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<br />-`..-- <br />~~-= €~€~~895 AI~ORTGAGE <br />---->,~. <br />~p~;$- tp#y'gg. ~ ~.__~n _T_^_. tom,. a{ €7t£ofier_.___._____-__. , I9 $Q . by nrrd besween <br />PatrZ R. Hannrey and ALildred i:.ouise 13aane}r, husband- and wife, ea+-2r in his and her ovn <br />right and ss spouse of tare other, <br />t>f ~~ F€81L .-~_.ti .~ Caanty. N,I!breaka, ra nnatgsy~or. ~.__.. ,sad Grand Island Trent Gaaryany of Grand Island. a cr»pvmtion <br />a'P~*d and szia6ing uada~ the taws of Nr{uraaita went ire prin,5pa2 offtam a,td place. of 6nainesa at Gmnd Island, Nebraska, as nrwrgaRee; <br />W FY:+'E,58E'P(i: T7tsc seed eloetgrtitor•__$ __. ,for and is canridaracion ~ kba sum of ___.-____..,_ <br />*wYareive Yhouaand flee tftsndred Fifteen sad '7aJ1t~Otfis*~***+~**~ ~'~~~}~~,;1. <br />tSa n~ af'vASek b haeahy aehaaw6edgad. db ___ _ by these praeenfa murrgase and warran6 uaio.aid ~q><aapd asstgna, <br />fawars•. ell the fMbwiag' dssm'Lad teal eWwte, atttuted ue the f'ounty of _ Ha 1 L <br />_ _._.- __._~__.----v_~.,_ <br />ud Seiw,ed%aLnska, to.,ric; L'ar»eacfnq at the Southeast corner of cite 'deer KaIF of the *Iarttrrest <br />quntrtecr of Section 2H, Townshig LI ?3orth, Range 3 west of the 8th ?,H- Kali County, ~leb- <br />raat€a and rnsn4nry the„t° .. -2i nl_r_ -s ,. - - - <br />----- `=^' .,vs it,Ta `>~' hire Uf said xesc Ilai.f aa` the tier*_hwest <br />i~ttarter of Section 25, ?1.5~.5~feet *_e} era iron•ai;re« thenx:e f,J'esc 4?J7 feet, thence 5outtr L42. <br />facet, 'tttenae Bontitwesterly at an angle ©t G9't?6' t,a thr.. right a distance of 7.52 fact, them <br />tidaatar2Y at as angle of 4!d°S4` t.a rite right a di;stancs* of fi2.5 feet, theme ;toutlh on a Iin+ <br />yr.mtur~ei3:e1 tax the ffrst abrxvtb eaurse 49<&.S fwet t~.~s the South Zirre! of said tdast. half of the <br />Mlts7cttcwesr !:~~otarter of Sact.ian 223, thence last slang !„kris Saaut~h Line bf9.5 feet. to the place <br />Of be~.zf;t~aningk., ttrcttaining ?.S acze!r Haste ar leas. F, in this tract is aggro~~€istately <br />„:3 acr~w for cha road !