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__.e._-_. _ _ ~ -^---- <br />i <br />_~ <br />- TiH:-.AiQRTY3AGQtt.: F[f#THEK. CQ3fEIttAFfT3..rtP27Y..At>3` iSES A {~~~ fq~ ~a - - <br />Thai=the-MArtgagor~vtiCl- pay tlw-etr ,ebfati»e~-aa: heta•Cnbefrxe;:Itrtrvided:. - - <br />That the Rfortgiigor is tF.e avrre: oC said property in fee sitiipie and has good right amt lawful autharitY ~to =:eit and ,•;- <br />- convey the amne acrd that the acme rn £rec and erase d any i`ren or erantmbrance; and that. Mortgaigne ittC wartani antl'detend~ttre - ~~ - <br />-titie to said-P~-agairuri J>P ciairrrs of a{f trerxeto wfioriurseraT_ - - <br />To pa~~ieaarediatPty when due and payable-EN gcuerai. taxes, spetisl>ta:rea, special asaessmenls, water charges, sewei serv- ~ - <br />ice charges, atrd.oUfer;tsxes and :-.barges against said pmpert.Y. artd aEi to:es levied on Ehe debt secured hereby, and to Cornish-the <br />Mortgagee, ltpan request..vich the original or dttplieate retetpts therefor. The Martgago: agrees that thane-shaif~ be added" to - -~"- <br />aach monthly payment rraiuired hvrwnder ar under the evidence of debt secured hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee _ - <br />io 6e su~itaeni ta~ enabin the Mortgagee, to pay, as they become due. ailtaxes, aaeeswnenss, and similar-rharges. apart-ttta-piem'. - <br />ises siibjlr:k tberetu; any deCrcienc~ ltecauae of Ehe insuReiency of such adilitionaF Payments shall be forthwith ttepositM~by-the - - - - <br />Mortgagor wiilr the Mortgagee. upon. demand Gy the Mortgagee. Any default under this paragraph shall Fee deemed a default in - <br />payment-oF-titres, axseasments, nr similar charges required haraunder: - <br />The Mortgagor agrees that there si,nlF a{sa kra added to each monthly µayment ed.principal and interest required here- <br />under an amount estimated Gy the Mortgagee W t>e sufficient to enable the hiurtR»ger to pay, as it 4recomes due, the insurance <br />premium rm any insuraoee patir:y detiverrd to the Mortgagee. Any deficirm;y decease rd the Insufficiency of such additioaai pay- <br />merrtA shalt'!+e forth titli deposited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon drmanri by the Mortgagee,`.;Any default imder this <br />paragraph shall tee drenxal a c'efau[t in [he paYmeat of insurance premiums- [f the txrlicy nr Policies de{K~iSad:are suCh_as.tntme- <br />owners or all risk policies, and the deposits are irauffickent'to ryay the rntim premium, the Mortgagee may apply the depasR to <br />pay premiums nn oaks required to Fee insured by this mortgage. - _ <br />Payments made Gy the Mortgagor undo-r the shove o ", raphs m at the uotian. of the 'vinrt-eaenr, M held ~hy is and <br />nnmmintptrd wii~h other n'~ruh htnds nr its. o n funnels tun- thu• payrne.nt arf =nub ~tr ms.. and nvntrl an appivrd, snsc4 paymvnt.e.+ere hroxehy <br />plrrekged as scwurity tern tFte lm paid Fraiaixr of 1.Gw+ mmrata~gn fnrirc4utnad:nasa <br />d'o 7srrxntre .fakeer lu, anti rnarnrain Ccr itu F~nwtit of hhr hiprP,gager.