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<br /> ' � 1.paym�ht of Principal�Int�ra!�txi l.a4a Cltiarpe. Borrower shall pay when due tha ptli�lpal af,and interast on,
<br />� ttw debt�videncad by the Note a►xi lata ch:+r��s dus wxiae tha Noie.
<br /> 2.Monthiy P�ynt�ntf ot T�x�o�Inatu�nC�,�nd Othar Chsryts. Borrower�ha11 Incltttia ln each rru�nthly
<br /> paynient,toflether w�n the prin�ipa!and Interost as sot forth In the Note and any lata char�as,a sum tor(a)taxes a�xi
<br /> i spaclal assessments levled or to be levled aQalnsi the Properry.(b)leasehdd paymants or�lrourxJ rents on tho
<br /> Property,and(c•�Exemlums for lnsurance ro�ulred under Para�raph 4.In any yaar In which t`►a l.etxlar must pay a
<br /> mo�ts}aga Insurance p�emlum to the Secretary oi Housing and Urban Deveiapment('Sacretary').cx In any yaar in which
<br /> such(xemlum would have been requtred if Le�der stUl held the Sacurity Insirumeni,each mcMthty paymPnt sfkzil pttu>
<br /> . . Inci�o eiiher:(1)a sum tor the anrnjal mortgac}e insurance premium to be pald by Lendert�the Sec�etary.c�r(1i)a
<br /> monzhly ci�arga l�stead of a martgago fn:�urance premfum ff this Security Instrument Is hald by the Sec�tary.4p a
<br /> reasonabte amount to t�e determined by the Secretary. Except fw the rtwnthly charQa by thc�Secretary,tha�t tiems
<br /> ; ere called'Escrow Items'and the sums pald to Lender ara called'Escrow Funds"
<br /> lencier may,at any time,cdlact and hdd amounts for Escrow Items In an agqregate amount rwt tp excec�the �
<br /> � maximum amount that may be requi�ed for Bonower's escrow accouni under tho Rer;l Estate Settlement Pra:adur4s t;.:,
<br /> � Act of 197�, t 2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.ancl(mplementing reg�tt�.r.�vir:.24 CFR Part 350U.3s they may be amnnr�ed frrvr,
<br /> tlme tcN�re��,`�;�SPA").except that the cushion or reserve�.i''c.�by RESPA for unanticipated disbursemeins or �;}•
<br /> dist�u��-��Trs'�etore tho Borrowers payments are avatiable I�t tila accourtt rtzay not be based on emouras due tor th� �:`'
<br /> � mortgv��`r,::�,rance premium.
<br /> ff tf�e c�rrn.1unts held by Ler�der for Esc�ow Items exceed the amounts permttted ta be tu�1d by RESPA,Lender shall �-�_
<br /> . � deal w(ih the excess funds as required by RESPA. If tha amounts of fu�ds heid by Lendor at any tin�e a�not suffir.lartii �__:--
<br /> topay tha Escrow items when due,Lender may notity the Botrowet and require Botrawar tu mafce up the shortaaa c+ �;=-
<br /> � d The Escr�Fur�icles ere pledged as addftlonal secu�tty for all sums secured by thls Security Insttument. If Barcower �`"
<br /> �':��-.
<br /> . teride�s to Lender the full ymeni of aU such s�ms,Bonower's account sha1�be credited wkh tha balance remalntrp .�-;_
<br /> � tor a11 Instaliment kems e�(b),and(c)and any mortya�e Insurance premtum Insiellm9M that Lendet has not become ��=
<br /> obflyated to pay to the retary,and Le�der shail promptiY ratund any excess funda to Bcnowar. Immedltitety pHor to '
<br /> e torsdosure 4ale of the PrapeR or ft�a uls�bn by Ler�d�,Bo►rower's sccount dhsll bi Cred�ed with any balance ,
<br /> remalnin�for eal Inatallment�tor�em�(e)�b),and(c).
