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TCA~~ <br />MORTGAGE LOAN No. L 23, 822 <br />IeN©I~rALLMENftYTR~EI~ttFSENTS:That Charles F. Lange and Colleen E. Lange, each in his <br />and her osvn right and as spouse of each other, <br />Mortgagor, whether ern oz more, in ,aeration of the arm of <br />7hir.~y-ong Thousand and tdo/100-------------------------------------------------- IXSYreRS <br />loaned to said snortgt!gw by The Fgoitable Bu $ ipig and Loan Assoriatian of Cnrid Is)and, Nebraska, Mortpygee, upon 31Q sitsrea of swtk of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L - 3 LL , do hereby grant, convey and moctgagc unto thx said ASS~IATION the following <br />described real estate, situated in HaII County, Nebraska: <br />LOT FORTY-ONE (41) AND THE WEST ONE-HALF OF LOT <br />FC'RTY TWO (42) OF BUEiVAVISTA SUBDIVISION, AN ADDITION <br />rn THc rITY QF rRA:yQ t$LlWO, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together wish aSl the tenements, hecedpiaments sad appurtenances lhereumo helongtng, uuiuding attached floor coverings, all window scrcerrs, <br />wiadaw shades, bhnds, storm window-x, awnings. heating, si.= conditioning, and p?umbing acrd water equipnxnt azid accessories thereto, pumps,stoves, <br />zefz~eeatozs, and oFher ftxiures and equipment now or hereaffez attached to oc r;.sed in connection wrth mid real estate. <br />AnJ whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that [he mortgagor shalt and wsLl pay all taxes and asussments levied yr <br />asse3~d upon said ptetttis~s and upon this ttwrtgage and the frond s-PZUrzd therzby before the r rsre shall bezvrne dehaquenr; to fmtish approved <br />insurance upon the bmldrngs on card premrses'situated an the swn vt 3 3I ,ODD. QQ payable [u sauL .4SS(iCiAT1ON and to Jehver to said <br />ASSOCIATION [hc pnherrs for sail Insurance: and nut to cvmnv! or perrmt any waste on or about sans premiss: <br />Irt ryjse of default ra the pcrfvrnnn.-° at any of the terms and condiuvrs of this rnssrtg, ge err the bond srcurcd hereby, the mortgaget strap, <br />rm da ntanJ. he cneitir:i tc rmmtJu°.tc pvsvesssnn of the mortgaged prcmrxts amt the rnrrngstgur hereby assigns, trartsfera anJ sits o tic to the <br />lrhrttgagee cell iha rCal3, rCYCntx3 and 1nW rtk rn isC aCrned frt)m lhP mortgaged p(flnnYCx Juring Snt'!i time a3 tltC mortgage fnde62Cd[ress Shall !'Ctllx!(i <br />unpaid: and the itinrtgagec shall travt fix power 9o appoint any agent ur agnnis !t nrsay tk^aire fur fhm purpose of repairing stud premises and renting <br />site xantc and coeieering fire rests, revenues' acrd inmmc, and ii may I+ay our of salt! rnsomtr. ail ,ef repairing sairi premises and necessary <br />_F~ - _ r <br />'~.ri=:s:~«rs,~ ------ _ -- ~.,s : rent}`m *~.-.t-.-- r:~~=~g=~~, ?ham- saw= - = _tl':xt.eng ~__ i}H .~if3m~ 'hr- bJ;_n~ .s~il4. i a_.,y, to h. <br />a,:rd.~~ti is:~,,.d tie c:;,^.::.:ih... , a;.. ,.~.. ~:~.. .,: h:sc.,.,~.:.....-. m ..,, i :... ..,.r;,,,!µt., .. - ~ ,.~ e„,..c,~d at a::y t,...., - ,.. ext~ an::e ca :..... <br />dcfa:iJ€„aerespective of any temporary wa+ver of Lhc same.. <br />f'he3e i'tes~nts, hvwwet, are ufxa the Cordettrrn,'r naL [f the satd n5vrtaakor nhaM1i ra:pay sae6 3oan r,et r,r before she rtiatats€Y of said z~ata3 iy <br />pay~~tt~ Ya3 ~ ,arm . ) • - _ aiiYf Y4 _ _ _ ~ - .may - _ ~~ s~ai .. 3 i 2i~ k <br />the Ta.