<br />~GF
<br />rcttrlcw~lalltln~.
<br />~ftN-wu.t~ft~Y7rResarr[*i:'-~.c Jimmy F. UtFmei and Janet A. Umnel, each in-his and
<br />her #nen right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Thirty Thousand and No/100--------- ------=~`na~-n=m`0-°-~~`~OF
<br />lamed to and rmnP(gsr by 7tp Fgoitasrk 8te1eS6gaed (gran Aaaoaaiimt of Grand Idutd, NeBndta, Mortgtrgre, vpon 300 t~ ~ s~dt ad'
<br />Assactwntxv, Cpnlfwe No. ~ 23 786 , de ~Y fit. ~ tad mortgage rrnto tte sdd A3SOCfA1ION 1Ip fo®onYtg
<br />rlerta~rd real estate, st~ba ht tlatl Crtve!~y, Nrrbraska:
<br />tugsther with all the traeaenta, beredstaatnts araS appmtesanms thereunto Fxtongutg, nutudurg attadud hoot waer~s, all window aaeens,
<br />wmulaav shades, binds, dorm wrndows, awrurtgs, s,.arit~, av u>ndi[innRq,ard pitunbirgt and ward cquipmpst and accemtiea [hereto,puogt, ttoyes,
<br />reirigaraiora, and txhcr iiaiwsa a~ equiytent rusty w Sprvftd attadrpd to or uteri m rwrrpctrrm with rdd real estate.
<br />Atd wherns the satrl nsortgapsr has atpeu! and dove hereby agree that the rrsrsrtgvgor shall sod wUl pay all taaea end atee~sata ke!M or
<br />aeear'd upon tad prc,nita and upon this trturtgAyCF arras the boas srrtirpd thereby ttri>rp rte nrm ahail bernim deiingrevr, to fumidt approved
<br />~ i!te ist rm ~ tie-mr~a tatr~tr-dm the seat a i ~Q> (,'-(jQ. Q{j ;~vatdc to sari A"~SEKIA'C€£1N acrd to 1e4eez to ink
<br />A.5fiflt'CA'fiCSN the p,(icros for sad iinannrz; and trot m commit or ppremt arty waste esn or a(uant card prem~'.
<br />in can o! detauit rn ilp pdtattpncc ui arty of t)x [nrnn tad cundirtunr ref this 6rasrtrn6a nx :rue tumd mcutnd #rercby, the itnsrtgalea stel!,
<br />rm dersrand. tse ers€itSed to mvnerf®ix posapatursn srt the murryagsd immvna tnd the nxrrtgagitt !tetchy aser!ros. tranrim and seat raver res the
<br />tttott~gse sli tNte rsnts, rayenusa and hvvrrp to bet deliver! front the trsurtgtited pssnnsnr drvitrg sue:h ime nu the uwrt3age inrLeb!cdaas atraU rrnnain
<br />tnepard: tad u~ erg-rtcee 1 inne the puwes iq appunt arty aunt w amts to rrgy Berm. Yor t#ra ;nuprsae eN' ra~triait smwl prdmets and rem,
<br />zlrx ;~:~ aRd craktc°targ :Ste rants,. r?vattuer and vises, atvi st msy pay eat rr# tad itta'acTSe sl! z~ponsss of repaaipgi aatrt prgts>vea sod srnatrtiry
<br />s,-wu~:air:us ~ za;tazrs:as utiauveai in rcitthg arsl stwa~rig rte >atip acrd of crdiuctutrt reotau tiprafrom; um haiarum r~eR„ainjng, d' any, to he
<br />agapGptl auwetd phe stisdrarga.rN Nod ~nnuriRap irdpWidrMnahere sights,oi the reuirtgagnp usay be saarrtared at snY Uvse tUurMng ttp otuatsttce ~d' rang.'.
<br />s7M"¢. Kx~:t, ~ t..8' ~Y re,?~ w°asbr~;hr<t.
