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<br /> � ' — -- ---- ------ —
<br /> � 96•. 1���a� _—
<br /> 1 . �
<br /> • TOGETHER WI'!N an th• krprovwr+�ris naw or hwMlt� x�ctwi a� lh� propaty. �nd �11�asMtwnts. �p�wiK►snc�n. +ir�cJ `_
<br /> � . fixtum now cx here�Rer a paA ol tM Fxoprty AY r�placwtiwnts�nd adcliiions �halt also b�cov�r�d by th:a S�cu+ity Mstr,vrs,tn� �_
<br /> � AY ol the Inr�goinq is refwrqd lo n thlc S�cunty hshumw�l yy iho'Piroperty.' „a
<br /> ; BORROYVER COVENANTS that Bo�ow«' ►s 4�wtu7y swi�ri ol it�W�statc hxeCy conveyad�nd has IAe nqht Io qant w+�i _
<br /> � conv�y thP Propaty and that lh• Poperty is wHncumb��d. Rxcpt tor �ncumbrancos at rocord. Baraww warru�:s arv�w� _.
<br /> � dMot�d gwtorahy th�tiW lo th�Propwty �qainst UI cLins and d�nunds,subNcl to�ny onw+nbr�nc�s ol reco�d
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT comhlnes undorm eovenanla tor n+�tiona� us� and non•wutom� covcnants with Mrit�9 �
<br /> vxiztians�y jwisciict4en to comGlute� un�xm sawity k�strumenl covwinp r�al propo+ty �
<br /> �� UNIFC�M COVENANTS. Bortower anQ Lender oav�nt and�QrN os lou.iwc� �
<br /> t. Fsymar►t af Prinaipa� �nd Int�:�91: Pr�paynw+it ai►d Lai� CIt�'�Yl. Banawer sAatl pra�rptly I+�Y rih�^ �
<br /> � d�w the prircipal ot and"ntc�e►st on ihe dehl e,rblv�ca�Gy tha Note �snd Rny prepayment and bte crwges du�undK 1Y`+IVcN �
<br /> 2. Fwida tur Taxoa and I��uanco.Sub�eci to appicabl�law or to a writtan waiwr by Lwtd�r. Borrawar s►►W pov
<br /> 4 to Lender on the day monthly paymmts va du�undx tha Noto. unW Ih�Noto is p3W �n Aitl, a swn t'F�") �� (ai y+s��y �,
<br /> taxes and auesunenls which may ulain priorily ovw thia Sowriry Inslrum�nt as • lien a► tAe ProP�Y� (bl yNr1y taasrelu.,l.�
<br /> payments or ground �tn on the Prap�ty, if s►ny, (el Ya�A' haza�d a P+ePw11' insuranc�pnrtau+ns: (dl y�arfY wuoc� in9ur•inte :-
<br /> premiums. it any: (sl Y�Y�9+9e insunnce prert►iums. H any:and (Q any aums payabie Ey Barawv to Londer h �ccad�r•ce �
<br /> wfth the provislons of paragnph 8.In liou of tho payment of mortpage inwrance pr�rJums. Thsse it�rns uo c�ltad 'Esuaw
<br /> � ftams.' Lendr rtuy, at any time.coWcl and hold Funds in an iM04111 110t t0 6XCMd tA!�lfxklnlM �rt10Ynt a 1�1KiYf SQ� o f_
<br /> tederalry retated mortga9e loan may rpuin for Borrowar's escrow account under the teda��l R�al Estate S�tUertxnt ProoaduYos �..
<br /> { Act ot tA74 as amend�d hom tkne tu Wrw,12 U.S.C. �2601 et seq. ('RESPA'), unlass another law tAat app�ies ta tt►t FuRd3 =
<br /> t� sets a lesser amount If so. Lendar may.at any tims. colteet and hold Fund�in an �r+ount not to �xce�d tAS kssar arn�avr*t r
<br /> .�• Lender may eatimate the amount of Funds due on tha basls o!currant daU and teasonab�a estYTUtes ot expsnd'Aures ot kaL�:a -
<br /> Esctow Ilems ar otherwka in accord�nce with s�ppGcahle law•
<br /> # TI�Q Fw� shall be hvtd in an Instiiution whose deposits are insund by a todaral agencY.hslrum�r�'�alily, c►+entiry (����<++�4 �
<br /> -� Londer, it Lwv3ar is such �rs institution) w in any Fadarsl Home Loan Bank• Lender stuN ap�ly the Funds to pay th*Escraw _
<br /> Items. l.ers�c may not chsrye Bortower for holdinQ crd oppryin9 the Funds, annualfy ar►�iyzfn9 the esaow account. or veritylnq -
<br /> the Escrow nxnu, unless Lender p�ys Berrawa interest on the Funds �nd applicable taw permits Lender 10 rtutka such a
<br />_ chsuge. Ho�e+w. Lender may roquka Bsrrvwer to pay u onatlnw chuge tor�n Independent rewall astate tax rcporCng se�Yice -
<br /> used by L�^s:+x In coruiectlon with ths luan, unlasS :.pgGcable 4aw provides othawise. Untess ort agreemw�t ts msde or
<br />- app6cable law requirea Intarest to be pald, Lendu slull rtet he required to pay Batrawer any inUw�st or e�rnt�9s ae 1he Furtd�.