•enLieth Jay of rash and ever}• nrunt}t, until~xarJ ;rfan zs fu43y pa+J; pay a!1 rues anJ assessments !ened agarnet~said prcrruses snJ un this Mortgage <br />and the Band secured ti2erebY,lmfurs dctinquency, furnrsh approved irsurance uYwm the burldutgs thereon to the sofa of S 31 , QQQ. QQ fvyabla <br />Ln said ASSOCYA`i'ION: repay to said AtiSOCIa'fYON upon denurrd aB rra:rrey by « part far such taxes, assessments and rnsuzance with interest at <br />the maximum legal rate thereon [runt dare uC paynxnt all of wYnch Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay. permrr rm waste on sard premises:keep and wmply <br />with aB the agreenxnta anJ axrndrtions of the Bend for 5 31 ,QQQ , Qaivs day given by the Bird Morzgpgur to card A.SS[JCIt1 fi(}N, anJ comply <br />with aB the rcqulrements ul t}x Cvnstnutiva and By-Laws of sarJ ASSOCi A7[iJN: then nc~sr presents sk!ail bacons null and votJ, uthnnvise they <br />ahaN cniwpn in tnU I'vr ~ and may kx foreclosed at tfx vpuon of the sail .1SSl')CIATSON after failure fur tiuec months to make any of card <br />paytttanrs er be titres rtanxhs m artcazs nr making card nwnihiy paynxnrs, or to krxp and annpiy wth the agreements anrJ conditions of said bond. <br />and !r4ur#gagut ayt+~t to haNS a recrevez appointed fvrt)!wittt to such force!+.rsurc pruw~rxdn~. <br />Yf slum !s say cEsatrga vt owruFShip +.:'the race! csmte mnrigagod hector, by sale or utlterwisc, then the ensue rrmaintnfi lndebtodncss hereby <br />meted dx~att, at iLta opti,iu of The Equitable Hu_iding mad l watt Assuc;a[ivn of i:ra,yd Yslend,NcY;rxs4a,betvtne i~umed~tely du_t and paya6ic wi4h_uuS <br />furthaa nnttsx:, unil zht anroum rcawiniug due unJtr sanl bond, and any other Erund (a~r any adilitiuna! advanfes tnaJt thereunder, shall, from [ht <br />daft n~f mxereise of said up!ioe, bear interest a4 tie rmvcinmm !tga! rata, and rtes mortgage nmy rhea bt fvrtdvscJ w satisly t!u arnoamt dun un said <br />bvtsd,.and anY cthtr i~rnd fur y3dititmaY advances, together with aB sum! pa+:! by raid 'Y'hc Equitu!?le huHdtrg and Luan Aswctat;rrn of GrrnJ ts!arid. <br />Neatst'~ska fcr<{}.absiraci}ng cxtnnxron cl:argex. wEth urtxtvst nc~reim, trop: ricers of fsayrucnt rr €hc nsaxsmnm <br />Irate. -°,_ _ <br />_ As grFyvidad 'ut,Yfry 8otsd..r~urxsl ha~rhy,. witik this nwztgagP. rz`.nairts m ct7ect true mvrttFagez may horeal'ter advance adJitiona{ swnx to the <br />m~skers of sitd Bvnd,,,l~ceu~ asetgrta an str~Yksx7:a pre qrt€+c.r. ~e7uc.. nuHiS shalt ba srlhrn t1:T see:uniy ok 71tia nw rtgsge t7te samr ux the Iwrds mrguralty <br />reuwed thetata~, the !~htal utLtavy}t of principal d<I>t not ru ex:.tivl at any tmx ihn ungrnai amount t+f this nrrr, gaga. <br />~~ti-vr~3s ~~ `- }~~ Jay vi ~c.i).e~~ ~k, Li., 1° its) <br />{-...-~'t~., a ~`Y'" <br />;~ of een '. nY}E.;.*, _ <br />T ss. fm this 1 btft . stay of UCLO~e r 1't 13Q . hcfort rrrt. <br />C(lt1NTY OIz YYALL <br />Charles F. LdngG 8nd Col lean E, Lange, fheun,'ersrgtmJ,a*;atatyt'nbixrnandfarcard('our>tY,pesz.analty carte <br />each in his and her own ri 9tYt and a5 SpaLiss of each other, ,, b,, area pxrxmnkly kaawn to <br />rr~t!?-$a Lhe rd~tattr~vl geFx~c,n5 wf~.ost narr>c 5 at'e nff„ccdly the atas~+ttstrurtxnt as ma`g~tgayua 5 <br />~e~ii,:i, camera : . aasit nrssF, ie ixc bfi°`~"• , vc:;ursiarX ac€ site ?teed. <br />~Ze`f";~~:t.§ Fray i,arki 3F>~ id&Fa;sidl ~.c?} €E'r„ t7atW 3t.;rYiRt3. <br />.__,. - ,.R~ -- _.. _ <br />r~tryxta ut r{E{ t f ~ £ t <br />a!ed L IeY !svanY4y <br />~ ~ <br />_ ~.-" - ~t ~.... <br />'Vn.„'1it r'la~' <br />