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gp...• ~tl(+'•5925 MQRTGAGE <br />17118. 1RD3f11771FE, irk ihia ___-..~?12L-.-- - _ dry d.-_ (?t nb r .. _.. - _..... _ 19 Sfl_ - . 6y amd betweszt <br />_LOUis R._Hei~oza.and_Rae A. 4e~oza~ husband and-vile, ea:.h_~n_nis an~~g~_Q~.rjg]li_ <br />axtd as _.cFnuur of rha _nthEGr.r.-__. _..._____ _ .- __ _. -. _... _..---.. ___ -. _ - - __. _.___.. __ _ -___.__-_.-_ <br />d lla 1 1 . p~f, ~iattcasia, ~ > __s.. atd Grand IeWad Trust Company of Gnod Is4rd. ^ coritaratiea <br />as'Dar+~ad sed rsbeint tmdar ehr htnt d P3ibrtsita wk6 ita prhteipN atfloe and piaea d bosittnns at Grand IsVad, Nebraska, ss ntartgygee; <br />6Vl'f NS38tiftt: 1'W atdd ~e11;~rp s __._ . ks aad in oauidsrKisat of tM won d .___. _._ _ ._. <br />'£hree Thaunatid three hundred forty three doll~irs and 25/1fl0'*t~`-°. ~ '-}j$ .2~ <br />tka nGipt d rohth is 6e.aby eCkaow{sdOad, da . _ by these praaertu mnrtystts and wat'eaat ttataaaid-atart~M, ! ntd tenignn, <br />. . ;:.:. <br />tarstnr, a9 the Mdo+iatdsasr~ed real estate. aituatad ro tlr Cnarny d Hall. _.... _ - ._ _.____.__~. _ -- ---_-_----- <br />atd Stttta d Nahroaka, teak: <br />£:.~_ T_el:~_ il'; ... :.nand .,, ~u~.te. .,~,.r, i;i. <br />a Subtil.vtsfnn tar tFre i' r.. ~:r~ind €.'s9.and, Hall <br />ConntSr, `v'e?ara~~k;a. <br />7optlrr aW! nU Maiiq, i tvoditaors~. fyitio~. and phwltm~ trywpttxwt .td tkst'turls„ :rctuduat srewxrn, awmrttta, etnrm watdnsrs atd <br />d4xsrs, tad sundaes akathw tx bhatts, uaad os nrta roseectam wtth sad peaparty., wtxal}trtr the alms atr ntw irxatad on aald prrpert7 ,x Itwswkee <br />ptasr3 thwssn. <br />~~ ljft't#!!Y£ Atdt? 7't) it+t)!~t TtiCr sA1Nf, ~afeah+ w~h aU ansl ~ rka ta~xswnta., ?~etitaratanta arai npgxtrtesata~nn tiateeasdQ Ixn <br />Vt. ar im argwir a~aeWttsK, hoseer., aad warrnot tM titb u! thn xamta. ~".~3aMt saxttWKv'r s,: kareby crrW+swnt with said <br />~nltY that the 'x :itt. K the rtiYttvey herar„t, Ltar 4llwkul I;te'~aer. :a.. ed Ifx! proalsxw alWMe rrNClvayri AMId daN~rriTxst, <br />~f~i{ _. _ e:isad ai • geed .~ :~~ awtste v( rnharttans ttwrwu. tree aad cbr of di erx.-umtxsacx, end riot i he j - wdi <br />ttf~roOt aad dabad iM titta4aralo f®avar atawt tin rla+nn sad dsalands rat stl prwv wixxrrawvw <br />+ PWCIV I Ut.U ALW AY3, ud thu uuitrumaet r atacutad aed dtdtvarad w axuts tMr paytrteat of the run: u( <br />'ShrCe 1'hwt>sand 'ihrre !umdred ir,tty tiirr.r .,.