<br /> Borrowa► and Lendar nwy agree in writ:ng. Aowever, that int�est sh�Y 6e palcd on the Funds. Lendar shall glva to Barowex.
<br /> � without ch.:r,R, an annual accounttng o1 ttx Funds, showiny cndits� debits to ih�Fufds and tfw purpose ta whicR e�ch
<br /> � dabit to the Funds waa made. The Furds a-e pled�ed as addiUonal secwriry tor all sums secursd b�tha 5e�writy Instr�rcant
<br />__ If the Funds heid by Le�der exCeed�tltir a�r,ounts pertnitted to be hefd by aFpGc:nEG.>I�w. L�xt��ats;,U accounl to Bara•Har
<br /> - tor the excas Funds ln accordanu with the requkcmei�ts of app�icab:e 6aw. H the arrtc•l,zt of:he Fwda held by Under at any _
<br /> tYne is not wtActant to pay the Esaow Items when dae. tander may sc notity Beerr«� in wriWtig,and. (n such case Borrower =
<br /> ,"� shall pay to Lender the amowt necessary to m�ke v,:. t�,s do1'ir�ancy. 6arawr sf�:i:r.aake up the defidency ln rta�more than
<br /> -- twM�o mo�►thy paymw►ts,at lendu's sole discrMlon.
<br /> � Upon (aaym�nl in fuY of nA sumt s�cured by this Sxurity Instrum�w.Lena�s:�a`1 �romp9y retund to Bortower any Funds
<br /> heid by le�x. H. under panqraph 21.Le+nder shaY a:quir�or sei�t�e An;�a+:�'.Lertder,prior te tt'e aoQuisiuon or sale of the
<br />--� Property. sha'��pply any Funds held by i.�x3�+at �.� :� oi acqus�ex sakr as o��dit a�lnsi Crie sums s�au�d by thk
<br /> Securily k►ssument.
<br /> � 3. Ap�lliCitioft Cf PayRWt�t9. L•s�ess a�pF�a�'+e law peovloes otherwisQ, a0 paynte�ts rec�ivsd by Lender under
<br />-"� pamgr�Whs t and 2 sl�aii.Ge app4td: frsi,La ary prepayment charga due under the Note: second,to art►ou�ts payabM undK
<br /> � pany�aph 2•,tt�ird,to(n:aest due: fow.th,be ixi�clpal due:and last, to any late ch�rses due unde�the Nots.
<br />-'�� 4. �It7ir�Ya: UW7�. Borrowes du� pty aY taxes. assessments, charges. fnes and hpoaidons attributaW� to the
<br /> PropariY wl�i..�i maY atWn PriaiH ovar tf�Seaudy InsUument,and kts�Aold payments or ground rertis.d any. 8orrowK shall
<br /> � psy thOSa c+b�iQ�S10ns in tlt�rtr[utu provided b(W�tqlaph 2. o► tf nOt p�10 In that mu�r►er. 8orrowR siwii{�.�ii�ii�i iw. :::�:
<br /> dincty to the prso�owsd Wyrrwnt. Barowr shaY prompily NmisA to Lenci�r ���o Lendw�icaipts avidencir►y 1h�
<br />--� P�+�4�Pn. q Esortower rtakes these p�Y�'�et�ts directly. Sortowar 4hW Pl�PnY
<br /> �� ���.
<br /> _ Borrcw�shaA prompUy disctwpe ony lien whlch hac p�forirty over this Security InsVwnent unleu Sorrower. (a) �gress in
<br /> _ writiny t� Lhe payrtwnt ot the obli�tion secured by the liet► in� m�nner�caPtabfe to Lender, (b) contests in good faith the
<br /> _� lien by. a dd�nds ay�k►st enforcMn�nt of t!u lian In. 1�f procaedhps whkh b ths Lander's opinion operate to pnwnt the
<br /> — eniorccment o1 the iien;a (c)seains kan the hotder of tM Wn m aqrNnwnt sattstaeiay to Under subord'naUn9 th�Wn to
<br /> — this Security Instruman�If Lmder determin�s th�t any parl of tM Property is wbJ�ct to a lien which may attain prlor'►ty ovr this
<br /> Sequity Instrunxnt. Lender may give Bortower a noUce W�ntlfyMiy the Oen.Bocrowa ahaY satistyr the d�n or t�ice on�a mon oE
<br /> — th�actions set torth above wkhk� t0 days of the giving ot notice.