°iasteer 3Slvf4.) artt,jar.a!nt: theruec:a heirr,~ tick irteantical unpl,attad tract. <br />tr~:t h+roumfd 5bamtr fn the plat of hark lieu suhdivis.on in tlta Sout'hes:it earner of the West <br />Half of the '+arttrwef;c c~tsarter of Section 28, 'Cawnship 11, `Tanga 4, west of the 6th P.H., <br />axcegt the two parts esf said tttrplattad tract: <br />i1i 1'ttat sect decried ; ; tuna Stnliav kry Warranty !teed dated Su1Y 'S, 1942 and <br />recoaded ir. th,e 3:flae of thg Register ref i3eada aE Bali CatmtY, tehraska <br />in 'Soon r~; , at Wage 289; and <br />f2) Ltsart Bart cif pfd ktac* deeds to itxlfi~ StaiieY, k~~ '=arranty „ee:l, dates <br />iiaY 2~, 194i, anti rscsarded is. ~oeX:k gill, uag~. 'It'~iE, T_„ tllm- affice- of .,he <br />{~antinu~rF) <br />"F`ydwLirrr w~a a:l WAa~, av r~rnadif.utatnlf.:i84t.tay{, umY [uureshnttt ~+EUittrnt+zrc r ncl a;5 p.un~~a, r .1ja ir;?x ~=r~ra~ awau~;s ..-r,trr*x wrar3 ar; a:~r! <br />d!t+kM'.It, e7M3 wYetr~kpw +1)lat~4 ^ vtt~ hliStdT, eWad rM •tt to WRnKY.ina wLf,$ Ya+d tirnpwt2y. wl~anJtm^ ckW xpspnr~ aria ;ws.' Iraras.4rl ;,n .-in[! r!reHrePt y ~ er Isei~ezrltr_ <br />itFa+:,il~dt k,dwt..rm. - <br />. F3 Y~i~ ..'...:, I.7 ::.t.r1 : W.z. ~.:is:r..:x,,a-abet +rfth aii aa:i aiasarfuar tlm t,atannsniue.. htusrl:usrrwnts aetd ns,$anensr~ tlxrreunt,o rte. <br /> ~.. m, ,»„ ~ --.~. :..°~. a,..: ;~:. t;:r ;..,a ,u .-1-,a aax.~ ~.~n -~ ns+~br rxava~un? _.. we4n ~r~a <br />§'_ t''st t Aa Y- dP'~. , at :lss ; _-,z; asr~sf • M ~m:xv .ter -_ '~ x ~ F'±~-~~ -Q ___. . ~ ~> a- ;+r~. ^+n:. <br />tmd.. XlLe wi7a.4 r:f a~ptod end uw7rtess4bua ,cetera of :.nHpr,eea?e Shpretn, frrw aMi r-isar ut a{3 .~,x~urnhrrrrce_v. xrral that the K. »-d! <br />WrrU6t acrd drlfe.,td tlta utls thesKn reesva akatnac Shp clams axsl Uentatafs :rf at! {srra<,na whumxs•v rr <br />2tlbtlY?I?k,D ALW,IY$. and rsrav mstnrsnxtt is ssacvrted wtd detirmsl to :wean the paynw,n oRAe auui ..f <br />*kTmeiva x9raus dad fin,c kltmri rmmr! Fie tcfen ~tnJ 'doh?{%iJ~h~"* 1 <br />-_ ... _- I~uw~e ra 2 ' .l_ tU <br />"~ tvrtteat Ghavrtaa. toKatlrr xrth wch rharrtaa wad au+ancK as may kr uun aced iwYabh: u, cax{ nxm#aKxr utxlrr nc~ trnn:y ru,il ,•uMhtxrn~r <br />I~lsr pramimrary rocs ar was date trerrwxh and wsztnaf laxadty .+aecuteak fry +sx! rtwr,Xagor " to }a,d mr>nurJ;r.,. rm.rabk :.n ,-.v{rr,-F.,at <br />xi axtia. aeb cn ogcula sibs pw'Gutarecs of ,ttl tLe t,gtaa aa.1 ~ uatttuw. ...utaln.ti cparttia Fh;r Srrmn „1 Maui r,..:si• <uv~ :rrrrby ,xrrcts:rnt:tii <br />bq eGis ral4iAAt. <br />Iiu [he'v.SmwLns:Q'ai agrweasnt of the partrra ttwarci ;} t able ttwrraadx sharV ahu secrsn anY ivsurn advances rnea)s w .wtul nxxtKaKrrr .^ <br />... __'_`~-'` ~. -,,:~.rss,a w ttir nt°.rnuna ai.r,v.t giss.wrS rnic3, wrw murcaaNOn. r,r rurY ut tta•m. <br />sad nturcprtQae, hnwavar avtdaxral, whrther by rasa. ixak a...uuns .v .xhs+eaxe. TMx» ntungaxs Shall ntmam u, full tnrce anJ „tfrx~t nrrw,.