, Lmrgvtntrf; enrd -aml eenveyed; an<i by these preacnl+, - -- _ <br />ifaes grar4. birRatl+, u1F and coarry, uMO said party a,t fhr a¢crmd part. She fallowing JrRCHiMa teak prvpeNy altitafe im'tltie~ - <br />L•oa~tp .3( Ci 1:: arN1 Starr of h'ebiaaka. l6tYft' - - _ <br />Hof ~rfenuy-:~i~e (25i =^ °loc:c `i'wo (2} an. xe.~es:,..Afa.. Rd~i.tion-to the <br />+, :;E:atl, t3Hli ..0.'.^.~Y s s4'33"a. ka . _.... . . <br />tt~rifrar wfth at1 ihr ienemanie haredltamanta attd appurte.a neea~rt ~thc ~,pt>,t brart ri,ln en.f nll thr rR:atr t ti¢, rlruvrr - <br />` C g. <br />- rt~1t ~ IramaHCArf, rfalml and demands whalavever of tf{2 bid a ~+',the' l -nr to RAId }rtemMrR ar Rnp-pvri-, -- <br />trtaraai; atM asSd parry of the 9rRt paK Gvea-hereby cvscrrant; that aaYd r.Hr!.iy'a[-ihe +drat part f. tntettttty aet:ed M eau; prrm-. - - <br />.~ _ -rre- a -^~. oa ai ri ~t .a ! x r a r w + aid +ata~.. t -- <br />is4RilRra ag ir.~6tf ~ law ul clnirnsand a mRarfa ofatt parampt +rlAnanA.fat er ~r ~es,~t 2i f tl'S lll.t TL15~u~FE, dt <br />I~ox~arxt=_ z~~~.L ~`iw~_r~! ~t:tr.,~~ kt L:¢y~rw dtNsrl~~,*.i,.frt, .r.~r;~:t9 t_,~,<tttc3, >1eL'r*'sddfra.' <br />~, 2+7'CLaYiClE,G'~ J41.'GYIAY:4, attt! ~t.ifaar g'refxentu err tVprm thrse m.e,at % kt,ura: <br />I ~'~'~, aa!rY part'g pt iha Mrat pant has e~aerutrcd.nrrrl',drhlvtarma, trr pSlr ~Rah4~},:pv[y~~.tmt the nre•.~rIJ parr <br />~tro~l;~ryaata,.sxf;.t~a;r~.~i.~,t,~ 3,r_t:he_::rufatrxii:. 15 ,~:c~1,1~~^k;r..Fd~ v~~tla.,irat:leri?e~,t ~',t thCS <br />~°.:eM~ 4:t,, fiwelv~;c~, ~~ercefut ~.,l~il~}r l' :;LU,t3 at}-nP::!.;'~ ttm~~:d't~r,1S ~~aozs t,he~~sal~' ~ ' ~, ~ I <br />G:~, -rS~,n~. G,~ hrtF,: p.~r r~2~~~a~ . F:~c;~<cri :r,o- .t .~ ~~ i~ , fl;~c. ~~au~:.kt I }zarr;~, ~raailu~ <br />3..:.:.~~ci, S~eYar~:.J-~a os ~'~t..C~,p..:.~. 'tl_ '.':3,J.. wkt,_,,,,,.x13<~tr.s „raortiE?Tr ... <br />_ 1nC WhCTCnB. till p8ify o! fhfl fiiat pi.rt has Ag)'C¢d (a kCCf) (hn buFffhny;+., S( d1n)', tlpOn v,tfJ 1~CCmf.4C9, hrntlrCll 1,1 vi <br />pant ore rrupaniea-apprartd by aatJ pttrty at the Arennd psrt-far the tut? uranrut h:r vnh:r ngaucn4 fnne by 6rc nuJ +,~a:+i>h~rn± u:rh <br />extended cnvcrattr ens! dalfver tc aa(.t party rrt fha arrnnJ part !hr pulley «m ri,A4r,ra r++ntn ln:ng n atnndnrJ n urr r.r;;r t I:rlt,r +. r:h <br />the tsma ¢ayaWe tv aatd pnriy et me nc¢vnd p.r rt, ar nAntgna, nnJ has n~rer~J tn, Pr:, l' ni! tns.~..:~ ~,:: ,,.~4rrsn,ent~ :,t;:r,:,~, r :.,,..i i , <br />iaee hatvra th¢ same, by law, bcrame ~feitnquenf, and hna ngrht•.a 4hn.t itaA1J l,nri } :+f Ilr. Rr .t pnrf,•.. n,.t f~r.:tl,.,~ nn+'h <br />Insrtrmca, ar felts tv pay all tasen Ira atvreaatd. theft mutd pnrty nt *.hc v ,ant l~Ai t. , r holler hereof, ,ny' 1':r+ <u. t: h:.,ur:,nrr <br />- tesea.. or either yr them, snit nil amvunta au pntJ hY aa: it pnrf}• uV 7h4c• acc,.nJ S:srt shalt hrnr ;a,lerrM[ r,- fhc* r. _ <br />"'.fret serer pre andeam trv>a: the data, pL pnyrnrn:. and ifYrta nxnrtigagr xtu¢)!f 'fautrd se s.-kr 4-y ~t.t:ercl nr' n! nJUtn rrt,, ?, <br />a..,.. s..,.. .'.'s z._.;:~::= c~'.he r_. r'a.a,. il~_:, ~ !xc,.~:-^=v.. fm.,as-r - y ^. •, ,-. !1'. _. -~1. .