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$0-- ~~? ~ 8 ~~ <br />prior to antrp of a judgtturtt eafatcittg this Mortgage if: ta} Harrower pays Lender art sums which wauid be then due under <br />this Mortgage, the ?Vote and Dotes s~,uing Future Advances, it any. had s¢o acceleration occurred; tb} Borrower- cotes a13 <br />hreaclres cf any a¢;•mr covenants or a~xmttsts of Horrawer contained in this Mortgage; {c} Bornnv~r pays-alb reasonable <br />expenses ineuaed by Lender in enforcing the covenants and agtesments of Borrower cnmaieed in this Mortgage and in <br />enforcing Lender's rerttatks as provitksi in partgraph S?2 lcereat, ix#rding, but not limited m. reasonable attorttsp's fees: and <br />td} Horrower lakes such atfian as Letrder may reasonably requae to assure that the flan of this Mortgage, Lender's interest <br />in rise Property and Hormwrr's abdigarlon to pap the sums ssrcrsrett by this Martgagt shad canttnve unimpaired, Upon ttuclt <br />payment and cure by Hotrower, this Mortgage attd the abtigatiars seeumd hereby shal3 remain in fuB force std etfsct as if <br />fro atreAarat~n had occurred. <br />20. Ate ~ Restai dlppeatmtytt of 14eeefver, I.aeder is PmanMm As additional aervritp htatttnder, Borrower <br />heretty ataigm to [.ender the reins of the Property. prtrvided rhea Borrower shill. prim to atttkration under paragraph ig <br />hereof or abandonment of the Property, have- the right to cettect and retain such rents as they beeotne da asd -payable. <br />Upon acceteratmts under paragraph Eg hereof or abatrdantnent of the Property, fender, in parson, by agent-sir by <br />judeeiagy appointed tcxeiver, xhall be emitted to enter upon, lake passestion nt and maoago the Property and io ~iktx the <br />trnts of the Property. irseluding those pass due. Atl rents cotkded by Lender nr the rectivcr shat! be applied first to payment <br />of the rusts at management d the Property-aml collection of rents, including, but trot limited to, receiver s feet, premiams on <br />receiver's Banda and reasonable attesrr¢ty's fan, and theft to the stems secuued by this Mortgage. leader std the receiver <br />shall be liable ¢a account only for !bore tams actually received. <br />2i. Wthtte As#rataees. Upon nalsust of Harrower, L.crsder, at lender's option prior to release of this Mortgage. rosy <br />tttakc Future Advatces to Borrowwer. $rtch Frstum Advancer, with interest thereon, shalt be secured by this Mortgage wFtm <br />evitMnced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby. At na time shall the priacipa! amount of rho <br />iodebtedttets secured by this Mortgage, not including sums advnnced in atxordance herewith to protect the setvntq of this <br />Mortgage, exceed the angina} amount of the Note plus 1J5S. S.Ut3..0II ......... <br />2Z @ Upaa ~ymen¢ a€ aH sauna secured by t'nis Mortgage, Lender !bail discharge this 14far¢gage without <br />t#argcut Harrower. Bnrrnwer t'~datl pay a4 :.arts of recnrdatinn. if any. <br />:FN '41rfTN1 ptrntett~~eoF, Elorrawer tree executed this Moragatge. <br />s2a2E OF NEHaASxAI <br />1 ss. <br />C4G2iT'[ OF ~ 1 <br />..... <br />1Catieti' S:' Hr~riis ..................... _eerm..r <br />M7.t$iwel I.. llalu.~~B -aarroe.. <br />me fort ~-, s.ny ir;st: u:actnc c~as acknntaled~t=d 1~efnvrsr rtrrv r..hss L~"'~' .daY oi`. . <br />`~ . i§.ai?, try ~isri L. ili~t-r,5 zit;tct tCtitr~rt S. €tat-ri,~,.H~ttx3, and <br />GhT$f~ . . <br />wittnnaaa ray iUartd and notarial seal at. wr>r2a~t"~.ftful~'t7t^,'d . . . , <br />ist a#id ~:+a~~rst.u, t.t~r e.u xtoreas td, <br />~~e_r <br />[!y C~uaia on att(sirea: <br />f <br />,1 r; <br />_:~" ( f <br />~"' r <br />r7o Lary [~uts2 tc <br />ASSZGFFltk',NT GF tK±,3ttTGAvE <br />atttttw At,:. t~3t ~y :~xptse ptt~;a>?;r':s. r_has. s'~.l~kstit3l~k k~3ttlt s3.~,Urdzx3. zslasx3 . <br />"AUniyn~tr"i "ox §cxod and ~~aieaable conair3ora_~iah to it in hand gat,9 Gy t: fie f;tt:t-ask~ *turt- <br />~+ilo P'tnanne ifiunxS, a.r$anlaxd undor r..hre laws ©'. the 5tato z_f ti¢t;rg;:sa 1"rasa.+ignc!n"t, irse~ <br />k,4cbipt a$ d~.icks csanaid~r~atiat: i.a herez:y acknrx~lad<;ad, dace hx3 rrby as, tranw,fer, ar,+t <br />~mBrt i3Ya#' LLi7it4 iasa4sl3e all its riyRi:a, ttC-1e, ancS in Yrr~!;k cn nx~1 to tP.nC carts Ar. ;~ere- <br />ft13.1 ~, Itar!"i5 srS'tf'~ It.3:~'PT ct tltt„ q bar Iit2titnY ~ S}rA ~~ <br />*7 rnsraG~€ad b5' .''~^t t .uni.a <br />