~4-= 4~C-~92(l
<br />E L E C T R I C E A S E MEN T
<br />Raymond T. Lassonde and E. Mariea Lassonde, husband and
<br />wife, herein called Grantors, in consideration of ~ O
<br />receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,-
<br />hereby grants and conveys unto the -
<br />a municipal corporation in Hall County, Nebraska, herein called
<br />Grantee, a permanent and perpetual easement and right-of-way to
<br />sruvey, construct, inspedt, maintain, repair, replace, extend,
<br />remove,, and operate thereon underground electric utility lines..,
<br />cables, terminals, transformers, surface markers, and other
<br />appurtenances connected therewith, in, upon, above, along, across,
<br />underneath and through a tract of land located in part of Lot
<br />One (1) of Lassonde Subdivision in Hall County, Nebraska, more
<br />particulary described as follows:
<br />The easterly eight (8) feet of the said Lot One (1}
<br />of Lassonde Subdivisiark. Said tract of land con-
<br />taining 0.08 acres more or less as shown on the
<br />plat dated 9/30/80, marked Exhibit "A" and attached
<br />hereto and incorporated heroin by ref?rence.
<br />toget<Rer with the followiizg rights:
<br />^nrestricted .ingress and egress to the above described tract
<br />of land for installation, maintenance, operation and removal of
<br />such utilities and appurtenances.
<br />Such rights of ingress and egress shall include all rights
<br />necessary for the full and complete use, occupation and en;oyment
<br />of the easement herein granted, including the right to excavate
<br />and refill ditches and trenches, to remove, clear, and keep clear
<br />tress, bushes, hedges, undergrowth, and other obstructions inter-
<br />faring with the su>veying, construction, inspection, maintenance,
<br />r~paiz. re~ilaeent, extension, removal or operation of such
<br />utilities. No improvements, structures, or buildings of any
<br />kin+e whatsoever, shall be allowed in, upon, above, along, across,
<br />underneath, or through the easement herein granted.
<br />All electric utility lines, cables, terminals, transformers,
<br />surface markā¬rrs, and other appurtenances placed i upon, above,
<br />along, across, underneath, and through such easement shall remain
<br />the property of the Grantca and may be removed or replaced at
<br />a.ny time.
<br />.. l
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