<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NQ. L 23,823
<br />KNOW ALL MENHYTHESEPRESENTS:That Roger W. Loft and Donna R. Loft, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Twenty-six Thousand Five Hundred and No/1DD -------Murtgagor,whethsrom or mole, in crotuidaation of the sum of
<br />------------'---'---------- DOLLARS
<br />loarsM W said tttortgagor by The Equitable Bttildvlg and Lunn Atsrsciatkm of Cmnd (shad, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 265 shares of stock of
<br />acid ASSOCIATION, Certifrwte No. L 23, 823 , do hereby gran[, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br />ddcribed real elute, sittwted in Ha8 County, Nebraska:
<br />together with all the tsasments, tsersdilsmentx .rmi appurtenances thereunto Mebrrg,ng, including attached fluor cavrrutga, a8 window aaerns,
<br />window shade, blitsds, storm windows, awn,ng, heating, au twndithmirrg, and plumbing and water cgapmsnt and ansswries thereto, pampa, stoves,
<br />rcfrigcraMrs, a,sd oihsr fixtures and equ,ptuent now ar hereafter attached to ur used in cumsrction with said real elute.
<br />Aral wheceas the acid mortgagor lus agreed and does hersby agree tint the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asseasrnents levied oc
<br />aasassd upon said prernisd and upon this rtwrtgags and the bond secured thereby before ihr same shall become dNinquent; to famish approsed
<br />insurance upon tltr butldietgs nn said premises situated ul the sum of S 26, 500.00 payable h, .aid 0.5SIX'IAT10N and to deliver to said
<br />ASS(X_'IATTON the 7xr7icisa Far lout taswansx: and that to cum,mt +x perm[[ any waste on ur about said prenusss;
<br />In ease uF d<fau(r w ttym pcrfrarrnanu of any uC rh. tsrms and ,cunditl:;rxs of this :uuttgags or the bond rcursd hsrebY, the rtrortgagee sha71,
<br />ur. derrsvsd, be entitled la immediate posaeasion of the rnorigag<d pronuus ~n4 the nwrrg~agur hereby assigns, t:ansf'ers and sets over to the
<br />mortgages all 7hr rents, revznuea and inco,rx to be denved irom the rnartsagrd prem,ses dturreg such umr as the mnrtgags indsbtedtless shah remain
<br />uopird: and the ,twrtgager slla8 bass the paver to appumt any agrm su agrrtu n rtny demrr for ihr pur_ta-+ss u[ reperring saiei pttmi~a dad rentexg
<br />i#x satnr nerd cailectigg t}u [eau, ressnuca and inconx, and ii tray InY out „( said iEUVmr all zxperrscs of rspatnng said Isremtaea and necessary
<br />cnrtrat io ~ ar3 s^enRU : rr€sd m :enrina a :d manag rig thz satrte ,nil uC rnlitcting rentals eherctrom~. the balance rsrttavtinx, -f any, to he
<br />a~.- a - and t ~ •harac f ;aid un,rt~ags mdrbtcdnssa: t#text rights of the mortgages luny' ttr exzrcixd ai any titrx duriztg the exnt ncr elf nosh
<br />defau~rr, irrrspecuve of any tcmpurarp waiver aC the lams.
