MORTGAGE ~0--n 4 ~ (~ ~ 8 ~ ~
<br />MORTGAGE IRAN NO. L 23 r
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESEPRFSES•P'fS:That Phfilip Salinas and Nellie Salinas, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Four Thousand Five Hundred and 1Jo/l00 Mort~ttgor,whetherosxorntore,;nw~detaNonofuic,umof
<br />-°--------_°_---------°-----------------~ DOLLARS
<br />ioseted to acid mortgsEm hY The Etptitabk 6asilding and Loin Aaasciatirm of Grand !stand, Nehraaka, Mortgagee, upon 45 drarea of stock of
<br />rid ASSOCIATION, Certifuate Na. L Zjs~ , do hereby great, wmey and nwrtgsge unto tta acid ASSOCIATION the falltrw-ntg
<br />deaaibed seal estate, sftttated in fish County, Nsbraska:
<br />TD 6RAnD ,`JI;tND, iic6RA~rw.
<br />trsgether with a6 the teacmenis, hrreditanuaes and appnrtenxnrxs thereurtu isrtuntimg, :nctudtne at[achcd Hoar ~ }s>ringa, all window xretns,
<br />window ahsdss, blinds, semrn wniduws, awnings, txxttrrg, au conditxrning, ar,d plumbing era{ wattr eyutpmenl ased acru:sx>rses thereto, pumps, a[oves,
<br />refiigeniars, and ether fixtures xixi ryuipretsret rsttw ar herrafta attached to ur tsstd m ~annectsua with ntd real rstatc.
<br />Atsd whereas the ustl rrwngagsx tua agttsd xnd dots hereby agrts that lhs mungagur hail and wtll pay xL taxsa and saaemaenta leejcd ur
<br />assessed uprn mid psrmixs xnd upon [hss mrxegxge and the tx,m! secured thereby twiose tM mtm shall brcume delinysuent, to furniilt appnmd
<br />in~tasxr upon tttr buiidirKts un recd prenwes silwtcr_f m rite sum ut 1 ~ , JDD. DQ payable to wtd ASStl(:'t A17ON anJ to deliver W said
<br />ASSC7CtATIC1N rite putrctea iur 3vs1 msrsrusu. sad :a.u ace _ur:,an:t ey is nn:t a_ a,te .:n _,, _t~,,,t -.+~ P,s,n,x,_
<br />In s:ase ul defaute rn the performance of env of the r=rmz anJ -: m,.1t~- _~ t e ;.r ~, r t._ - - ~,sr,:d tr:r,'=,s, trte t:,rrtashaS3,
<br />on cirrstand, fse snntitd to ,mltWduls psssssmwn ut the r:wrtgxgrd Pr mars and fh nxntgxt,us ..errb asssgses, rrvuttrs and acts eves to the
<br />rmrrtgagte aq ihr rents, tevrnuea xrrd ineams w bs dsrsved from itrs nwetga(;sd tncntxa:s alunnn such :emr as the ;turtgxgr uutx6tedrssss stral! rstuam
<br />ernpsd: and the erxnlgalter dtalJ tta,e the ps,wsr to apprsmt any sAcot ur agrnts st nray gezkre fur the purtx,x uC rspastmg mnl prereusa sod rcntuta
<br />zx~ ana >f+&v-~ thr -- . rexysurx xnd ita.~me i4 .t :eraY Pay a•ua ,.r sxxl ilsc.untc stl xpsnsts t rpaitu~ sod pttnzises xrsd nearurriry
<br />cxnnxeti- }xra ad _ n~rs ens~ret~ ?rt ~r tied a~i t•e+,a~,r~ :sue ar;x. er;,t ,• ,rrik.~€u:~ r=.t+.,. ,i~txt.utn: t,~ B-steno retaarming, [f any. fo he
<br />- €} -~~3 ~' - `u F~ - - ~ ;; Vrr intabee;::te-a. t:a~ -s , ,:cr -r. rltexr< nmy by cxertaseU xi any tome desriug tpe txtstetecs of stint
<br />sx~auh •neq~ .ivz at any tertips.taeY of tttc xautr.