-. ,r er, a tt,e., ,_ _ <br />Ahaii' vrett. rtnd tnxty paY or cartes Yts 6n paid !ha Wald an art to n Y I n I~imuV r i a r s sr 'tr, 1 rN Ya i , ~, w -r t r~ , -~ .1. <br />~~~ iGS t}ir,: tm,xrr anJ efte[F rst an.lrl .nape aoci ahnU hr cep eat i txlef .3 ntt+t .r~, xi d r ramf.t. m. ,t huII n• t t..f <br />;, .+ <br />~iktaarMamenta pnld artd aftnlf duty klry: xf p,er!I,ru 31 fh tf! ta, iil i!n ,n i b rv I' f M t n 9ihr. <br />nth ia'St' as41`r yard rtit +t R1rm m a'nt { .n i.i . A if:t,- n ! n . „ <br />Id due, trr t(aatap t~l ttstEa tart ~tr.nkatr! s.rr- , i r t.rcaalf tlq ~f by to 4 u e.- r ula r k^"I rl t + t , r~, µ - <br />r~,..k ~: ^~r ire ~--,_~p;e_ !lt ,!u rrar:=» t.~G._..,_ 9:.~'~. ,sGlfltrs.rrrk, 19 tt fi. E .-,s i ', - -+.ry3 t~:o - 4 k ~rr,, - <br />j'ctz•a .,rrt..t-<~-vrns+i9.`;€r€1sF. ic?rf5ta{Yeriaf ah€Sddcrh o'-'it t.eY h Ihr l.f! rir .t~~. z w:- 9tr kt r-- 1- _. <br />•Y+~?, r. at 't++-ty t=1;r:7~,: adek...,c_f., tea ~.v- rtktr! t ek., ?.ri+S,v R r 1,,, a ,i l~.tu ..~ .Y _f, . .. _...._t ! ~ i _ ._.... . , <br />r4si,1*: ~rmCMi:.Ia51tF'ty A~{an afra;E1 f71a kP<~=-gytt.I. t~'~e ,.- hr,rtl,:`t,ei-.~Ff 1+lim8 .,i pn=p rr~q;uared~~ <br />- A_`~SJ Pf 18 FSSRTkt?"ft f'ttt}S`ICtFr+ a*t l~~ ifttlf?.k_!!. Ti+.A! ! *-u:i }-_:tF-n;;<:r =An!1 ~: _ - _; t::,, <br />mart~aee av lire debt Arcar¢a theret,y, tag-titer +rf(h Any ,thin r'7nx<~a , r:;.t+-a9n:r;+rt. t+~hl-+~h~r -Ike-I,tc l,s! ,~ ~~~t.:ru~a ~. <br />- ,Nebe'Rat4. agatemt tfie Auld MaRgryts+, ru the legal hnlJrr n1 the nA h1 (+Hnt ij'vi +H! e. _...anS <,t thlR rrin +,r•nf e~elnrv¢ <br />AttD IT 1S PtiRTMBR PRC)t"lni•.r) Arib At;Rt'F; tr, +h.. ,nr t Ai It_ k .hr At-, <br />-- teal oar Af 4hC <andlir~ns Fa[ +aal(,na [h' 9 7 t1 f M riy k 1 , r r , <br />he.ain des rinrd as the pm ~n:.! n€ watt d ! f Ih - 1 - a' r.. rr .~ - ,. <br />anY Part tnCrasfl, rCnlaina Rid. f vt E.n4 _m tri h - - (~ h -i ..h h h tr i t <br />s¢cartxY aaY Part flta n~ rrnsairs unP ti h iJt r<_d } ! - t - <br />gArt. tna rot. or th 4x+nEAEurn do nor ha ~ . ~ -tl - t t r~ t t- h ! - <br />occupy rte- Aetd'rt i. rat t^ p14„(1rY r N J oft y f s ltd r ( t ) r M11~ + r, ,. <br />3ptina. uCGi me the utrptti~'.ar4ac3nai 6afe.1•a. VAA .n, r.-+k. +,( .h , ~- ~.~ :f. 1 ,n. r .,h n-r .~ -r.. t'== .7 :. <br />_... <br />l f <br />~ s~tz~se~ ate ~~,.lx ~ ~ h ~-,~.,.,~. 1;'`` . . <br />-;t-9'~i'~'-e~f'la~FdLj4Sf{A- ~ C3n kiri» ~-'tfl piny qI ., ,, ~. ,itt: i~ i. L! F0 7`" <br />t~ <br />C~iUt4ty nF ~`;-~~-.t ) he[ura mr, a 'iat:+ry ['erbi(c !n nn~l t,rr ti:e irl C-ntr+it ! - m~nnllt <., - Ilea nF.,+i~ <br />- named 'tle f ,., !is tG. k?S.C dii~,' ''.';i - ... <... .<. ,t'tY~ .,t.:-i`s..,~_ <br />Yr '!«ii-E-', ik `3 ;; 3121 t: Tt: Y]~:tit `v :frt. l1 i'~. kl i, `f „t' :'ll i': ~ ., .. - <br />- - - W)ti, ._.. .. (r2i'r~~nr tfy anx,an t~ n,- <br />to Y~ m^_ !,1.•n!lCai p~rsf,n~ whore naln~ ...3`C?. x4. 4x t'd Iz~ the abn+r f~="ir t: n. e~.i <br />aq graahsr an7 at:awna=+-'lrJgr:l s.;J inatrrurent ~ he L fit. 3. r' +chrntazr a. , „r,a d..r,l <br />- W7-!': FL:45.S n;v hx:l;Y nn.i ?:.+tae:si S.eai tits iluEr i:<.xt a;nrn-snr~:. <br />-Mary a'<.;,.,. <br />3f v_ tY selr-~. flroa ~ y~y, r Lot dM$t;yb <br />_ ~ G. %iTlgfN6 <br />y ; tl~ .i^..'s rd E,+k ; n, ~Y '3~4.75. S>~ <br />