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<br />pccxmiss+ar~; rta4z ~3s t~fven to scenes a €aaa in which the Small Rasineaa Ad"mlixiatratian, an agency of the <br />lnit®d=Bastes of loxcrica,.ltaa participated: In wmpliance with aecttaa 1i71,1id} of the Rules and Regnlationa of <br />the Sit®fl 23stsitveas .'idraimiuratian {I3 €:_F.R. lUl.lEds {, this i~trttment is to he canstraed and enforced in aecard~ <br />rta~: witlt.;tpplusbla Federal law. <br />L 'Irhe moaz' ctweaattta awd as ftxllo,Aet <br />ati ~e will pzamptly pay t$e iicdClRr«dAFm evidenced hq'said ptnntissory Hate a€ the times aad in tha <br />tuanxarr tltesaist pzovided. <br />b. Se wilt pad all taxa~. asseeawa+stttx, avatar rates, and other gavetmmental ar tnt::.i.::pal thargmy fimrs, ar <br />impa[~tioaa, tae wfsiela praYiaioa has Hat bees made hezeirtlteftire, and will pmmpcly deiiver the ofl5raal a~ielpt5 <br />thuef+sr to the axid mortgagee. <br />c. fio' wift pay such expenses and fees ss may Ix .axaarzCd in she prattsetian and maintenance of said <br />prrtperty. including the fens of any auornce• employcai by the mortgagee far the collixtion of any or all of <br />she. #adelxtadnatta ha[rekr}^ stvtarrd, nr tarstck~ntw. Isv mrtertga~ea'a sale, ar court procnerfings, ur in anv other <br />itigatian at procredin,~ a$ecting =a6af f+rnYw'~y'. Attarnet> farts raae+rmahly inenrrerf,in anv asthrir wav shall he <br />paid lxy thr. martYtaaar. <br />tf. Far balers net.ttrit}- of the itYrlchtnrlntsa he mh}' sea•rxsx+ri, up«ate tlae rrgtsest ref the tttrtrrtraq}ess, its <br />wacatnsrwza ar nasisrYa. 1xa s€6al~F' -.~ra~utc' antll d'mliver u xn{[phrrn.r~tiinGUUNi nneprxKaCOr rte iva~t~nrei~a~pee ca'veri,tag attc <br />ail+lltisxrts, irreprcavr,ttteppnta. xnz lar~ttrtrnr€tatfi nnacle trex tlxr }trtsgtx~r9pr €t¢:rrein:xkttatr,+ Irr'ilseci turd .cl} gxrapartx. <br />~etgalrTLL'1 hY tt affie'~r [ILxe ala'tC h?rrYrof I a€} ~N'd (aISYt 4S,ais~l.ta•t,Mt'N,' [.t krY~Crrt LL}[M:r'^ 1`4n'tlaPY"rErr2TA.^. Fhiiith(' alaTi zB~ixr <br />fW,tl t4 £larr ana' lle8aaft In the (3aY4nrTaY of a i3ra1~4r iPC ItYier-:aWr cry Gdf"IlUnahr34tr'P i'~fta tiS,Y tfi:U}rert!' rte~Cr}~lprl€ lal <br />Ifhis tinat;ra~nt,, rmart~3Ea,Rnz hers+hr a~rr~ea itfa iacrun is nxcftt;gafiure €nx :^rrre .'tux~#r it'a-t~a.rrlY, butt etturtl;apaam is neui <br />rta85li}eatatl is da ata: curd salt.-lx ex3, xru`m;. ~~rlha3l' hera~rnra ~wurt nwF RNlre coxr:elk~nrnknr~~i.r w.•rttrrvd hx this i,exstr~'u[nsre[~tt. <br />xt€a~act to tlxran:e tzrn[e and cnn.