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<br /> <br /> t <br /> 00-779 <br /> LlMt4~ oKm CQ-.t.u,v,n. Borrower and Lender c"iveriant..arid nee at followii <br /> I. Pasrrent of Principal xtad fnttrrst. 4Drto-wer.shall prorr;p1y pay when din the principal of aid interest on the <br /> rode( *'etin it Isy the ;Vote., prepaymml anc' late charges as pr•, vid• x3 in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br /> wi Any Future Ad: nncrs "-rc.tned by this Mo;ngrage.. <br /> I.. Fini;& for Trues rmd Insurance. Subject to >applic,&bte law or ro a written waiver by 1-c.nde:.r. Horti`wer ±hall pay. <br /> try (.ender on the city r.,ionihly insiallricals, of prinaipal and interest arc p,syr"bie under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br /> a sum (her-cin -Fru)+,s") equal U7 Mc-twelfth of tht yearly tavm and. at.wr: acne" which may attain Priority over this <br /> fnrtr:gc, an3 rents or the l'ro°.rty, if any, Flu" one-twelfth of yc:my premitirn installmtnts for h32ard insurai,cc, <br /> plus onc-!ti&P..1ftli of y carfy p: sodium incthfirrcnts for morigage ir:sin-inct:. if t ny, all as reascrriabiv eKtimrttd initially and frorn <br /> time to tittle by Lender on the basis ;,f : s>~cs,mcnYa a!ul bills and reaspnll' estimates th-eof. <br /> 'rare Fu dN v>iall t-e ?r,Hd in an iastitutign'thr deposits or accounts ot,cTh':ch arc insured or gttararieed by a Federal or <br /> stale ag•cnc.y (inc•iudir>g Lcndcr if bender is such a;i inst:tstia-i?. Len3cr.shall .apply the Funds to pay said taxes, asstsr,rmnis, <br /> n~t;r :thee p:r-riiurrc znd gto^rnd rents. Lender mat not .:haig:t for xo here ling and applying the Funds, analvring "aid account. <br /> or ecrifying a;id compil;rig said asstss,ri _•nts and bi:1s, u.rirsx Lender p ays.Borruwer interest on the Fund5 and applicablt law <br /> pcrrrti+s (,cosier in make such a ch:.tge: Borrower ani Lender may agwe in writing at thtr time of rxeculion of this <br /> ,Nforigz"I;c that interest on the F;urds shall he paid to &~rrowcr, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br /> rcquires sur:h imcrest to be paid. (.seeder "hall not be rcgvired to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Lender <br /> shall gi,e to SJ,r,ur►cr, without charge, art arinuai accour,-ting of tht Funds sMw'ing credits and debits to the Fund- and the <br /> parrpose for which each debit to :he Funds was madr:_ The Funds are pircigtd as additional s±c.urity for the sums secured <br /> ay this %foriga,ge. <br /> :i the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together wits" the fwurs rnon',hly installments of Funds payable prior to <br /> :.the due. dates of taxes, P+ecssrmcnts, insurance prr-niums.arid ground rents., shall e!.cced the amount required to pay said ta,-es, <br /> ascr.5xmrn:", insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, such excem shall be, at Rorrower's epnon, either <br /> promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower cn monthly inrwilments of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br /> hcid by i..-cater shrill not be s:rfTicle t to nay taxes, nsset.sments, in,ruance lircrnirrms and ground rents as they fall due, <br /> &srnwxer shell pay to L.cndcr a,ty arnouvt necessary to rm:ke up the def-kicricy within 30 days from the date notice i$ rraailwcl <br /> by Ixdder to Borrower requesting payment thereof. <br /> Upon payment in full of 311 !unts secured by thin Mortgagc, Lender shall promptly rt-fund to Horrower any Funds <br /> held by I.cndcr. If under paragraph 18 hereof the Property is said or the Property" is otherwise acquired by Lender. Lender <br /> shall apply, To later than immediately prior to the sale of the Property or its acquisition riy Lender, any Funds held by <br /> Tender at t're time of application as a credit against the sums secured by !his Mortgage. <br /> 3. Ap pi;.atton of Pavnitnts. Urattss applicable law provides otherwise, all p•ayrovnts reccived by L.cndcr under the <br /> Note and par~giaphs I and 2 hrrcof shall be app°icd by 1. ender first in payment of remounts payable to Cruder by Borrower <br /> under pzrag,raph 2 hard, then to intcress payable on the Note, then to the principal of it''it Note. and then to inicrest and <br /> principa; on any Fu;urc Advances, <br /> 4, Charycs; .f.leris, florroucr shah pay all taxes, assessments and other charges, fires and impositions attributable. to <br /> the Ptti rY which may attain a priority o-er this Mortgage, and leasehold payments or ground rents; if any, in the manner <br /> provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not. paid in such manner, by. Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the <br /> payer t.hercof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all noticcs of amounts due under this paragraph, and in this event <br /> Rornc!wer shall make payment dirtctl;, Bo:rower shall promptly fwriish to Under receiphi evidencing such payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which bas ;:tiority.over this Mortgage; provided, that Borrower shall not bt <br /> required to discharge any such lien so le:ig .e Berrowu7 shall agree in writi.- to the paymtnt of the obligation ~Ccura:d by <br /> such lien in a manner acceptable to Under, or stall in good faith contest such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien in. <br /> Icgal procecdings which or-:rate to prevent the enforcetrie :t of ;he lien or forfeittire of the Prcl.