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sf taV- !~ F.c a Rdtd <br />80--~,n 5797 <br />~~--tJ05048 <br />3.Ofltwf~ ~t~ re-recor3ed tr3 shtsar <br />5~R7•caac,E <br />c,~~~, L 23,775 <br />wait~~iSYTHFSePR~EN2s-It~t Helen ~f. Mabity, and S*_aRley r'. Nabitr, #A.D., her <br />husb3Rd <br />~b -- -- -- _ --- Yrestgagtx, whether tme a tense -iu w>mdtxatim at ttoe trtae d <br />$2%4y Thou5aRd rind No)1DD ---°----~----' -'------__ <br />- D(Si.iARS <br />itratcd to tttid Dy Tfte Pgtarairk red t,im+ Aao~tioa of crartd [drmd, Pkhraska, 3ftrrtga~ee, ttpan 60G trims of etot3c of <br />rain ASSOCiA77tHa, Certifreata No. C 23,7?5 , do hereby grant, atassy sari ttaortgage tmtw the aid A530CIA1ION the fr> <br />ttearibed teal es3a#, tituattd 'ct [iaU Cotuuy, NeDrasta: <br />LOT ONE (l; COACfi PLAC€ SU3DIVISION, HALL COUNTY, N€BRASKA. <br />ttegether with ark t}re tenements, ketsdrtaenrntx and apptatertacioes [hcteunse faclsncgntp, nactrnlittg attarJted itixrr camruegx. aR window screens, <br />wittdrw rSades, D4mds, utxm wintluun, awntt~, tteatrartt, atr vstditinairtg, and plamDiug anti water sgtuprrrent utd accesaocies thcrem, pumps, 9ortx., <br />rs~Fr~ratrxs, am! other ti:totes and eyuipntent qtn • ~~ rserealtu attached to ur ttxd rn mnarectxrn wuh sarJ :eat estate. <br />Atari wDe[t:ax t)re sod mortgaga;r hae aprrpf sent does hereby agree that the upartgxRtrr shale! atui wi1F pay all taxes sad UJO>maeat8 levied ur <br />aid upttn aid prerrtesex artd up,n thu erwrt~ sari tDe board xecurtd thereby ten{arc tiK ssttte shad Decnme tklinquent; to furnish appruva3 <br />ieaurarrce upem the bruldvega on sod }araaraea situated in tM sum of S 6G , DQG . GG payable w said ASSt7C'IATI(}1V ant! do detivsr m sttid <br />ASSC1flA7`}tllai the ltnticrcn ter nid mrurmcc, sad rise! t„ ttismmtt .rs pcrtnrl arty waste as ur about saxtf prcmxxs; <br />la cane a{ dalatdt m she pertrnmamro rst nay of the tereo and txrmditar-•rtr tyf thta rrawrgsge ,ir tt '.sans! reurtr3 hereby, 13te itgtiyagee dmH, <br />~;'--t, E„-° ~tit~'.z w~~;..4 ,.~~ ~=~ t*~ ;;~;'-d one, ~:_ ::o-' :ice .za~:~..r t~~-!; a~~i, rza£w'sr. aF:d ;;is nar,- to <br />for ttt~agec a13 the rents, rercnitn wd snwrue t~ hr .karred trurn thr rnrutgatrtd tr:meeau;u:s rd~aaug; sacclt ~arru s the awrt~e mdebtedtxsa s6sll eenaain <br />uttgtud; ~r3 the _T.:ty~ges shat? #ts.e the psarv¢t ti, appoint any a5ent srr a~ota a rnuY akrc~,ire fur 4~ purple ut repast:trg said , ectstuaa artd :etttiag <br />1t~ atssc and cadlerYUtc site +tmi~~xs"-trues me4 iavme, asd rt o~y pav sxsst at s3ak :s:cofru•. a!1 ezpea~a r{ rspa~ s~1 p=€,#~. asd t~tee~; <br />rssntn'~ a~i eapcs urr2 T i:~ rsr,Ea~i at#i trwttsgu~ t3~ ~tste artd +.€ ~ it; errnzats r.w~rrar; tt~ ±~ rau~ta, ii axty, t[a he <br />si,ptii.•.sr ecaratsi six aArasae~ vi ~ ssttnt ittwtxeu; Enure rtgtiir vt ciu rturn tae rna< € exee~tztt; as any ittet dttsitt<;. the zxea[~ of ach <br />~an~ ~¢'f'w-"€trve ni .may tESPS+s•~y' 3 - _ ivf t~ ~E. <br />- '-__a..R a~ :arsmta+~, nar ine ~~i ri,wr~. -._:.. _ <br />Qig•rw!rtt: pey to said A.SHtlt.'I4t7{NV r,f the-was mcctfxd m thv Ruud xccwrJ lrcreb _ as _ rer:. end €e~tsal ~! sa_w! k>;zrt sn ~ Dutrue <br />t~h try o€ tit sari erry n-+~= i(r_ ~rtd atdn ~ (t~Y imsi, pap a!1 tells ared :e:~d agar.w= T~ ~ Asw3 :ad ua t~'aCc:st <br />sal _ tttvroC :lavaeCy, treia€c deEirxtutrtcy: itarntsh