7, The held€r of any mortgage authorized by the T>lirector of
<br />the Comaautity DevelopmenC Agency, including any holder who abtai.ns
<br />title to the Premises ar any part thereof as a result of foreclosure
<br />proceedings or action in lieu thereof (but not :.ncluding:
<br />(al any other panty who thereafter obtains title to
<br />the Premises ar such part from or through such
<br />holder; ar
<br />(b) any other purchaser at foreclosure sale other
<br />than the holder of the mortgage itself>)
<br />shall be obligated by the provisions of this deed co construct or
<br />coaa¢p3.ata the casesCruca~:on e'a'a'. the improv'etrtezxta, or tcs ,g'uar'ant',ee such
<br />coastx~ziction ar completion. Nothing 9.n these co'v!enant;,v a:r'r this
<br />wed ~:~k^tall be d~:erned or cnnstrued t:n k~~e'crtti.'t or ,au't.lsrrr'z.~se~ ~aRnl> stzeh
<br />atold'er to devote the property asr any xrart tktereo;i r,:o a~:tts'y' aas~;ss, ra~°
<br />construct any improver3¢nts thereon other than those uses and
<br />improvements pxavided ar permitted in the Urban Renes:al Piar. or Cottffiunitu
<br />Development flan of t-.he City :;f Grand I,i.snd.
<br />$. Gra:rxt~ces shall nor pr±:tes* ,..,_ ~~..et;on .,. ;.ny i.i5iaii,VeIIie~it
<br />d,sta^icts, including but not l.iuiitr~d tc+„ ;s,s,ving, 4.~rs3.Car-r ~~~rer,
<br />.>an:er ~~=a tis~ w$tsr ~rai*tag~r or :?:ldt~.w~~..l:~'.t wh:ke.it ,r:~i;• Pe~z c,ts,~E~teal
<br />'i~n J~" ~d,~~.z~~l :~: e._ ~ L~ ~Frl~ ~v ~„:,. .~.,i G.~.:Y~'h „~t'S~i~il 4 i`f L `
<br />rd'~.~..3,fC£II ilyylh'' I'..JI'1'. ., aeb j ~^.C,'.t.
<br />'not prohibit tYte Grantees ;;rosy otejeet:i.ng r~, the a.cnaJUrrc ,ef anv such
<br />special assessnaenc which may he levied againac t:he PrcztJises.
<br />'Chi.s deed shall convey to Gr~en[:ees an e4trtte in fee ~citnpie
<br />dfieearminabae, artsl in the avert cJf breach, t:Eae possibility of revr.rtet-
<br />attall vest it-# thg tw,-antar Kerwin, tttG Cil:y ti.i €' a:eai %siand, ~ebr;ask~a.
<br />Grantor hereshy ::ov~:nants wic,h Graintee~~ ;:2nd with L',rtinlee~' ':tc:ir-
<br />¢nd ~4R?~'n=s I~C~c~t: [i2'dnt?)L" ':3Fj'ftti ~ -; f'1 G'a3 ~~ -u d i Lt`tfdl:. L: :l2i L.
<br />they are free fr:aw ~?ncuaal~rance, except ea.=e~rtent.s ct1 r°ecord and
<br />VI.-3.I.~.Y ~„!: #_':t~r IIiE:17t3; t~'?i3G i~rz:r;t ~3'-~ ~1:;.#.E `;:.";u~~ i i~'~ hi. rinii i::iir iii 2,lu lilu i'i [.V
<br />to c©nvey the. saRie, subject ta? t'Yte far~:P,oi.~tg r.undlt ions; ~tttd ttz~t
<br />Gr~tar c.~srrants and wi17 defend t:Yee t:.itle to a~~z~id :'remisct;~ ~i~;e.i~int
<br />the las~ft;l i:l~iGis v,t a,i hersurrs whocisyc=vrr.
<br />'Upon f,-inal campl4ance with the L1r`h~~~n !?enewai. 1'l,ici anu t'rtc,
<br />GoasgnuniLy ik:uc:lapzr~nt Plan of the C:i?y iJf- Grand 1.r:lr;nd, ..".ebxasi~a,
<br />