<br />"wee nik, ..te opsart the C~e:tiitavs, TTvt d lire t3at Ms~rigag+:t a7"raii tzpay sand #ean on or tat'"ore rte rrotutrty of and strares by
<br />payrrpnt: pay monthly an raid A.S.4~CIA7'EgN of the aunt spectiiaf in ttp Nord sccrned lrcteby as mtdrd and pruscipa! un aid Iran, on a before
<br />Ue Twa+rtpth day of each and ¢vary month, until nd soon a (idly pad: put di tact and atarrtatprva }pvitd againd acid prorniaes alai un rho Mnrtgs~m
<br />rust tlee 8orsr! sow:axS tApnpby, ire£mc dehm!uwic7r; fwmdr apptsrwd tnauratra rrpw the buddmgt thetsvun m the wm of S 30 s QQQ . QQ payabk
<br />to sari A554K:lAT'itiN: repay w nit! ASS(X'IA'TIC1N upon demand all navtey by rt psW fur wrch taaae, asavaameuh and inau[inu with urtetad at
<br />tle rvaawrtum Sagas rest ttsetwtur loan dau of payaaant di of w6rdi Mangagrv tiataby atireas w lay ~ peatnv iw wWa on tad
<br />pramiw:kecp a[rd cwmpty
<br />viNt all rte ayeeeRrextte and taudRV vrs uF e!p Nerad fat S ~ a QQQ • OQ ttra day Wve+t by t!p said Mort,~gur to said ASSbCtAI'ION, and cotnpfy
<br />vrltFt ail the rtgsutesnpnta of tle Csmatiieittisn and ley-Lawa of card AS.9QC1ArIQN; then these pmenta s!taii ~euome rattly and wtid. otherwirn they
<br />shall rstrtaixi m full iurcr and may he #uscckaaed at t5s aerate sii eta taus ASSGCIATItY.+I sits #ailute for rinse rmmtln to srrslte arty of tad
<br />paytnavts or tp rhtaa snaeriha m arapsrx to tnsdtfrrg loos matttiY payrnevis, rrc to kwp and comply wish tip agteetrests and conditions o[ nd Nond:
<br />and Mwtpigu[ aytes~tu hose s resxiaer appuvetal i'ursivaeth m such RsrerJtnwe ptucernliitgs,
<br />tf thcr'e ra my ctnutge m srwaec~sip tri the real rxlate murgpypl herein, by nip w uttprwite, then the emire. raroatnuta indebur!pew hereby
<br />atevaed xfaSl, at ehp csptu*n rd Tlue I:quitabie fdtpiiding and tsaa Aauntiirm vi (:rand Islaad,Nebraaka, besartte imrrardfately due acid pyabb without
<br />fiusAsr riulire, and itp arnutwt tetnawtrtg dar urdd raid heard, and aay other b+vsd fur any additwra! advaocea tttede therenndd, alralt, Crum the
<br />Aata a{ canvnp of said npiirn, bin intareu n tlp rnsaxnunt legal rate, atd Chia nuartgaga may the» be Cosedsrwd ua ntifty t!p artpwnE rite sin laid
<br />t>n~.and racy o bond. Cut ad:aYSnnai adatrnEata, tngethd a,i(h all ems prdd by scud The i`.Gtrtiabie Btddsng and Lost Atbcirttian a i';.rand Land.
<br />Ntibra~,s fr9t Seearrnar~, rasa tied antatrnesaa, acrd al~rapix~ rztnnamn alnrgs, with vuerer! thereon, frsrs» date o!' payttseos at the nsaaimurrr
<br />steel tale.
<br />As peuvidal us etee Nraad aeeursd hatubY, svhik shs imsregyr rnrwdna in effect ttp nautgtygae rnaY heradter adtnmta addittatd >diffi to the
<br />nsdwra rsi raYl @tnsd, rhea a~ gna ar uats,iws rn mtarra+ wptc!> snort rdaaU bra wrthut the aacwity of this trs+xtgge the mote ar the itrrtds orrgrnlUy
<br />tataeed tham4y!, the toSts! nnsasmt rat prwcgrai tk9t cwt to eaetxd at toy loco the or~ettui amuuat ai tA,t mwigage.
<br />Ykited tlaia lltl! day of ttpi~miser A-Il., tyBC-J
<br />r.
<br />sl'AYE 1~= A= ~ ~. on rim 11th . ,~,,u ~eP ttse r i y JCF , befrrre ne,
<br />c~cw,Mfrx t~ ilALl. ~
<br />J i tapy ~ , t,~ } and Janet A. Unepe ~ , the utnlartquxl, a Nonry pthUn m and far ado County. petraaaUY tame
<br />r±at:h 3n his arFCi her owwn right and as spouse of each other: .. -~whn are t=sawteuY-wwnttr
<br />pap to b s}r idaaksnS paiwn a nhutp riassst 5 are at'M'iaad ru the atsrve tsatrraatdnt as murtgsg{st S noel they sevanliy
<br />_....:..~-g°° }!rs cot ina3wsam w 4_.a tlrR { r t~yia'sta:y ,~°.t and 3aK=i. - - ~ ~
<br />_ "e-~: ~i my 3ta1!dP r hr, Jtw.lO ,'knti Chu A'iafe a(Fncncr3,
<br />f ~~
<br />7
<br />~_ -. et .,--:.rat ~ ..m„ .,e:, ~t _.~~if '-X~''- ~,~__'
<br />~''_ yes_
<br />