~ ciurtng tl'ue tiEw ruf tfiis moxtgageuriginat 7:roiiaiwtry taoltl <br />'rsYYriwai.N ttlRT:E'E~d„ da~lA'al'GKi at (earl. ten piR13',a' l.Effwrr I.G '.1 Fn.ra?',F'n --f Pm.,Y auf:fi i>ul~tcnrs lrisurGvpg againsE hxe :sod art4rk}c. FnYSlryaM7rir <br />7SaAarrLs, rxasualt:iea, a~rai'csrnt9ngeGic'i»a as the 7ti9'nrtgagee rtsny vartufrw, in an annadnt'squal trx the' ind~btadnexa kaerurrt3, ~rY;',tlkhp <br />']siorge. anal Nn rtcrmpa:oies :arcrputkrde N+ the 'Pi<vriN ye. ~. ,.=ifhr 'I S 4c pdrY~~sk>le rlaase ~Ia-fsv'~rr'o(aa'ad' in form »erlr_ptaMrn lie'i3ur N?rb~rkglar <br />gee:,. In She en wont any Ixpii4'v' ra not twncv e<k ern nr t>irfurr L,-u da-': ~aP its rexpi~raturrp. its 31+3rig;agee enisy~ tens; ore kr,aunanaw son ~t'fpip <br />bmprmreumrnita~, pa:aW' Ifaa promium rhmrefor end .an^h sum .Ir,d tx~a, rain 1w¢unnrbaudy e,ltu• 'v. eld Fnh S'G+kii', witt'~ irrtare•at at [ha'• ra#dir 9':urt <br />forth in said note until paid and shall kx~ K CUrvd ! '; hi- murigaee "allure un the part of the Mortgagor to funllsh such r rwais <br />rss are hereto required ..r fatiurw fo pay any Y~•ia - advaesed hereunder :,ha1l_ at the option oC the MOrtgaRrr, at nsiitute err etau@ <br />under t{rr terms of this mortgage The delivery `of xsh pulicir•s uhrrii, m the ,•vvnt n( dot»ult, ia,nsiibrtc +cn asaigomrnt of the un <br />earned premium. <br />Any sums r vest :, the Mmtgagax• by rraxrn of lose ,_r -, na¢r :.r. rrl agmnst may M• mtainvd t»~ the 4lnrtgape.-~ <br />and aPp:ied Toward rhet feavmonr s;!; shr• debt hvrr•hF- •.=wn... ,_ . - the .:puen~r t the .'-.tart:{ogee. Duct: +srn~ ... _ +.hntty or ,n <br />suer maa ,.x~ }rax "" ,n ~hv Aorta.,F,or t r kx used rrp.;v , r t,,, ,urM_ „r 1, ,oil-t ,. s E,udd n r tt,ur ~~,Varn .r tr r a <br />adder imrparsw o ~rstrJr-wt r~atisfactury n, th<~ \1 art Kar.-.• u' :,R.,`t~,.~t +n,• lien ~ n ;h~- ~n rtgac•- t,.r the foil am,~u nt .., u., .i hr:rn <br />1„y immfeur sur-h t,;ux',Ymen,t <•v.•r uxvk {'.',#ace. <br />-fu pru,rwgrtig ~pttta~. rum tr'ur ," rvhu'etd n r~ i,a,irir rt7•, ~~ outer,>v.:,nonu. r „" hwea lcr.r ~„,, the, '; ',•nria;•a uwllict, maw !w~ <br />cd:uu4o ;tacruFdRied c,r de~trnyrn9; _, N,r~,n laud ,rremrse~ in ~«xi Yrttdi tde,n altos n ilxhi "rtr~lsJrrv leer,,. au,e ++..naaic s turn or irikller~ lip yr <br />'e:m '. i' .'..--3 ..r'; u._. '"~'. :a•r']""<SY•E . f.w '.,,1 «r .f ~.. t fi,:x , .err r ;" r r, .t 1;'. '..ft '_ ..- - :J;;'. ..... n,. <br />aalrk per Fa~uty rr,rr t,3 o~rr*mtsate on Sri per nuaa~" n,r ,- -u .ns r4h~~r ~." sti-ta ea, rt- ~,r•.pr,.rtr t. rvh5• _. -vcd she!, ~I u.rme <br />le^a.°A vait-a,Cls^., ni': F "v ::. ~•.n,x, '- =:?In .. ._ `1 ~-: ,y. _. F ,. -nr',., „ ,y -- 0:.:,1'i` t :1'. ~r } , fart - t -'V.ta a, <br />'ttl M1'Ire tnirN~tttgyrgansii premisra rand ii;e use thwr'.sr.2, ~ ,.. .,...,. .,..._ <br />•.C.•F'x 4C ~t'~,ui+i .~~o pe'!,c st_ ~ am tt.. ea'.`i tv= t~4r,i la' ~±'._' F- - _w,. a( •'hh. - _ __ _'¢ _ ,+n,lt +u nate,a, <br />prta:-aeding, a umree err,; right .,t +•nt;rrTnt t.,rnain. • - - any ++ibr--. .rramrFr, tnr .t..r trarr,- ..,,all ae -nstEta.. sr, •-.,m}n- rr <br />a l <br />awards. and aziY erthrr Fsaymrnt or rrlirt ohrudor, mmi shall tw rnttgrd, at nx npuna, to ,,, +r,r .nqa= .n .end,, ...., rt>= <br />rYXrl name Ant aeHon nr pn ceding, ur to make any rnmprumtsr ..r ..