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~t7=OC-79~ <br />rcACe tort ao. L Z3, 821 <br />At-l.r~l~r'c°a~~eese[rrs:"s~t ,Ian M. Za,jicek, DDS and Lynrt E. Za,3ficek, each in his artd <br />her rnyrt right:, and as spouse of each other <br />Eighty Thousand and Noj100 ~~~~`~~~`~~ <br />laaeed ta said rtnrt~par by lie lAtddi~ and E.wtn tt,mriytion ad Gtaad [s6ttd, AFeMarts.R4ee, typos . $D() s~aEttmdt of ' <br />avid Ag$d]CIA12t~'7, C.artiftcau N.i. L 23 , do ttera#sy !~, oonavsy tad mwfE{s Hato ma aid ASSflLZATt[[)~t thr <br />desaibed mtd stay, rkutrad in Fhb C<sun~yratka: <br />THE sdESTERLY ONE HALF (Sr'?i} OF LOT ONE (I } AND THE WESTERLY <br />SIXTY SI"~ (W66} FEET OF THE tiORTHERLY THIRTY EIGHT AND FOUR <br />TENTHS (N38.4} FEET OF LO7 THREE (3), BLOCK SIX (6} COLLEGE <br />ADDITION TO WEST LAWN, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />atgrther with all the trnxseants, tsarcditamasts ar:-, appar[rttantxx thrraunat htMttgittg. tncltalittg attacdtad fluor wvstatgs, all wyulaw rrtessta: <br />wtsdttw sttadrs, rili:aEs, stort€t wtn>k,sas. awtsst~, t~r;trt¢ au ;xtssttira,ttiag, rod pStunhiog amt „Tatar tgtti}xttcrtt atd acczaurrtaa ttrctnta, ptsmpt, troves, <br />rtftt~nitsrs, mat other fiatwn sad ~nrptnrttt tww .x hsmaftrs xtta<ltnf to w used to wnr«~.'tzun wtth xited rtai ntsle. <br />And wtteroas the >aad mvrtgttgzx ter agratd trod dxa he+eby sgrar that etrc rmtrtg~or shall sad ,vi}t pry aft rases and aatanesnp levied or <br />zl t~!m stall prretssa- yard bra triffi arxx[„~s and t#u boatt ss~-utrt ;ttrrrtrv :x#axe zlu same t4ra7! hs;:stme dtztittt;uenl, to fwtt~e auvad <br />;as~,rtw,x etpaa ehr budd#ttgt ,xt tad pramtses etmtad en tht sttm of 5 ~ j{j. QQ{~ . {}Q pny~rbk to ns] AS.StX'IATION and to tkuv~r to said <br />,4.~Sit)t'lATi(Hn tfx p,hcnt tsar taM ittxstt~c: and mat to sx,mmit ,N psntnz say waste nn cx show stud premttet. <br />!n +ase ai drtadt m the pr[h,sttanrt W m?" of ttrc ttrrtM and rattdthrxts =ti thin entttlgagtt .a the lxmd aertuatt Itesetry, the tanrtgalges shad, <br />-~: ~aatvt, ax ~ttsrkd t.::r=~ahr}utt tx,yearsax u the :amtpprif pramt,es and tp~n rra:ugEttgor hatttry s~siyns. tratufan ;ntd tcq a+zr to the <br />ttrtxtgngea all the rtmts, sssratum. ~ u,c the m tx dartvw5 t~rvsst the martlyttlgrd {van,cwr.~n dmay nuc3s tsars a. zhe munEage imtabsatfnes dttli tomaitt <br />rwpaRi . and tAr nratgyypes tmsr the p,twrr to attpnrvt any agemt tx agswtn .s may ~dtsatr tut tf,a pssrpi:rs ui repunag std pteausss and rantitzg <br />au;e ~~ v'~_ •= tw car., ._ t:x:.-~, ar ~z :tnv ~q ..,tt -- sas:t tts.wzts ai: ta~~s . - Vii.-:~ sa6i psamites aa3 -tnaeev_r <br />sax°t~taveuturattni rtt~tssatt mccvttd m toot ~! _, ztst satrap attd -.z -~~tdevtarr tentstt tt~tr3'nxnt, [hE bafartre rrtrxautiag, !I nny_ to he <br />stud ~.b.,~ t;~ -.~~-;< ~ a,d..ut~a- z~ -,i;,. ,rF ~xcp >n~~ ~ es~€~'==.d as ~,t +~mg .t_~ tiro ;a a}' ~n <br />=. 3s,tr€~ .tf zaY trt~,euztY wxx :..d the ssr;e <br />s'"~ sue, =p° - €a€ --rtsa~xta' , iris ai ="stt tdavtyt ~~...a~ltay ~xl :srar: <tn ut beftrss rte emtuotity of 55fi$ utwtaa;ry <br />~vt>sui_ t~ tls u ~ ~4' ~t"r~~tt~ ~ t~ ~.~ ~ -r -:~ ;£ :mom h<~p a= ta{~-rsr. emu' <br />tits Tvswesrth day ,d rant sad esery nonch, tut2d .std ittaa ,s n pss:ca#~f ~~+ ; tt;aa, ua =3s `°===s,.