<br /> , � 3.App11C�tlOt1 ot P�yrt�. All payments u�der Para�rapF►s 1 and 2 Shell be eppllod by L.At�der ss tdlawa:
<br /> �� FIRST,to ttw mortsege tnau�ance premlum to be pald by Lender to the Secrotary er to the moruhiy char�e by the _
<br />; � Sec�etary tnstead d the monthty mort�a�e Insurance pretntum; �-�:,-
<br /> a � $ECOND,to any tax��spectal aasessments,leasehdd payments or��ound rents.and Hre,flood and nther hazaM __�_
<br /> �• � t�surance ptemlums,as reqWred; r--_
<br />- Ty�gQ,to Interesi due under the Note; —
<br /> FQURTH,to amortizatlan of tlw principal of the Note; �•�_
<br /> - . �T�j,to Iate charQes due under the Note. --_
<br /> � , 4.�F�e,Flood and Othar Hasard t��urance. Borrovver shall tnsure all Improvements on the Property,whether _,—
<br /> now In existence or subsequentty erected.agatnst any tsazti.rda casuafties.and contin�anctes,tnduding f�e,for whtch __ .
<br />:r `' Lender reguiros insurance.This Insurance shatl be rtsatrttatrtect tn the amounte and icr the periods that Lender requir'�. ___
<br /> Borrower shall also Irlsure all tmprovements on the Propertj,w�hether rsow(n ex4stence or subseqt�entiy erected, __
<br /> . agatnst loss by fluais tQ the extent required by the Secretary.All tnsurance shall be carrled with compaNes aRprca�'�ec!
<br /> � by Lender.7'he tnsttrance polkles and any renewals shall be held by Lender and shall tncitxle loss payzble c�attses�n --
<br /> favor of,and!n a form acceptable to,Lender. i.
<br /> � — ��rt�.w.�r nf�� t�xre�wcx shail aive Ler�der immediai�nottce bv maA.Lender may make proof o�loss if r�t
<br />:.��� m�e pzc�mp�y by Banower.Each lnsur3nco ccmRany ceru:emed ls hereby,�airthorized a�cl direded to make pa�srient
<br /> »; � t`cr suctt lass directly to Lender,Instead of te Borrvwer and to Lender jaint(y.A!1 or a�y part d the Gfs�uarxe proceeds _.
<br /> , may ke appiied by Lender.at�s option,etther(�}t�the reductlon of the ir�debtedness under the Note and this Security
<br /> [nstrwrsent,first to any deiinquent amounts applled In the ontt�r Ge Parasroaph 3,and then to prepayrnent of pr�al.or _
<br /> (b�io tHe ce�oration or repair of the damaged property.Any appllcatton of the proceeds to the princlpat shaU�oC
<br />:� � extend or pmstpone the due date of the montNY payments wh{�h are referred to ln Para�raph 2,or change the amount
<br />;�� of su�h paycneMs.M�r excess insurance proceeds wer an arsrount requirod to pay a11 o�standirr�Indebtedrsess a:.� -
<br /> t1w Note a�'this secxi�ty Instrument shae be paid to the er�ity legalty entitted thereto.
<br /> !n t[�e evertt cf fc�cedosure of thls Secu�ity Ulstrument or�her transEe�c+f t�fe to the Property thai exiin�uist�es the —
<br /> GxiebteeEness,ail right,title and IMerest af Borrawer in and te i�surance pollctes In force sFtiall pass to thep�
<br /> 5.QecuM�S►.Pre�vatbn.l�ainten�nc�and Prot�ction of tha PropoKy;Boerowrr's Lan A��pll�:�t��-, .