appsuved utsursas; upnu ttx hutFdtrr~ ttaraou ,u the lam of f f1~ . Q~Q. l)('i pwyahk <br />is A1tCHi; L~aY to aid ASStIC'iA'FSCM4 upon demand aif tr ancv by :t pop! in such taxes, azacvatreats utd rnsuvance wtth mtereat at <br />tht ars rhrraarrt Itsg date u1 payaumt ill ~.t whxcta Musty,~ux hereby aStees tta puy • perzmt txa waste un asst premixes, keep artd >xrrapiy <br />wah ~ht a~nesuatts aw9-atlactit .,f the ~fp~l stir 5 bQ. GOO. GO thes Jay gsreai Dy the seal M xtgalyui ri rani ASSt)CiATitiN, artd wmpty <br />wish ati~ra tau ar(a~t C ulx,a sari @p~Lawx c{ taxd Aa[)Ci AISi2t't: then ?,hose prxstx sht;iF liasurm sedt and v,_rn1, uthenvise they <br />slnr$ ream m fug tacr wd rtrar ttxn-li»rd at rite uptwn of the rerl .3SSti(:'tA T1C?N sitar t;trfure rnt three ntuntlu to make any ~ti said <br />palreaantx sn @a ihrat :aumthx ur arrests ur ntafrag sand neuntttly traytttents, .rr tr kn-p snd .-amply wish tote agruutacrtss ant cuadrtxrn~ u3 said Nand, <br />atnl l9ruit;a>Eax agrees to !tare a teurorr appoutted fi:rthwah m stp.•h Cntscluwte pr.><~ecitrsrhx. <br />It thatu is any m srwrxrstap ai the reaS caste rnssrt~ !stern, by esit or .>•.#wrwtae, tlmst ilx sntrro iemaiistxtg etadeDtsdt~sa het <br />setwad thaN, at the uptu+r ut 71rs Egwt•Sk Nsartdirtg arnd i.vast Awep'mittvs of (~tarpt triwd, hie6raaka. Daattm trturved»ttely due sad payable w-tth~ut <br />lrt"~S+s r:sC;c~, i~ "- a~trrrt r-aroa d~ srraac- - otrnd, sorb arty utisE h- - tx nay astsitiitnrat ativartccs trmsie titeatxndas, rYrall, sirens the <br />rinse cat exercate o!' ttgti uprrnrt, Dear antrrea at the nwamaarn kgel rate. arat thm rtar<egaEe may than Ds G.uec4ited to satrzfy the aawunt due utt ssrti <br />6wad,sad nay .raha Dt>satf t'w arbditaunal athsaars, tnftctfrer wrth alt suns pod try xaal 7'tte E:yurtahk Y3ui{ding and l,uan Asrxtatam uC (;sarui lalami, <br />!1aRerutaa tar uesr_atrae, taws sari ame>wxntr, sari a4rteae'fESat extenusei chars, wts-h uuc:ert Eaxrrxwt, trsrrm date tAC sm.yagut a~ tlts tt-mura <br />rate- <br />Az peurtt&a7 ut tht Ncml ar ~sxpl fact fly, wtuk; thsa nassrtga~ +siiuuaa m c?acct she iEax&aaace i;tay hetaatier atramro atWitrwrai surm to the <br />tigkvts sf seal !St»r+D. theta as,u su:iessats as: sntcrer7, wtu.;}i sums .ti;.l Rn~ arsihra ;tt+t sr.<urtty of ihta erxul the same as the funds nrigtnalty <br />aagttsr# thateby, the ttt+.d' amcwat r~ pitp;apd t9rDe nut Eu r--:rrs! at any tisae the sxigtrW axrwrwt raE than ~ <br />rx.e..t rtes ~t~.1 ~attz t.em(xar• ., ~{; <br />n ~ e n :_ <br />~~ Tt7, i~t_1~. ___ <br />Stanley €. habity, ~,~ <br />~Ta!'t~Lig'Idi;4;1.a+,4,~ax t7nrhss t~ day+.{ :~eDt>'x,b"P trr~~ 6etoir~t*r, <br />t.3~1'i cis tiwxa~ ~ <br />the urecterripw+l, a Notary ['uDlic rm aryl lru sap! t'nuaty, petrmaiiy •,^R <br />1Pt~len AI. Nabity, nerd Stanley F, NaEFity, ~!.).. h*~r ltu5!?at!cf <br />_ why, r3lr t: :ratxaalty kras~wm to <br />tltrtl srr lar t6a aianrica4 patt~i 5 wtrr.>~ »x+rx i J rt? aktise;l r,, alts aD:~e :,^.atr;eA~rft u. r~et~gas '• ; ~1 ~ ~?t'Y ;rareat4y <br />tine aYt$ 4aatrunxgra its Da %Prt,r ; ?' sxeturatary at9 and axed <br />RTFYsF~.!t tar hand aesl'icrtaamd Sest rise elate afaresasJ <br />tAv t.QrrtiyF4a;~. >rnrr., - ' <br />- S - - _ .~ .-Yl - _ .. ~ - <br />i :3 - .- ~ 1 -'s.rtar -ter <br />aa.aama at4 ~ ~`~~+tl A;.r ~ r 4 :^ V.-. -- . <br />i <br />y:.. r1 <br />