~0~: (~C~~82Q
<br />M~IiTGA~E
<br />TI3IS ~.fOlif+LsAGE is made this ............. 15tYi.... _ . , , , ,da af........:............,
<br />14. $~., between the Mortgagor,. 7A2~!I. D.. Sf~ETS grid f ~ . S'HF.bZS ~ ar~i Wife
<br />............................ . ......... (herein "Borrower"}, and the Mortgagee,. ?'~.~ ..... .
<br />''.T~`~• ~'~, ~- , SS7I~'•AIDt ,~ ~§l~r. ?~??'...., a corporation organized and exsting
<br />under the jaws of ............... ~$~................., whose address is... 304 ,t~.,st ;ItyzYi. $t~eet,
<br />Giusti. 331aIIdo. i~$t3flkcz .............................................. (herein "Lender"}.
<br />WsEaE,rs Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of.. ? , SIX_ ?fiDLTSAhID EIGHT
<br />HLR I~*7!i I~ 100 ----- ...............
<br />st ............................Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />~~, , , , OCtobPS. 15,,. 1480_ . , , , (herein "Note"), providing for monthly instailments of principps! and interest,
<br />with the balance o€ the imiebtedaess, if not sooner paid, due and payable on.. ~? .lf . 2tiZ0 _ , , , , . _ , .
<br />To SECitaE to Lender {a) the repavment of the itldebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of alt other sums, with interest [hereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />ktartgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreemen[s of Borrower herein contairsed, and {b} the repayment
<br />of any futttre advances, with interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof {herein
<br />"t+"uture Adr-~.es"}, Borrower does hereby mortgage, great and convey to Lender the following desatihed property
<br />ideated do the County of......... Hall : ............................. State of Nebraska:
<br />T3~e S~3.y Forty-ft~sr {44) Feet of Lot Five (51 atxi the Southerly
<br />Forty-fors (44) Feet of the Westerly Fifty-four (54i Feet of Iiat Six (ti)
<br />in Block nr;r,~.ty-three (93) , Original ~trtars, mw C.i.ty of Grand Is2arui,
<br />f3a11 Cb:atty, Neiazaska
<br />~s ~',h t :,.tea-', vf..... IZ~ Suit i~it~l i t~ . i`tF~d~ .
<br />. • . • . • . (tzy~lJ Y
<br />su,~,~..,~.L~,, CG f1! ~ ~ iC~t t
<br />. .... 11~+L 1 VP~4A _ . . . .. [h~r4°trl "~C{YQ~F`t~` r~iditi4'S~ ') ,
<br />(SL& CM Zf," rmMt
<br />Ta(ieztt€a with al9 the ilttpYOtem!"nt$ now 1,)f hereat[i'F CFCL'!Yd lilt C}R t?fl,aCii4', ali4i Ali! :'asc]'CCfiE). CittiSC].
<br />a~t°.:~.~~, t'etsts, fayait~, s:ainrad, ail :~.,d gaa rstto 'urt-:: Yrc.d:. ~.~...~, ...... F:Eh:;...F:=+. v-:t':. ,.=•.:~ .,,.~ 3ti
<br />6xWres txxw or Fsetraftet attached [a the prafntty, all vi` whieb, ittciudi±t~; rnlale.emcrtt> an.i sd.titlou~ tta•rral, .ha~li he
<br />i3tstRrsd to ~ and romain a part of. the graperty acverld t+y ibis Martgagr. a;td ail cat ih:: fafx'.p,~tng, t~.,cethsF v;ith ti3tll
<br />Arty (or tI~ ihxrhi aataP.r if t3tis 4fortgatge is :9n a leasehold) arc ;testier ;r,c~rcci !. F> t?te "Pf->}~rtv"
<br />{{F'3F~.!' £`#3N£pA€1tS Cttat IISrrFO~r t5 t~tt'flitlV SYF5l'd 4f itN' t•;5tr2Fi' [7:_15:~y i+.z.}4ti t~1t i<2111 h31s Sft<' ti~h[ 111 R?tzfCsr+itKC~
<br />~t~nt 7tnQ GGnVU*y Ct~' f'rCSpC"rtye tn$f ttie 1'fapl'fty iA UnerIG Et RIftV rtici, aRd That S#OFf<:vrCf Vliif t4'3rF.t!ii E ICI clef rov'
<br />~c+tteratty tzsc title to this Prt)Qctty agditsi a!3 claitl> anti derrtan~€;.. +;t~~t [ s3s :.ri;tti !' . , c•as tr tea .>r retitrrcttcsRs
<br />a~bli"F 3%BiJ
<br />