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8f1_.Ci~i~925 <br />ba6RTGACrE IAAx too. L 23, 826 <br />~~~~~~'~ Larry S. Bazzell, a single person <br />tdertpdcrc, whgher rme a ttrrm, in m>s~emWn otrtm atop of <br />Thirty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred and No/iOD------------------------------------ ewaaaa <br />Somted to and nartpgir by The @.4urt+6k $usWm6 and I.we Aaww3ion of GruJ {viand, Nebta>*a, llfurt~ee.+>pon 34fi tarots arm ~ <br />avid AS4Li(,7A79t7ri, Certificate No. L 23.826 , do hetxby groat, canray aM rteortgaEE rmto the uia ASSOCIA17f)ti the fo®arios <br />dacadre6 real mate, titwtarl nt itag CouatY, Ntbraalu: <br />THE SOUTHERLY SEVENTEEN AND EIGHT TENTHS (17.8) <br />FEET OF LOT TWELVE {12), A;dD THE NORTHERLY FORTY <br />TWO AND TWO TE~17H5 {42.2) FEET OF LOT THIRTEEN (13) <br />ALL IN BLOCK 'THREE (3)r SOUTHERN ACRES ADDI?ION T4 <br />Tl~E CITY .3F GRAND iSLAN-, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />tgattsn rvlth ag the tesxments, hcreditanxnls and atrpuitenancea thereunto betongtng, ,rxltdiag attartxd (loot coseri>yfa. a!i window sctesas. <br />wiMhrw saeadra, Gtisda, rttttm wtrdows, aarnirrts. 'xata~f, srs txxditurnmg, and piambintt aid water equipment and aeeesotis thereto, patnps, rtove:, <br />tefragcratrua, and whet futarss amt evtusptrarnf ttuw ni herssitn attached to ex uvetl ~ cimtisr:taxt with Bahl tea) estate. <br />Amt whereto the aid mrxtgagw has tKrx'ad and delta herehy arree tfu: the mvrtg~ar shat! and will pay all taxss and ttaemtaenb levied w <br />aaaaarA uqm std prsmiara and upm this ittorfgage and the himd re wrest thr:cbr the amt shat) be writ deiieyrtent; to furnish apptnved <br />vesurar+ca upon tfw haW rxr ,.-. prnt~a situated m tta ~:=f S 3¢~ fiQQ, ~Q ,^-avahk to sent >aYb3t3£'EATiUN sad fo 3ciitmc to sai3 <br />At~St7K'IAT[t'Nr' the pubata few aarl irrausarice; and not to amrmit ux perwt ratty wasrc rm crr shtnn sd preemsea; <br />!n sate rd` defautl :n the prrfarrramz of any u# the tsrtrn and condthans r:d tfus nwirti~agp ar [fu Casnd wetrrad hsreby, the ttnxtgagea stutil, <br />Out ri)essnanA, bs enaitkd Gs trnsrea'rsats p.-raasevsxear s.f the nrtxtgagtd premixes and tic ,xain¢'~,t,*,sgus ixrrby arrxtts, lranaftrs and aeU arse U:s the <br />enrsrsttatta' aH the rents. craxoirea oral uuxxoe :a hm dnriawik tram the nxmpyxzl prcnrkrss during surds Irma as tits nwrt°•~ usdsbstxirfesa.dgt! rsmwt <br />tmpdid: and rtie eeasrifgagessistt have the puwsi to appoint any agsnt .'t agresti Et array .#rn'sse for the frwp,,sr of re~enlxag said prerttidaa am7 rsxtiag <br />ihn 5'wme &~ l~ s!M . yifa, rtvartsa xsc'rs:iae, wd ab may pay ~ ,:€ s-r.,ott trt ~,ata,Ma df aztsita>rs „t tcpav,ng sAtd premuca and nxv~gaprY <br />^mnr,~~ns cad eY:~ R ier.~:sd in :;:rfi.,a and u~tna;4iasg. the ,arar aa,d ref s:saiira.ktM ¢r.~~~ntaia sinercfcom; t~ bataen0..e raniainitht, U any, to tse <br />aaad awafd tree diacfsarge of sarli mwigags sreda~~ntedreeva, thsas rtgirts r i fhs ~ttiixt~agae rit'ay Ytr axercnled at any tiaras durks~ Na ex4atanca rsf isreh, <br />as^t'rr~, x..3ra sue" ~y =~. ~a.:~, ;;i is~ ;~r~_ <br />7T-~.v >-~~r.-:s. ~~~-t. a.