<br /> — 5. Haza►d Or PrOp�Ity(nsur�nc�.Bortowar shoY keep the improvan�nts now aodstins cu hare�lt�r erect�d on the
<br /> _— Propaty inuued aq�Yut bss by �Yw. har,ards fnclud�d within the tam 'extend�d wverage' �nd any other haiards. Induding
<br /> �"� Uoods or Aood'ny.tor witi.h Lender requlrss ins+uance. Thls bwr+nce shal be maintained in th��nounts�nd tor the paiods
<br /> that L�nder requkes. 1?�e bwrance canier proviciing the insw�nce shall be chasen by Barower subject to LendRr's�pproval
<br /> • wtdeh shall not 6e unroasonabty withhdd. 11 Barower faila to m�k�taln coverage desuibed abovt, Lender mty. at UndK's
<br /> option,oG�i.�r cow►ays to protect Undr's rights in the Prop�ty in accr�+rdfna wrth p�raqnph 7.
<br /> qp fnwra�cs pofid�s and renewals shaM be acceptaWe to lend� �nd shal ir�clude a standud mortgage daus�. Lenda�
<br /> sh�tl have the right to hold tha poieie��nd renewab. I1 Lendr requies.Barowar shaY Pr��Y 9��� ���r�� °`
<br /> = pa(d premkuns and renewat notices. In the eveat o!bss. Bortower shstl phrQ prompt notke to the ins�uo�cartier and L�nd�r.
<br /> � Lendw rtwy make proW of loss it not mada pranpily by Bortower.
<br /> Un{sss Lender and Bortower oth�rwlse aqrN in wtitk►g. insuranu proc��ds shaY be�pplied to restoration a repalr of the
<br /> -= Proparry damaged. if the reatontion er r�ak !s econurwcallY teas�b snd Lender's aecwiry u not tessen�d. If the restwation or
<br /> = rapaw ts not sconorNc�y fe�s�ble a lerd�►'s sscurity would b�lessw�ed,th�inswance Procsedt shall be+�PP�ed to the sums
<br /> saau�l bY thts Security Inswment M��eSher a rwt then due. with any excoss psld to Bortower. If Bortower abandons the
<br /> Propaty. u does not answer witlYn S�days a noiica han Lender that tM insuana canix hss oRered to sdtle a Ga1rn.than
<br /> = Lender nyy coYect tRe iaswance proceeds. Lendar may us�the ptoceeds to reptlr u restore the Pro�ty or W p�y sums
<br /> "-'_3 sacurad by thls SeCUritf i�tstrunw�t,whether or not then due. The 3adaY Perlod wiY bepin when th�nodcs is 91ven.
<br /> Lk�Eass Lrsdr and Barow�r othwwise a9reo In wriUr►p, any zpptic�tion of procxeds to p►hcipal shaq not exTend cr
<br /> ,�-� pastpu►e ths due d�k of th�ma�thly WYrt►ents rotert�d to in pars�yaphs 1 and 2 or chanqe the amount of tM payrnents. It
<br /> -�•i under parayraph 21 th!F►opKty is aCquired by Lender. BOrtOwer's�trfit ta any ktslxanCe pOFcies�nd prot�eds reSURiny ttoar
<br /> - ctart�aye to the Ptoperty �rior to th� acquisitlon shail pacs to Lead�ar to ttw �d+nt of the sums by thlt Saauity InsVwrbnt
<br /> _ irnnadiatey Prior to the mequkrtion.
<br /> �' 6. Occupancy, Pras�rvation, �AauMananca and Protoctian of the Proporty; Borrowor's Loan
<br />:.,+��� �PPlleatlotr. Leaf�hotd9. Barower shal occupy. establish. and use ihe PropeRy as BoROwer s principal rer,idence within
<br /> sixly days aiter the execution of this Securidy InsUument and shal contirwe to occupy tht Property as Bortower•s Pincipa!
<br />::�:C r�ce tor at la�tt one yev after tho date o1 oc�panCy. unless lenda othenvise agrees in wrilin9. which conseni shaY no2
<br /> be unreasonabiy wQhheid. or untess extenuatin9 circurtutances adst which are beyond Borrower's control. Bortower shaY not
<br />"��` destroy. darmge or Ynpair tha Piroperty,albw the Propwty ta deterio�ate.u cotrmit waste on the Proputy. Bortaver shaN be in
<br /> • d�taull if any lateii�xe action or proceedi►g. whNher avil a airctinal,is bey�u� that in Londer's good farth jud9rrnnt coutcl result
<br /> ' in faleiture ot tha Property or ottwwis�materi�Yy rnpair the Yen created by this Security InsUument a Lender's security interest.
<br />�, F1316.LMG(T195) Paqe? 01 S �
<br /> • !
<br /> �
<br /> 9600i'i
<br />