<br />T'h;~ x'reexsnrs tawrse s;x rrpurs tF.eF urf isvn Th -- is - sd h R xu sluxti r-puY wul Iran un r belure ehr matmuy nt recd shares b}
<br />~iYzr~at-. ~,- ,~ ±.:y -r - ~tiit€'f4#'f,?-'s ..., tiw ; ;.n .pe., „ „n- ~n,d - ~ nr,rsv as mieerst enc prmcspai on sasd lean- on ur iwtota
<br />the T"wentstth daY u{ rxch arnl errsy rrw tt6 cmni usd t+wn o idly peat, pay alt tax s urd as,rasuxnts irverJ aipmat ussl prcrosxs and un rhss MunpaYr
<br />ssXi the Bortd xcmN thrtrhy, P,starr dcimyx,rn:y°, tunersff apprvred inzw area u{xm Utr buifduta, tYtcreun m thr rum at 1 '~ , 5Q(), ~) payabk
<br />to a,inS AS3ty('.tAI7!}N, rtpay ;u sx,d ASSCIi'IAT[(}N uptm drruand a5i nwnry by n p~aut tar such taxra, axssssrrtents and rsaurancr wnh attcrat at
<br />tM max.tmum 4~t ratr rtecreon f,srm datr of psyrmm asi nt which IHUStgagur he:eby aKtees n, pay, {knmt nu warts+,n wsd prrmsxs, keep and ..rmpiy
<br />wash alt the xtpertttrots and arndet,unx .=t ihr Bssnd fur 1 y jD(j, Q(l itsts day given by the sa,d hfort){a{{ar ts. aaed AJSt)L`IA tYUN, and a,neply
<br />wsih xh ihr rrytwrmrntz..i the t onarrtutwrt arxt By-laws unsaid ASSOCiATIfSN; then Ursx prs,tnts shall trscunrr nail xnJ yard, utherwex they
<br />tlWi roawtt m fern Iwtr and rxuy be t•srrv:k,std a[ tht upfxm ,tf the card ASl/x.`IAfICSN after fxAure fur three numUss us make any t.i sasd
<br />pr mtMa .x br thes=; no-xr[ha sn atrrars ut nrakusg %s+,1 nswethiy tvyn'xnt,, ur to ktap and comply with the agssenwnts and csarsdnrona rn sa,d hand.
<br />afld Mrsstyy:xrr ayr€ra tcs hxvr a sr,;rrvrr apparntsd ferthwuh xn nix:h 3arec;<-r.inr pnactidurgs.
<br />tf t#srrr a soy c#,arn~,r m uwnsrxhtp ui the rani cstair trares~gcd Isercm, by sxsc us utta:rwsx, than tare rotas rcntautsrsg tnstebtcltstsa hereby
<br />sarw+ed Will, xt [hr uper,st of The I:ywtxhk BtuWfexg and Luxe Amucwiwn of t~rxW IaWsd, Nebraska, bee nna rmstrrducely dot atW payabk wrthuut
<br />'u firer weritas. arti tifz vary traNittittg ilur mr:itr mrtritl b~rsf. slut axfy other hsutd for aatY +ddriwrul xdwn~s made theteundsr. ilu1i, frutn the
<br />derv o[ eaacwr ui sasd rgartaat, brasr inttrep at Um rrsaxmwna kgiuf rite, arW rhss nwngagit mxy ehen he hneclasssd 6o xUalY the amotwt dot un vud
<br />hond,atW xssy rHhar haPd fur +dilNirstul advslns;;rs. together with ah swro pain by mni Thr i-ytutahk Btsildittg sd I..uaat Assax:wtron of Grand isbtnd,
<br />Ndnaskafr~ sauuaruea,txxsaa®d,.xxxesxrereatz,xxdaba#aC{tngzxtssrwrxs::3rargca, write •atrswast nc~sr„n, ti.;tn date of Payrr,rnt at ihr nnxtmtsm
<br />~ ~e-
<br />,ix ~rrwstkd an t~ tkrudexLUrsd ,;,esetay, w~hik then :txu t$agc rrrnxms sn ct tet~r etK ns rtgaga~e nwy irtsearttr advance adstitMnal suu,s ba the
<br />~~(x of axed Bottif, IhCV xsas}tji us aW;arcastri tit t9tarrst, witnh sums attali hr wrthm tics ucwUY ut this rrw,rtga{{r rtes wore as tfm funds ursgtnxtty
<br />1FC~4Y th6raby, the trrid dmount of prm,~f{Sa} drW nui to rzi,rrd al any tints Ux uryyurai ana?unt of This rsturt);agc,
<br />- ~fkst:.dt~ _ t 5~4s ~?.~' `~i~_!Wr _ s.^
<br />Sl3 S lfnF .
<br />rx-- _.~
<br />Nellie Salinas =~f~ .,t.ry .~~-~.,,.,,.~~,
<br />STATE t~ +lFLli!i$fGA. ~ u. (M thu 25th day u1 :7C tObBC t u E3C1 _ L :tort ms,
<br />t'£Hr,'YT'f t?l- itALi
<br />rtes emir=.argtard, a Notary Ptshhc ua and fur Gant County, psrllx,twl2Y carte
<br />Phillip $ailnd5 and Nadi( $alindSn each in !515 lnd tSE:r own rit7ttt~hdnd d5 'jpUraet5ttusa}tyfknuwnf~u
<br />caCit{tr are Y
<br />raa w fie. ska akastira4 pttrut S wturra truer 5 3 re xtftat3 to Um adxnr utstrutaxrtt as utunrrt C aed C Ite,Y
<br />ttw saiat !nastarnrsraa to era ~ he i r artunsasy set aced decd.
<br />w~55vE.iti ntY harsr7 itr 14tstardsl fiat !hr dart afavrvrd
<br />~utary prJ,}i+`
<br />'r9sbaax ti ~ ..
<br />k.e ~ ~ . _ of
<br />