~3iara .ind '~j;r}~rsri ,Sq:.::? <br />witb iMataat theraoo, tryathar witb aunb cE.rysri tai advaagaa as rnaY he des and payabis ta text mortKagex ueder cM terms arxt r nxldxrns <br />of the pnterrirary atu of aveo data hrwtth rat szravd hereby, xaatvtad by sad +*xurtaaipx :. w ssd mvrtYadw. i,ayaWs ax espreaaw.l <br />o attid pls. as-0 w saratrs the pattamaona al dl tJr terms asd ruodrtxoa <ustaaad thalaia. TM terms of std area arv hereby u:curprrawd <br />itpola M this re(eteada- <br />It i• ttts itraetiov sad aar.smeet d tAa parties 6sntu that thr matartd. shdt also aat~tn aaY tcuura advanc'w made w saMd rautgaKrx H <br />by said osartdape, std aoY wd atl teda6twhu. m addarr! w the amw+ot eburva axaW whx:l. aaxl nxxtttyturs, ar any u1 ttlrrn. may uwv t,~ <br />sYtd {nart~M. i1aW V0t lYrdaOlYi, whrLjlaP b~ {xlta. hnllh !I[.tnnnt Ur Oi~lfwliS. `rhla marfgf~e Ytx1i~ R'rY1aa1 Ur fnii f'Ut~'x arxi Yftd'L kHAw'tit~n <br />the parttsa btnsto and ttru hash. psraoa-i npraaarrN,uvw, swi'ewras nod assL~tw, unui sil atrxx+ntx serurssi hereunder, ~n~lruiu~ ntrun• <br />advaows, are pad m foC with uttasaat <br />Tats moripyor _. ~. - hrrbr aartgo w .std nxntp~:s aU woo ami tarams nriuesg rat any and all ttmw inm: mnt pr.alxxtr and <br />hereby auaiortr read or da apal. at as uptxn. wPm ddaWt, w take charge v! seal prupraty rnl cuilert all rents rani inwme <br />tktrahm W aMdP tka p.. w sgr pq+rgi d ..dwst. ptaasipat. ?..waao. psasrhra, tae... ++sasamaoa, npatn « vptrw..wrta <br />aaoraary w kaey sad PaepartY m wrstab4 usdnwa. n w.rf9. chartirs ur p.ymsnu vnv~t hx hwa;n ,x to thn rx,ts h.e..~bv av.~ur.~d 'i~hrs <br />raYl, attlt/giaetl ahail saofaoa<r hrw sold tan ofped ttWaasa d sad auk q tutu' paxf. The taluttg vt puaaaaatoa here rocker shall to w manner <br />paeVaai ar tiaan"I wYd aratt~yea is ilYa isseatta~ ~ said .titan ?!y i.-lrseiiresv .rt ut`aKW~. qe <br />Tha'_".._ _ d t8. asariQSa}: Ea aa.~t :aY .:i :t. r,~td. i.+.or:Lr .t .,.s t.m. d+il :.,r iN .-uzrs:.,..~i .- . w„~sr at xs .ytt,t u, x.+s.~.t: cnr <br />aatsr at any httaa ttme. and w weYt utm .td atdotsa sinrt oampitaa. .-uL di the tercao +ad erv. xuurx. ,d snW aw and „i tn., „rurtaaar <br />it sad opetrs8ar 1 ahai settee w ba peed w saxi Lae iJSa mtxu aw.m dux n trrelunksr. anti uodr the terntn <,..., ?nvvrsxms <br />d said rasa ksaaiy easresd. iocY~ fawr. adeaecs, net any sntaers.os •x caaa.tda threat u .u utdaaz wcth ti,e tarcua and pmv wxma <br />tkasanf. agd A ardd _`~__ aha9 empty wdJt rLL tka provrswne rat sad ants atx! d trite ~+'Ltat9'= tt n thane i~.rnta that! ix, v v,d. <br />atdtat'rieotq tieatf4 i:Jis~taeaa sod sAats, sad acid a+c*'-FJE*asbali 6e estxled tv tdea i+~~"°*s+3x'c rat a!! vi sesi Isx,tts'cy. and may. xr ii: .q>zxn. <br />det3ao ika rrhrfa ai said psis asd a!sedtbR~m tapaasastad tharabp w M rnutrdatoly dur eat payable, sad slay f.x chrr: thu. mungatte <br />a tda ttq other krill rcatiao to Pseuta 14t ri8itt Apptatastoeat waivsd- <br />Thla aaet'tiaR shat he btwhot{ upm sad ahaL oswra w the hottelrs ut ties a.vs. rael•WUr*_..dtwnatrotare..u-i ,r, .rx1 aaaucar, ~,t r hr <br />'sue <br />IDi ra'tTNY~U WtiEfdaDf', rd h4ssspt;or...s,__. m _ •c- hasaaaa at - ti;elc na,xi >_ Lhr Jay srxf suer titer aiwee <br />.a <br />~ __ <br />x. ~, <br />