<br />.',�� i..�aa�?�Yds. Borrower shaU occuPY.estabitsh.�d use the Property as Borrower's prfr�fpal residence wkhin sbdy days -
<br /> `�.a eJter ths executbn of this Sectuity f nsirument and shall coMtnue to occupy the Property as Botrower's princlpal
<br /> � �estdetx�for at teast one year after the date cf odcupancy�uNess the Secretaty detertnfnes thts requ(reme+�t will c8use
<br />'�� undue F�at�dshlp for Borrower,or unisss exter�ttaicng circumstances e�dst whfch are beyond Borra�wer's conVOi_Barrower _--
<br /> shail n�,r i_enders of any extenuattng circumstancas.Barnwer shall not comrnit wasie or destroy,damaQe�r
<br /> .� substa�t�fly change the Property�r ailow the Property to deteriorate.reasonabte wear and tear excepted.Lende�a may -
<br />_ ; '�� i�,spect tha Properc�Ef the Prope�ty ts vacaM or abandoned or the loan is in default.Lender may take reasot�abie act�on
<br /> to protect and presesv�e such vacant or abandoned P�ope�ey.BoROwer shall atso be tn default if Borre�wer,during the
<br /> �' � boan a�ik;ation process,gave materially f a lse or inaccurate I�ortna t ton or statements to Lsnder(or iabed to p rayide �:=
<br />; ��� L�endec v�any mate�lal infonnaUon)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,indudtny,but not Ifmfted 40, _--
<br /> : � � reRresev�tations concemtng 8orrower's occupancy of the Propeity as a princlpal residence.If this Security Instnjm�t is --
<br /> on a leasehdd,Borrower shail comply with the provisions of the lease.If BoROwer acxqutres fee title to the Prape� the F`
<br /> � leasehold and fee tide shat)not be menged unless Lender agrees to the merger In writing. � FJ 1�.
<br />� 6.Chtr��s t�Borrovwr�nd Prot�Non of O.sndK's Rbhb tn tho Property. Borrower sha!!pa�a!I gavemmental _
<br /> � � or municlpal charges.Mes and tmpositions that are not induded tn Paragraph 2.Borrawer shai! p��r�ese oWigations ��
<br /> - ::s, an tima directly to the�niiry wh:ch Is owed the payrteent If taNure to pay woutd adversel affect t_ender's tr►terest tn the _-
<br /> — Property�upon Lend�ers requesY Borrower siiaU{�toriipi,y fu�'iis�'�to Lerrde��ai�sis ev'��cir��t�aaa pay�r.s:'..s. _-
<br /> .� If Borrower faits to make�F�e� or the paymerue requ(red by Para�raph 2,or faAs to perfortn any other
<br /> covenants and a�reements aof���Secur�y InstnuneM,or there ts a lepal procsed(ng that may signiflca�ty
<br /> � j affect Lsnder's�ghts In the PropeRy(such as a proceedtn�in banlcruptcy,tor condertuiation or to enforce laws or
<br /> regulatlons),then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessary to protect the value d the Properry and Lerxier's
<br /> � riphts in the Property.ir�cluding payment ot taxes.hazard tnsurance and other ftems mentioned in Par�graph 2.
<br /> Any amouMS disbursed by Lender underthts Paragraph shatl become an add�ional debt of Borro�we�and be
<br /> secured by this Security Insirument.These amounts shatl bear(nte�est from the date d dlsbursement,at the Note rate.
<br /> and at the option of Lender.shall be immediately due andpayable.
<br /> 7.Condemnation. The proceeds of any a��vard or claim for damages,direct orconsequential,in connection with
<br /> any co�►demnation ar other taking of any part of the P�opetry,or for conveyance fnp�ce of condEmnailon,are hereby
<br />� , � ass�c,�ted and shall be paid to Ler�der to the extent of the fuU amount of the Indebtedness that recnai�s ur�id ueider the
<br /> t�ate and thts Securft�Iru�mEC�t.Lender shall apply sucPr�roceeds to the reductlon of the fnd�{cted�ess uncfec tt►e
<br /> ' ,e Note and thts Secuc(t�+lnstrument,flrst to any delinquent amcurtts applied in the order provided in Paragraph 3,�nd
<br /> then to prepaymers af principal.Any applicatlon of the proceeds to th�p�lncipal shatl not extend or postpone the due �.
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