X30 -- fi ~l =l R ~ 0
<br />MOR?C;AGE s
<br />MORTGAGE ).AAN NO. L 23, S2~
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THFSE PRESENTS: That Alfred W. BeckT er and Judith K. Beckler, husband and wife,
<br />AND Richard S. Cavenee and Colleen N?. Cavenee, husband and wife
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or mare, in cortsidttatioo of tht stmt of
<br />Thirty-eight Thousand Eight_Nundred and No/100 -----_-_---------------------------- WtLARs
<br />tmts~ to said mortgagor by Tate `equitalsk Building and Loarr Assocntbn of Gnnd Nand, Nebraska, Mottgagee, upon 388 ahsrw of stock of
<br />aid ASSIICIATION, Cr;rtiftnte No. L 23 825 . ~ herttry gtartt, convey and rmlrit!,agt tmfa the said pSSOCIATfON ttm fallowing
<br />drxcribed rr93 estate, sift®ted in Hai! Coun sty, Nebraska:
<br />[tither with all the tertemenis. herrdi:at»Ents and appurtenances therrrrntu txlongmg, mcludtcg attauhcd flour alvecmgs, ai! window screens,
<br />wittdow shades, 6tuuts, storm wulduwa, awnings, hrartrlg, air a,nJrtronrng, anJ plumbing anJ water ryvlprrxn[ anJ acres5lrles therctn, pumps, stoves,
<br />rt(rigentars, xnd uthex fiztvres amS equipmrn[ rrlw-.•: hrreaf:er auached Su ur used m connrcl:nn wrath card trot estate.
<br />.4nd whereas thr strJ ntortgagor has agrcrJ and Jucx hereby agar oat rho m~,rtgagur lrxl! atld w:!! pay aL taxes and assesatmn[s leveed or
<br />assessed upnn sold prrtttucs and upon thu rrurtgagx a:ed the MmJ sccurrd thrrrby 6a!~xe rhr sonar shall hr[vnx deltnyuent: Iu Cturustl approved
<br />tnsvranrx upm rhr tsvildings urt saw' premrsrs srtw[rd to tlrr sum ut $ 38, 800 • 00 payable to sad A15(X'IATlON xnd to deliver to said
<br />.~SS(3('fATtON the ,~ii~-;, ; ;.,, ,a:J :,.;..:a,.cr. ,r.: ....... ... ... ter,,,. , - r - inn any wa.r. „+a ,.,+ ar,.,x, SrrJ prrm,s<..
<br />In t:~ rs€ de€aah st t,`re p.r€r:r:.ac.-x rat acy a€ the terms am; ..-undliaana ±, - ~.`h,s rlt.•rtg,_Re a bend srurrd hueby, rite mortgagee strait,
<br />uzr dcntaod, he: rnu[kd to trrartxJtxte prlxsessron of rhr uwnpayrd ptena:srs and rhr nxuegahur •hereby asalgns, iransfrrs and sets over to the
<br />nxrxtgsgrx ail iha tints, ravrntres and tnccurw tar be dirt zd f.crn tltx m.xatgayzd prcnuus d+,usng su::ts trn;r as tfie nxartgage mJebttdne:zs shalt rrttlam
<br />uaapatd: asul the mcsrttragtt sJr-af_! hav= rhr er.:+:r; ::. apatiui any ~rnt •x amts et n~.y Josue. Scar tt'< psr~s~ ~=t rcpxutt ~ ter- pr-mss =.1 tsnt
<br />s-ta same avd aotlactmg rho rants, rreentaas and mmmr, a.•tri, n may pay' u.at ..t taxJ meonte :tit expenses uI xrpsumg vrvi premtsca and necessary
<br />psnsereiss onx atld Czprnsts mewrrd in renting and ntananttg the sxtts anJ ut xdteetlntF ±r,•aus thrrcfrunt, !trx hxtance re_ Wig, :f zny• to f=
<br />ap€rltrJ [award tt ,1x5:}+.1• rnr ur satJ nwa+aate snJr!stednes; ttxu r .1„s .,:.,ce n :.!va}!...r.oy xrr.,Y:. ~ . r,Y e,,,„: y..rxx~ tt-w exia.e,tc.. u. ;v.3;
<br />drfatih. uresmcttvx: of situ trmaurarv waiver ut t}r_• suite. -
<br />"1`hrsr Prexnrs, huwrvrr, are uprm thc• ('unJlt;rm. Ihat d rhr vale h{urt~ur •d+.i@! ecpuy xa,d it+.rn un ear beturz the maturity ut itrJ st;ars> Oy
<br />payRR/IF; flay rlwnrhiY 1•:l said ~titit_x'lA{'IryY ,.~ lh~ .wit err lair[ en i}xr t4!nd -?strJ h^_:rev =x in!Crea::n:d pr:.^.C:px! Jn Siud ir~':i. U:: .1r heroic
<br />the TWentxth day of each and rvrxy nwnth, un;;i soul loan :s f uity pad, pay at1 taxes and assessrnenxs levxd agaulct xatd prertnats amt nn this Mortgage
<br />and the 4hsnJ xrcvrrJ thereb>, hefarr 3c4nyvracy. !unuila appruczJ utsumnce utxw the buddmgs therrun m the sum uC $ 38 ,800, 00 payable
<br />to sail ASSt7C[ATION: repay w said .ASJiX'IA IYON upon denutld all rexmry by :t paid (ur su_h ta_zcs, axstsxrrxnts sold tnsurancr wnh mrcreat x!