~ e,~r i~ t;rrm';:;:~, i~f a iFa jai 3,~ai~r areii r ,stay suJ ivan on e: ixfore the trrarurny ut safd sharaa by <br />paYnren[, pay nsoitthty to >zid ASSOCIATIr7N vt Yu rum stacsfced ,o the & iki ucmcd beer. by ns uttcrost and prutsrpai oo said loan. uo or before <br />the TwesrtieihdaY u{ easdt .rwt ssvey :rsmth, uMd xaed hen u laity pant; pay alt laze. aitrl assessirants ;card agw,at xrid premises and un thu Mortgage <br />cad ihs iknd aeewed ihsashy, tsrture deienquen.y. furnish apprt.vest vuuraarx ,rp,m atre buddingts tt,trsun rn the sum of S 39 r 6DD. OD payable <br />ter aed A$.SOt:tATiaN-, eepay In ad ,~tY'iAT10N upwt denwxri ad moray by ,t peal tar s,uYt Coxes, axwwtanty and snsurarve wqh mrcrest at <br />ttu maxmrum ~ rate [ttererrn terms dais czf paymaut alt of whu3a klurtgag,ar heichy across to pay_prrmit nu waste on card prermass: keep arat wmply <br />wnA ail the atrearnevi9 cad r..rvart¢urts w the f9wd fur S 34,6DD. QQ this day ~tren by the said Mortaagrsr to scald ASBtxIATIt3N, and comply <br />wish aFi the rsquushrems of the t tmunutran snd $ cH rasd Aaux't A"i'IilN. then tlrsac pre:ssn[a shall bhroteee nail artd void, urhsrwiae they <br />attai! resnam m full fume am3 racy M I:xey;brard a! the up¢xur "i ihr sx i ASS()t'IATL(IN offer (adult {ut thine nwnths to Winks any ~i sad <br />paymemx ru !re tAtae neraths m arxa:s tit making rays: rncri,th3y paytnent», us ra k.asp axed uampfy with the agteenants and arrtdxions of sanl fkmd; <br />awsi Mixlgap~x apssa to Mvs a tsksirer appuutud frxthwrxh ut such fexecknwe tne,:sedutgs. <br />If tfata ea any .haitge»uwaeartup .st tta real estate trwpegagai hstsm, 6y tale ar uthsrwtae, rhea [hs sniira rer»asnmg vtdabtcdttta hereby <br />tecuss+t ssa&, n rise upairx¢ d Ths 2~rtmtatrk pyrldasa amt t,ewn Aaau:rutgn of Grard tahtnd, Nebraska, baamse mtmsrtisulY due and Payable wttttout <br />twtdeer mstiVa, sued tha awawnt rssuamgtg due ttvwlcv mw9 fstwd, and arty mbar b,rrnl tier arty addrtwnal adwiicea made thertunder, shall, from the <br />data ref exarrat of raid uptsrvr, !>ear asteicat a ¢Ae iraxnnan:l~ rote, and rhea mustgage nary thus 6e 1'wackrsel to ratrafy the aimwnt due on acid <br />Goad, aaY whet borsit f<x arMirewnsa! advt. inge[lua with ati wpss yaii by sand 1`hc L-dunalsk ftutidsog and Lrsan Aauiathm of f'ryid lsiattd. <br />Nsb>amzra for iswtatgres, races and asrasaiaewts, aini ab#rai~tuig extewairiut <:hargev, wnh :ntersat ¢M,rcara, from Bats of payteant at the maximum <br />~ rats. <br />ks pt-vs$gi sn tta 8on1 ;xesby, w;ttfr ttw trxxtgage crrrratns rn stress tits unertgagee niay tacrraftcr ndsrri,sx addnxntal sums ur the <br />awaAaas ut cola LFohtf, iMir xripsrs w aucaeaerrn ui mur...;. whtclt corm sha!! bs wxha the arw~utny of thss rmxtgade thr sine as the funds artaitntllY <br />aRS'usad tttuwby, Use fulu5lt~aop,4ipr err prtrsr:tgat debt met t:r vatted at any tntic the ur~rrut aus+sunt ut r+us nmriaags. <br />slued rho stn': day of i3.Ct4ber A. n., to tfr`~ <br />4- ~ ...y.. .~*' . <br />-~ 11 ~_.w._._.__ <br />:~+ <br />11~7a1'"tr° tfP E>thattiA,157Gt, ~ m. po thta ZOth • day ut Q~ t.0i3~ r t v uD , before tin, <br />":~ t#e ursderugned, x Notary f'uMtr to arW fw said ('pansy, tnrara+udfy Barra <br />?~ i.awry *~, 8Ytz2e~_~, a single person is <br />..l who perrunaliY kmrwn to <br />iwa trs ~ tisa rEafa#icµ paauri wheasa traraa ~ 5 atttaad to [ta abcwa iruttwtraati as uwiJ,fagur and rte <br />iha iF>~} a'~4t;L+¢w!4r In 4a !1 t 5 : ~;~ r.~'s~ 3~ ~q: 3~if" ' <br />~!!'aFSS ; 'S:;Ba! °lesY the 3a¢s aftat'aaani- - - -' <br />tierrcr ug es .. --i -..° "~'""~ ~'-'---;~.-t.~N~iblLSg~: ~S` <br />rrNf3aF wr ~ =r6+raia ~ ~„ <br />