-rtti,•nx•ot ;. ,. e-ctmn :rith Aux h i,.k,ng "-~: <famngr It\tl',uch <br />comp yt~isGkrn, axarr~, danw$ea right ref artmn ntu4 Proeeyuts are herohy axsrrnea turtthr htortRaWer, wt,o cone. afker riealurung <br />therafsem all its exPermar, re1oaae any mataYa ao reawived by et ur ai>;,IY the sanu• un »ny mdebtednrss nrcured hrrriry. •Phe Mart• <br />g8gttF -to exot9it,C snarl f?rrttt@r asrignrn»nta a( ant armpwnNat Hra, ewanis, damagw+_ meat rights of :ecru+n and pn.a red9 ns the <br />Mortgagor may require. <br />Thal in aXMYr-at farlurr to pn. form »nY ni tha~ ,'o . uryrtn• here+n, thn• 3}ortr:ag.rr r ~ ~,q ti,.~ .iongagoe-s ~e•hait a~ ry3hmR <br />.• nay :; <br />m eovenarttott; that the MurtYager rosy alas du any act`ekr rosy deem necessary to fnxrkrat the lir~n therrrrl': that tht• MurtKagur wdl <br />repay Uprin Itamaiat any moneys paid ar'. dislntrard !ry the MrrEgager-. tnr ray .rtl tt~r eErave mar!*t~r'+..+ud +uett ma>n*YS tug.-trier wtth <br />intextot thetvwn at the rate pwvidrd hn estid :note sheik lrera:nme sa much addrllonah indehtednraa hrreiry ;e~e•urwd sad may Ise in~ <br />nlttded in 'any darrwr futwelusing [iris mortgage and be {raid out of tht" rentx nr pratt•c•ris ut .wide ,d soot ;rrrmtst•a if nut otherwrxe <br />Raid; that iG shall oat ta: ublit{atory upon the Mortgagee to utqurn+ uuo the ,rairdity .~F any hen: , un:bran.;r, ar alarm ~ :,d- <br />vartcing metnrYa aR rMrvr aW3uarisrr#, Gut nothing herein cute GanteeF sFUdd br- eoustnred as rrqulnng the Mort R.uKre to ndv.uuv'.inY <br />marayr. fsn'r ant ea+a~h pnrtkraC n~ to dra arty out harwunder: scot that Mortgagor .hail nut incur aruy t+en:.nrat liatr:itity hecaua++ ••i sn}'. ' <br />thief.-tL-taptf;_ do, rkr wudt W ctu. tlwe±r4tler. <br />In ttlfr event ref the. default by Mar egagur itr ihr iraymrnt ut any irlatlallmeni, :as rrgltir«I Gy th.• Note nrcurw.i hrrt•Gy. nr <br />is lhr perforritance of ihr rrttiigation in t.hia martgsttr or in fhr note wclrred thrretrY, ifie Mortgagor .shall lx• vntltiaxi to ,~ -~ !am the <br />- ~ ~:°~a d~ ~.:!-~~-':.-- t :4a~. .tW fit:. ,~ ~, - -t,;_ 3 t ; - tom{ - _ _ <br />x>r ~ - :.leas to Ge aPl:uinted GY tree court thernraC ?nti wittu.ut rrgrrd tr he adrwtu»r t r rrit e' roe tEr • ,n.teht,=Ei rrs, x.. -_ <br />eund n«rvhy, ttr-seeder upirn' and taKe ( icrn tf ehe mnrtgagrei seal to raiiret sort rn'4•eivr the n•nt=- incurs nnzi pr.,nia <br />thsreat, and'-nppiy tfir etttit4, .tacit ctwta of aperati.rn seat rnllsction, acorn the Fndehtnlnrsr ud~i~.urm{ GY tuts mnrtgattr'. said rents. <br />iasftra aG~-prr8tr ~nR iserrhp asragnedr to ibe ',t3artga~Fe As-further seevrrdy for the payment .rf al3 in;7,°fr4ednxss stE-urni iavrrbp. _ <br />ef"hr Mturifagev stroll here the power br aptarint ant agent .,r at[errta it mat dwsire (ra Ehr Irurlxstr of rrlwr:ing carat pmm~ <br />tars; rrerltirtg ztgep,w;-~.tlae2faq t~ rent~t, reyrnuaa atxi int:ume, and it rust i!ay out rrt sa!d tnca,me all expenses ,nrurrr»i m rRnt <br />trt$.amt-atarwgiag '-5ai2~' Arai aC ~`~k~'tinR tlsa recitals thwrel run:. The Fraianer r.tmaining, !1 an}'. =haFk h._...;rph?'ri er.+-.-ard tl.r, <br />dtaliwrfa td the mui'ifs~'it ipolt$rtartSnaaa 'lR+is arriRnment is to trrnrinatx and trerom;• null :and .~+~.7 „t•rn reteaw• ut this m+:ng»Ke. <br />i.w <br />