<br />tht maximum legal tale thereon [loin dart of payrrenl all ut which Mortgagor hereby ogress w pay, prmut no waste on sand prcmtaex; keep and amrply
<br />wish all the agreements xnd axtdstwns u[ the Band t.rr 4 3$,~~Q (~(rldrts day uvrn by the mtJ Mortgagor w said ASSOt_'tA I't(}N, artd sumply
<br />with all the mgmrcrmnts of Ihr Crmslvtu[wn and By-taws of solo ASJsO(lATIQN. then these presents silali hewmt null anJ vwd, utherwue thry
<br />dlatl rrnlahe m tort lurce and uwy br Cmadasrd at rhr upuun of the send A.SS(N'L4 CION otter tuJUtr !or thine rtwathv to nxxkr any ut said
<br />payments ar be [brit nxxahs m aurars m xrrakmg saxJ munthtY paynxnts, ar to keep anJ .mnply wnh tlu: agrrrrrxnts and cunddtuns ut sslJ I4mJ,
<br />and Mrlrigaga agrees hl hour a trrtvrr xppwntex! farthwtQx rr. such forcck.*surr pturrrdmgs.
<br />If them rz any chanKr ut uwrxrstnp of the real estate rrxsrtgag<•d herrrn, by ,ale ux uthrrwrse, [tun the entire rrmalmng trrdnMrdncsn hrrrby
<br />xtu'~trest .s~Ll, at the notaut oti 'pp~ Fqurtahte LWti ding and L+aa A3+t*:vte_,n „r (;xa,lsf tdaa:d, V•b,xr~a.!±ec~v:x ::rvw:.hats:y d::: a;:1 ,,a•.o.:.. ..,;•h.:rut
<br />fvrihtt nutlet, and [fit anxlunt, renaming duo t[rn4er tad huoJ, and uny uttxr bunt Cur any aJrhtwnxl aJvanirs rnaJr xhrreundrr. slwB,~frum the
<br />date uY oxstt'ssr: of said oFtknt, beer tMpmt at tAt ataxuuuax regal tart, anJ this rcuxigagr nqy thin br iureduseJ to :etlsfy rhr anauunt Jur oa nod
<br />band, oral anY oilier [tons for additxrnal adyxnaYi, tugrthrr with all auras pad by sad t'hr Fyunxbtr BurWmg artJ Lunn A.swcrxuun ut [:rand I,LInJ,
<br />Neh:xska Car msuran.x, tsars ated asxrsanlrnta,xttst abstaxtutg ezirawFm cltatg•^s, wath mrrrrst the<run. [rum Jate ul paynleut at the rrlaxurrrlns
<br />kMai tale.
<br />-'M SOVrdtd to the Bond atr:ured hrrtby, whtbe thu ttxtrigattr rcertalna m efler:t rhr rrnutgxgre txtay hrrraCtrr advance addtuunat sums Fu !ht
<br />raa~a vC slid BntrJ, thtu asstgrta ur wGa:essrltc ul ratertxt, whulr sums siul7 6r wtNui the xcurny ut [hsx nwrtgogt the svtre as fha iwtda uttgtxtally
<br />srtawdd theraby, the ttHai arrxrast of principal debt nut to rx:a'rd at vny nxz ~ rtla ungmat ucrloum o', [lira trxrrtgagr.
<br />~r~tj~,th,: }#'dit day ,i - =r' v ;s i - _
<br />-K ' i 3 f
<br />A'4ad~W~ ~eC~'~r > ,~,~ ardr ~ Cay~h y~^
<br />~ ~.
<br />-'Judith K. Beckler _.~. ~_ ~~'~1 ~~~~ -t~'"'E-t~-2`~~'--
<br />o een enee
<br />~`tATE Olr t{ihBRA$KA, ~ ~. nil th:s :5th. day ut 'v'Ctober la =30 . irri~r.:re raw,
<br />(:`CitfNTY tN tiA71.
<br />the utukrsgtneJ, a N.rtxry Pubilc m xnJ f ur sad i •:uury . twramatiy .:ante
<br />Alfred t,i, Beckler artd Judith K. Beckler•, husband and wife, AND Richard S. '`avextee and
<br />y` a€x+ art? i*ar5lnatlY knsw-n tv
<br />Co i teen M. avenee, husbandr~xl ~~.
<br />nla !a h. tt~ rttt~FY.itrl fY,lSi c ~ "~ e-''- ~ n
<br />pr L4sFq}.. _ . 4, atrixeJ to rite atxlcx uratesunrs:t as murtgagu+ - and eY severally
<br />trX.rxrwkveigas{ tha mnf mxt:urlxnt to r ti ~'~ r ~»ir{[thjpt~F,act and dNS:.
<br />WT7ili-s!t hx t~>~ ~_ ( ~,.u~t!1 dar_k~:a
<br />~}i 1~ ~ `dotzry labia:
<br />)Prbaq as >~~
<br />e
<br />- ~T
<br />