<br />-Tlr s~ f'fessnes, howsvar, are upon [hs t'ond#rnsn. Tfiat it nsr said Mattgagur s7wi7 repay said tuna un ur brioro the maturity of =au1 shards by
<br />s'~y~=~: ICY tvas.'st#~rr to sa'e` 35;{ `#,~ i #p„ ,-,# tfre sutn sprcu`trd m tie fit,nd mcurset hereby es mtertst and prmctpal en said Iola, nn or bafare
<br />the 1'wsntirth day u(each and [eery nnnth, until said Iwn rs lolly paid: pay si! taxes and aYarssmenis lrvisd xgarnst card prsmises and on this Muttgsgs
<br />seM the Bond recmed thereby, before dchtpuency; tmnuh appruveil inaurana upon the buildings thereon m the sum of 5 ~(, 5DD . ~D payable
<br />to said ASSOxIATION: a{say to card A5S(x-'!Ai'ION upon deauuW all murrcy by rt paid lar aua:h taxes, asaexsments and ~inauranre with mtttest at
<br />the maximum bga# rate thereon Irum dots of ptryntem ail of which Murtgaavr hereby agrtrs to pay, permit nu waste un lard prrnuses; kttp and comply
<br />with afi the agrsrtrrrnis am# cursdnruns of ihr Ftuud for S 26 SfIQ Dp ttus +7s, gtvzr. by the card Atortgagur to s id ;1SSi)C'(A1'lt)N, and comply
<br />with al! the regwr<mrnis of chi Cunslstutwn aril By.lawa uE urdd AS'S IATIONt thin Ibex prrxnts shall becunro null and coed, otherwise they
<br />s#uli reriiai0 iu (u#1 fuece and may be (or<alosed at the option ul ihr sea! ASS(X'IATION after failwe lur there nwnths to make any of lard
<br />piynunts au bs Ih[e< months m arrears w nsekugt ssW ruuasthly pay nrcnts, ur to keep sail ,~umply wnh the agrttnrents aril canduwns of lard Bund,
<br />and Mustga~x ajrasa to have a recersTr appunud turthwrth to sttch tistrek,sure pn>s:eedmgs.
<br />71 there ip any drurRr in owrscrs#tep of the rea# cstata srsurtgaged hetsm, by sale ur uth<rwssr, then the enure rarnunmg indebtrdneaa hereby
<br />xcuud shall, al the rrplitan of TSee I:gwtsbk Building sail L vn Assuiation of (.rxml ishmd, ".Vrbraaka, bs~rax umrw_diauly 4ec a.:d payable with sue
<br />fwthrr rwtiss, and t7sa. sroount ~aamwmg der under card bond, and any +xhc, #xsnd fur airy addtnuna7 adwnsss made thcreundar, shall, from the
<br />data ,ri cxacne of caad :iptiwr, bait interact at The maxunum legal eau, and the nw,tgage nny than b< (orrcluarJ to satisfy the amount due un aril
<br />bald, and aey orbs[ bopd for xdddls,nal ad»ra rs,, together a~rth an wnw #ard by lard The I=gmtab#e duildmg and Laan Aswcmtwn c((:rand lslxnd,
<br />I1c{rfaEAa fa tttautanstrTatta's ar,d'9airaatM"+SW,a&d abstra,:ir,sg extrnsttm charges, wuh mutest t#xrcws, tram dau ut payment at the nuxnnwn
<br />r31e, '
<br />As a+vidyd w cite Fltnsd sers.7 lsesrbyy, wirue th,a ;ruttgege rrnsauts iu enezl the nwttgagar nsny hercatisr adwna edditwnal Baru Su the
<br />l~+wd Goad. that s of wccssxns in mterral, wh#rh sutnt shall br wmhm the rcca icy of tt. s rrwrtgage the satin as the funds originally
<br />the:sFty, thv IoW amount of principal debt met to <xtxsd at any nnw Ile os igtrw! xnwwu of this ttwrtgsge.
<br />t =.,
<br />~~ #4fh, -,.:, :T;y-uf _~Gtt'y~ir ~.i..ts~-v
<br />--
<br />Jrgt 4 ~ ~.
<br />Donna R. Loft !!
<br />sTATto~yEel~a'} ~, ilntha 15th. dxyof OcinLyer .n HO
<br />{YSii?V'i4 tom` fiA1.L 3 . txfuts ens.
<br />the um7etvgrsnd, a Notary Fttblic m sail cur seal C'ounq•, pr,soua7iy coerce
<br />Roger W, Loft and Donna R. Loft, eacit in hip; and her own right, and •3s st;ouse of ai',h
<br />Other _ wha <9 r8 perwrr,~y kni9wn to
<br />t~ tV is's rhs idturtuas# prratni 5 trdtaaa nalna S a,Me- afnxrd to the aMve instrutrrsttt as n;urt§agur 5 an,7 i ney vavetaity
<br />~d the said ft7M€ananf lobe . `tb~i r -'~isa.a4, s,td dosd.
<br />w(TIrtF+,SSmyhas~4iad,Natasulgaslfhe,f~ua~KsuW. -
<br />My Ehsnmiruiaaas silpifas; ,, ';°~~..~,.., - r..
<br />- - - ~tio~;<ry li~~ali:
<br />roxw aE,
<br />