80-- i i C~ 5 926 I~t)R'!a~'siA~E
<br />'Piii9 tlil~@l18lt8. tai tiia 17th ~ d OcLOher 19 ~. h7 otl hNwtia~
<br />Cacy 8. 8o1~laSL sad DbsitWf P. Sotn~tolte hstsbatd wed tsife, sash io hfs sod htl~' else
<br />right ~d ae sperms pf the other,
<br />~ Roll t%omc7. Neheasita, r mnspor _ ° .tad G:aad [fired 1YUa6 CeaWaaY d ©rrd isind. * ea@oraoe
<br />aaswd sad ~6 under the bws d Nabeaetu wiW its prmeipai ol6r sad pits d hamfoeas at (irrd Ialnad. ftshradts. u maf•R~
<br />WPF1QE88E17i: Thos atddmtgieepr ~., ~aad moartdststfwdthe sand ~ .. _.
<br />tie eanipt dwhieh h iterhY . do 6y thaw ptretta tmtgaaa std waeraat ttmY eafdtt~Ur~pj~s, t~i~siiYiia sad aaaidaa.
<br />newer, aB tM fdirwiag daacr3ed real estate. sitoatad is the Couacr d Hall
<br />ud Stets d Ne6rota, to.wit:
<br />Lot Two (2) in B_pck nne (1) is Coade 9abdiviaipn, Rall CptzctLq, Nebraska.
<br />Ta~thar wxh aii ftriiolt, sir es*ditiosiipif, IVVi~4i, and piambina equtptcwac oad [iaturmr. urciutlittg aereeea. awrrierge, storm wusdowe seat
<br />dews, std siadnw shrellrM bUiuda, tad oa sr iR esawetir with said pr'upertY. wlwther i.ln assts are now inutal un sad ynrperty or heswfter
<br />phasd elaauaa.
<br />~,t3 Ffz%4 ~: A:4i3':fr tit7lti itiE SA~ip:, wtT+~ with set oat aitutriar sx tanatnerts, SsrsdiWtsasta asd aplnrrtsrrsraaa tbarseetu P.re
<br />. e= ~ 3't~wma ~, ferrmx.. wed wrtaat tba title to tt~ ennre.:3ed sata'k9aac. d...:.c~akty enY~eaaaL. ....with. aid
<br />.._. - __ C he _ Y- -~-- A•SE . at trite delivery !!teat. e/te mwhil awns 1 rd the ptensiwn abava cunvsYad and dcycntaxi.
<br />~s~_a Ie - anted d a aegi eed ntdaheaihle estate of tnharetance t6arnn. fens adf cfew of atl ancumbranesa, wed that C_ - he ~_ wrlt
<br />warettgF std datend the this tieeato fwswr agaigst the claims and dwnrtrdn u( all persons whanwrev,er. -
<br />~i~~ CoiYI13EU A4W AYB. mld,jhis iorttvmeat is rsscuud and ds{ivered m sensn tM payment nt she sum of _ _
<br />**$ix "Chpusand Six Htmdrrd Thirty-eignt,atttd'fo1lOS)tha** ikd4rate fitbSH.C!0 _ _ _i_
<br />wtti mtsrax tharwrs, tossher wNh such chupr std advawtwa as nosy ba dw and paYabh to sari meltgaale under thn tarns and analrtatn
<br />of tie pteeseaarry opts d eras date herewith tad aantrwi NenbY. ecer:utao! by cud ezgrtttaaor .. g is card mart8+hlw. paYabh an axpreae vl
<br />i seed ante. sad to aeNre tie parfeeeaar of aA tM terms sad raaditwes arataltrad therein. The tarns of uud note are Ira,ebY tncwpruated
<br />!arse! by rim tektaoea.