~ <br />aBY pant- t>+Y ilf tasty attd ratasmtemx kwrd ttytuu4 raid protnass and tm this Mtxtpge <br />w,i tht !load su:ttttd [lxrttby, batixs dN~ytxm~y. fmnsah apan,vasf tnnsratax upty tlx: buddttrgs thesaetn vt the sum ut S~ , DDD. aQ payabk <br />to stdd ttS'4tX'IAl1tN,i; rapaY to sod ASS{M:.YA7l(H3 ut+wt dratamd a#! tte,nry !,Y et pain tut ststlt taaas, ataescnsvts and uiseuaacs with mtoten at <br />thr zmwuatmtot kdtd rate thuaecm :'stmt data ct!' paytttrm aitl »# w#anit Nt,ttgeppw hers{ v assess to pay. permit mi waxe era said pnmtaes; krep and wmpty <br />artth a3z Fha apasmants and ttNdiit~t,tf the Bow,! fat S ~.OOfl , iIQ ties daY tmmt by ttta sad Mttrtgagtts «t sad ASSiX'tATitNl, artd cotmp#y <br />+rttt ay rtes ta7taaamanta of t3wt C-'unsttitlitam taxi 8t'-Laws of road A3'YtX7AT1fN+i; thrn tixva presattn tJtal! t,at»tra nu[! aid sand, utharwiae that' <br />dw8 rxtarm ttt fall! iarx aad fast' 6a #ueuhsad at zhe uptwat ..t tM sod .tsiSfJ['lA lfiN: aferr #adurs Far throe monthx to make any ut tad <br />paymv,la ur t* threr v><retths w ate-ss, itt tntka~, raW nru!t6iy txaytncata, w ttt !rep ;apA :utnp{ti +'stM tIt¢ tayraataaois eod t=ttaddtotu of vtS Bond; <br />and Wsitgag,tz agora to halm a rsn;r:,smt appenntrw fswihwrth ais - ` toras~s,tmtr prucsmtf,ttae- <br />Ft rtserr q aay riraengt m urnttthsp of elte fast ssfatt nsurtgrgad tssrna, by ak ut vtAerwuc, tlmn zlte eater rtsttataiag ottkWadteea Frraby <br />tnctat>J.4 dtdi, as fits u}Nitus of 7ha Equusbk Bsttk#iag ttr ! Low Atrtratwm t>1 (:tmat Islaad, Nehraaka, bau,tae ittunediatsly due std tnvtdtk withuw <br />futtfiet malice, std tits attistuat tattautspj duo u,dw srp! band. awl any ,uMs ltas,d #or aay addiCMtttal advaaxa mask ihareuttdat, sltaU, !tam the <br />data <tt attrrtar of taw! uptt+xs, txu tutarsst at the ttaatmnm kyyi rata, sad cloy mwtp~m mdY then ba #atarWad to strait' the amnnnt duo un sat <br />bs:ed. and tmy uttgt t>,pd Gx addattnui advaaca, tugsther wrth ati naoa pad by scat 7'ttt ligtutebk Btrel4ing and Luna Asaazunun uY F:sand Is4md. <br />;4tsbsas&s Cvs :~utaat€, taa;tiuf ;~esimrosits, asuE ~unc't~l extowa«m tars, aiUt mtstssi BeZresm. from dais of 5eyntant at tlx tznsitnum <br />~ w <br />Aa prordattta the tttq~ ttw.~ttrsd?~+*tiY, whits ti>n r xttgt~e rrtttakst iA effe,,y zhr taattgagae may heracitcr adsattx sddithtnal u,ttta to the <br />tatWua of sadq iaad, tfia#r tp~yta sx ,u441ea1Qta tat intareat. wtstah rotas sha8 tie vrithm the satuity of tho -~twifgage tits sattir as tEm }utaL ortgtnalty <br />tltatalty. Nq{ read a~syas w` pnn,ctpai tfigkt trot to eaussd to ~y t,mtr tits urtgettal am,unt of zhr nsangya. <br />L L' '' ~` r a 4 ~~ ff ~ .~''r r~,sc r A [#„ ;titaU <br />i ~~ t r+ a ~' - y `~. <br />~-- j ~-~ ~ .._ <br />}} w <br />'~5k'~,}~ ~ fht tks i~th. day of Q~tt}CiE t' E9 3D ,Gelixa tna, <br />6'tYtl~tlf fiN Hat..t. <br />tits «atksWaasi, t Vtttrry k'uhtk m std fur .Wd t:uaaiy, tT~tR>tdty,'t[n,a <br />„4^tl M. ?a:4iceis, ItIAS a#td l~yntt E. Zajict?k, rack inrtis and her tnvn ri~J,ht, and as spau5e i3F <br />t'E2~.4! Diet' -'.".~ tv7tu d rt? Paaatuutly` im>wn so <br />aaa wt as €ka :~Rnssiaaa prt~ ~ erltttae natnv? dl`£? tdismd Cu the abawa tMattttam[ a>4 tttvrtgagaw 1 std they ttnstilly <br />r!e ttui 3atgyntts~tiri a , M. tlt~ i r vr~t~t~y ~+ ~ '.. ~ -- <br />~~ ~ `.mil a~ yktiaraa~ai that a#~vaaai~a#" _ ~,::;~,- <br />`""'' <br />- ~sz '^ _ <br />~ - <br />atet ,.-~ ~I+twrlh~rltc l <br />tn~~ .'sf'~ *Y. <br />