>rrty ar 211y part thcrrcf. <br /> S. Mz.ird Insurance, F.orriw•er shall keep if)( improzcmcnis now existing or hereafter erected rn the Prcalrerty intuted <br /> against lcKi by fire, hazards included within ,he term "extended coverage and such other hazards n5 Lender may require <br /> and in such amounts and for such periods as (..ender may require. proeided, that Lender shall no! require that the amount of <br /> such coverage exceed that amount of coverage: required to pay the "urns secured by this :Mortgage. <br /> The inswance carrier providing the insurance shall tr_' chciscn by Borrower subject to approval by Lender; provided, <br /> that such approval shalt not be unreasonably withheld, All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid in the manger <br /> provided sander paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner, by Borrower making payrttcnt, when date, directly to the <br /> insurance rax6er. <br /> All insurance policies and renewals thereof shall be in form ,acceptable to Undcr and shall inclue r a standard mortgage <br /> rizt-ic in favor of and in form acceptable to Lender. Lender -,hall have the right to 'told the policies and rrnewais thereof. <br /> .;rid Borrower "hate rromptly furnish to Lender all renewal notices and all receipts of paid prt mitims, In the event of loss. <br /> Bo ro'"t'e;: ,hall O 'C' prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of iovx if not reds promptly <br /> by 1iorrowtr. <br /> Unkss Lcuc'rr ;md Rorrowcr Otherwise agree in a-riting, insurance proceeds shall br applied to icciowt ation or repair of <br /> the f ropcrty (1-imaged, provided such restoration of repair is economici.Ily feasible and the security of this kforig:age is <br /> acct thereby impaired. If Stich reslotation'or is not economical)y feasible ar if tht' security Of this Mortgage w•c:uld <br /> be i,mp.tired, the insurance proctcds "bail be a; plied to the &u ns secured by this Nforigrage, with the excess, if any, paid <br /> to Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if Borrower fails to respond to lender within 30 day's from the <br /> t!atc rint;ce il. mailed by I_cndcr to Re>rrowtr that the in%tilance carrier offers to "talc n claim for insurar.~e bencfits, 1-ender <br /> ;.utbnrircd to collect ant! :apply the insurance proceeds .at Lender's option either to resiorat:orj or repair of the Prapcrty <br /> or to the sums tired by this .rMortgage, <br /> t:nltm 1,cmdcr and f3nrro,Airj o0itn6se agree in writing. any such application of p.rr-seeds res principal %hall not extend <br /> or p<"stpc nc tie'- a.lue date of the attaathly inttaalir mts rrrfcrr.-.f to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or ch;inge the tame=met of <br /> scrch in " li r.rirtx. If tender par,L.raph IS Herself she Prnierty is acquires.' by Lender, all right, title and interest of Ftorrcr•.tcr <br /> in ;tr,d ter ricc Fxiticir,, and in and to e=rc proce;rt-s ihcr of resulting from darragre to the Property prier to !hr 5:alc <br /> or ;awyuisttiorr 01;:11 ;n-% to ,'.crder tot thr cNt: of the starts bv this 11,fortyage imn,rdiatcly crier to such sale or <br /> ,art _,uisition. <br /> 5. Prexcrsatlon un;1 Maiurwaaatice of ,Pro..erty; f,s'a.rha"Ids; C`"ar_ctarni.:i.iim5; Planned Unit Dts•rlopownts. llorro%cr <br /> shall' keep tlaz r rcp city ;n gs;,*d rp;air and shat; rto commit %ti;wc or permit irnpairment nr deterioration of the Piopr.ity <br /> .+nd "hail tii,rrr;+lV with ;lei: rircrs'i•"ia:r; of any Ir. _.Se If tbi.s :tt+rrtgagc is on it Ica"c'hcild. If tli!y l<1saFtgagc is on :a a ttit in s <br /> c-trndorniraiurn or a pier 'ied unit dcvclcMcm, 8ortow'er shall perform all of Burrt7wer's obligation.► under !ht eccl.ration <br /> or covtoisnis c:rorating of rl,.,veining the contlt:ninium or plvnned unit development. the by,lavt•, and regulations of the <br /> r c,nklwniniurn or pl:,nnta4 nnit :o •.d conytittmnt documents. If ar togdomini-tm or planned trait cievtit p.rtrcnt <br /> rider is cxccut«I by 1:ta;ircvrer and rccordcat '.~igcthcr with this Mortgage, the covenants and agicrnicnts oaf +tach rider <br /> 76ha91 be inct"Por,aled mto,,a,nd shill amend can l tuppltmeni the covcnanis and upreemcrrts o this Morigagc as if the rider <br /> were a part Lerrof. <br /> 7. t"r."tertfon .a,( i (4ndces Security. If Porrouc fails to fierfnrm the rovemants tiwrid ag:erroients contained in this <br /> tfoatt;a};r,, or if nn•y ;accuse or proceeding. - touter enc-ed which'tmarerislly aflects Lenders interest in Iris Property. <br /> isictradirYg; brat oat LXTI'ttd to. ertint;nt dornain, inst,horacly. code crtionLrMem, .;r arrang"emcnts or prt,eccdings invoicing a <br /> ini Pit rtrpt or dcc,derti, :hen Lender at l,erAer'x option, trp.n`'6riticc''a Rairrower, ma) ma'ka such apl.var.iiwc%, dv,buoc such <br /> "were" and 1A.e such rictictn as is rwcesswy to priilcct►&Wt;, itr'fea1,,4t includinf, but not limited to disbvmrncnf of <br /> rca,, e- l;tc 1morney's acts entry upon the Piripco fq' na sae i;rliaw~c;: If bender required nic*.rtga&,r 'rcuran a as a <br /> _orrdwon of mzl;ing the !c"an tecured by this Moolta&' Rcrr+ r~r r.hali pay" the premiums rcgatirr-d to maintain such <br /> rsurancl in wlil. such time as the requirement for $iinsur:t.nct tcrinirrates in accordance With POrt0wer"•; and <br /> 5 <br />