<br />St h tis iutaadlon sad aatareeaet d the partir baron chat she martEprp aiurit oho aantn aaY tutors advaxxa mark w rid meaytaaur s_
<br />bJr aid taer~e. uai aaY and aii indekMedeexe m adrlifiea so t}rs esfertm above stated whxd. aaaf mursgattors. ar any :d sfaar. tray :,wa t„
<br />said rsottpQiar, fnawtw evrdred, whttlesr Uy note. baoi actvuw ,r othawua. 'f9w necrrttfaaa eAatl renuur rn full lowest araf eflars Between
<br />6hR patter hereto std that ireira, penaoal rgaweetauva, rouereasors ami arrsm, uaW ali anions aasvred hersurdrs, inludina future
<br />attvaesvee, an ped in fait wai rme<vaa.
<br />7'ia mwt)~{aa<.Y.. iee'aiY aawita w sari eawytaar all re6Y sad tuietraw areauyt at any and alt trmwr from wed pnWw"tY oral
<br />taNily' aafheriw said tauutealMt ar da seer.. K as apciee. upon daludt. to caiw eLarp d sad preper'tY sad cdtart all raa4 •raf rresxrmn
<br />iiaeahaee and MepIY tM war to tM Pe6'~r d hetmeac, pe{reepai, feeurarr pesaamr, rases, aaaaeanaerb. rapaaa ur iarproveeearts
<br />eeatwY. m asap said pitrpeetY m eeuaetahla aadetroa. ,a to o6hw chareea w paymeace prwidaf for Meem to en tlw wane hereby ,,.~urod. 'I'bis
<br />tYS traeitperaet stall caotiara ee twee uaail tlr unpeed 6Neer d rid seta m luliy Erid The faku>r of Pseareirar Irereutdsr shall to ru. manmv
<br />pwratl or ratatd rid toaetpeea is tiir vadleesiua d and stirs by havriaeuee ur r,tha<wtes.
<br />'i'ha iaieee d tie awetlsNa n saeRt say ut su rtRete iratntadar at say time reboil nut is cunstn:nd ae a waiver of its rytht w nasutt thv
<br />tae at say We tiaa, sari is utrw, tryeon sad ealwr eater eempieats with elf the tmnr arrd txpvweau ai said torte wed ,rf this mrrtaaae.
<br />li said atttµSee a triaY soars b is paid W sari rsarteseer th nuue aaaauac fir rt 6uaeeatfar, affi under the tsraw end f~,. wane
<br />d said awe heaaBgr eaaatad arrMtdhl` Aran advaatw. sad aaY rtaYrona rN reeaerals thanot m ux'ra+darrte with the suers aml ;~n.~~wama
<br />•• - •, and a aae0 tmMerprS~ .._. alta@, esaePb' aril aii ttw pssvmerrs d sad eerRe and d tlw erwetssys, trier tbar preawets ahaii trn vwd.
<br />atier+7ae tar tosses is iaN 4rwaeda~est. art acid mwtp/M aieU t>saataiW to tit pwaaeeeae of aft d sari property, and mtY. +a as uptaw.
<br />dtrllata tie nisi d aid aefla anti fit idshtairr rapnwesad therelry to ba aesadlaWY fir and payable. sad may EorerJnea rite murta.eev
<br />or rata ua6 atler frerj readela to peeleal its t'~tt. Appreiaaeeaat wuvad.
<br />Tile aseef,eeaa sie9 i» hisdie usr sari Yeik rwn to the heaaat of ttrr boas, aaacatsra. a3tar>aetraurra. auounrrrrn rrd eaarsm .d t hs
<br />rWeaaiiai !stria Meato.
<br />Ili wtFUtY.t7Ei WFU.tiiBftp', said llwteeen ?_ l» _'fe.. fnraura set C~~t s ~ eleedy ,md vrr cast atwvv
<br />r-.-- ~~ fit;/~
<br />- - ?';;~~~ .ham t -
<br />''~a Yt1t8~~~~~5 i nf1<. i t
<br />