~u <br />rlre partre kaerde ami ihtrtt aatnr. ps,sumt! ,upeeaaati,wvs, ~ruerasrxs and usetgns. ~,rnttl mil aan.a;nin wruml Mnuralrr, :ru kuti Uyt lurun~ <br />sd:asrms- ape grad t~ ;.tL' as_4h :alaa~t- <br />Tha t~rnr_ ~-_ y assn to ssaF Uweri,y'A~sc all muss and Itama'r~ :.rising a4 xnX a+Ml all uaxst irean vwri pn>{s~ri ~ .;ud <br />grMltl}` aui6artaa Mtd 9~ nr t11 accent. 3t ire e€ItaSn, U~ia dafaulL, Sn take s'harge zd neat grogcxt}' asui Cul1K't ad rrnts aMl rM'nmlr <br />t91~e'0/!Wr'a sad apply R!a came W the gsy~nwdt rrF WWtMt, prutafpal, reanrarr-a paau:iuau, taxaa. eaaeaamsnts, tet{»ue w rmprrnwnants <br />swweaary m Yssp.stid gnRrarry m lsaantabka snrwirtxrc ,. in <n~har cfwrtt?+xr nr pay,rxmta pr„ £r,r hpttun ,rc u! the rwtu fxveba xcurr.l 'I'6:- <br />Ptwe+ro of ra-aad Wlld ~ is cha eei~areaa yf ,teat aut~a by If _ ~:... nr ubAww±e~p- <br />Tku fsdtuw of itra ~ 3x. eat sap +tf try rs#irts lyarfrturdsr ac any Sant: nEtaii nut ba crwstrur±d as a e~axv.s- ul ,ta: r,ttht +., , ,z<atirf-. W v <br />wets ai any EiWmr-tifatn apd nn znaittt upyn sad eafan eerier e~narttltsen=r with ail the sarrras and t,nevrsxerse u7 ;!aid mete era: ,:! ; .. „„>txg,xKv <br />F! said t~ a rka8 tactnw :r, ba gear to aaEd rtti>rigsg+ea tAn cmtin emtunt der ,t hMVUnskr, and under Gltn srrnwa anal pn,vuu:n. <br />of aegt3 arAet Firtahry seaaread, uchafayt future adWatK.ea1, and any es[waawnse ,M renerval^ tlxaewif in aceunlam:e with Fhe tames ;tnal {tnrv,auns., <br />tAaraof, emd Tt still mnst - s agsi[ autsgiY wit}r all tna peuvtakt~ ul roar! Hula amt u€ then tnwt`tatln, thus th. w, Pn.,.~1,F.r slwli tn• .,:rd <br />a4ireawttl t.l taorairrmlosasstadaC.bst, tJd east ~tia*'a shalt lw entttka! w Chtr pxrt~aau;r: csf al. n! seal prrryam.y. un+i ttwv, at its ryrceun. <br />dlriMvlr ills wt'e~ Of aaie3 ssiR geld aIf ~ rrysvmarrtted threairy :y ba immedlatalp due sell ywyabbe. std Wray fnrerlute thrs nssrbasKr <br />ar 4alla a~ 468ter aL'IiOn IO jWrraitt itB ry~tt..Lppraiatuntwt waited. <br />?'h'n shrd tst ugtw and sltait rsxuse to the trsrtafkc rii eha homes. ex+{ut,,.ra, adruinartruit;+rx, yirccxers,ra arai aus+Kn. ;:l r ix <br />ta.lpwet,8ve paettrt kwsan. <br />I*i Wf`t'pils~r attgsw, atrwao*irr s na YKtiersunta +ar ::7d_ tiara! s. tttn da> .r„a ,ear !rtes ab.r,,. <br />.carat.. <br />„- ~,~ <br />