#itst+ats. <br />e. "!`6s• ri~lrt- eraair-af lav xlxii eaxnvr}~attre ells€€ r:Jraaiu eu full fnres° ene+} +•ifert duriua tent µusa }u,uottrrut <br />=ar aatr~tort •~f tom; tittt._• ,.F tlav gtai'atent of thr• ru,{e•tttrdne•ws ,•sir{rrsrrrf fat ,ai+i prrantiat.r[rx noire nr uns !cart <br />tlxcteoi ercared €terehv. <br />J. lit. wilt caatiaaatt.+ly sxairnadn haaarsf irx:uraare, of such Ygpe ur tpp.,s anxl in such arnavnta as the <br />nit}fiF3ECH InMV ir+ean itaixa Itr YJnar' to*rl:aa YC' uvr iYY t' ine}+re+t rtxtett ti n-eta gat 4rn-ri^;+f#rT .,ti .neir3 tarutar, ri,. .+nrl <br />wtll p'a}~ l~rURnllth wl[MIt clYxat inV grFainl7arau flkl "a~r'frlr. ~}l kYtaeYr,tnairt ie3S11[kk ha i=arraeff It[ Cani}tanai YCa@pt31a}a <br />to rssruzt~ragee ataxf thr prsglasles and renrwaia :If[.rr,r6 .hail kazi utmiei la • :a[orafiaa};IrG extol €dav tt3cixaJ tlisreta <br />t <br />::.c-aa p~as~ab~ €la~lasrx itt =`avr~e rtl :+tacl ztt Ict¢nk a. ;iirE., xa the Czrcant~„[ •.•. la3 r~v~mn1. - ~V~ !r~+wa m[:ut~a,s€sr wait er'aa~r <br />i--~r.Rr=-,.:«~.....~~-.~; ~€:.; :fit,. .s :~-t~ ::.,: mta~ ~ ;.at,;, •,,,.hF t,; „f ._~ :s.,~. i~. .._r ..._h~ ,....k:.rtlQ k. <br />m;~tr'~ ;trvd ~r ~~aza .r. ~-.,~ .,FRe„ .. ~,ars~ .R.... #., -..,r_ se= :~~.~ ~}rm~s ~+}c ~a <br />~~ dl~'a= to rr€ ~~4.;` ~ t~rt~d rf t_. ~r+.-Cr~rt7' ;=n..! a ~!~RY. r Yv:~r. R; .. i..t,f tF r ,.kwe. ,...r. tti.`.w_',,vc,J~- .~ ~n.~ <br />_ - ~. .,.±~._, .::.~, ~ ..,_ -.~.aa -.~-.. -. :_ sty rse - - r~ _ <br />.m-..~[ ~ .~- _ ~ -.a ~~_::1~1 .~- ~~..vr.d t r -,? f. ~-r~r r t;sis <br />martpaga, ar ratf+a:r traxxsfer al' torte au same! grrrr~rty in nct.nastt.sFttsuuS of e}ir tndritteelnzsa =r-rtirrtl €xa•rniay, ai€ <br />right, title, ixxtrrtwt rat tha rnoatg3hcr in a.atl tr anx- ixtattrs~ttca pr l#rias then, in tlxrec €fsx€l glass to :€rr„ <br />f.ntrlas+rr uc utnrtya{.-.^r ur, at the apt"trta of thr n:.or}~a,;r•.~. rase. h:= Wtrrr[>s3,•r,•,1 A,r .t rofau.i_ <br />~, lfrr will-!~tp ail lraatldiups end axher antlrrtxx-<tnrnt~ =arx ,+axai }>€argrr,€[+ rs ;;+wd ; r=te-as aaci .-on,}}last>. <br />r-if€ lae-crtaft. sxWnmlt, ae`-solder ntr HaaY€:, iaxp,aitwtanY. •iuVrrtnrae:na :a$ ~:ud iren}u1rYt ur one part rerrrru}. <br />i[x i#xe~awavtY of fsilttza tsf the tttarY 2aCer r+r krrgr tlau lanlxiitaki~ ,an =ntd prnnexse. ar~a4 thnaa~ e-rrt•ted an .ant <br />pr.?sr-rr~, ;f aat~ra::z°~rst;e ;bar- <°.n. in t~.~i :' ~asr, t€er a:xa.,Ma;,yt^ y~sr as-~k<z ~[~m•4t r»t.aezs ~t us t[a .lensa'r~kir.a <br />:t stay srirrzxx rtcc.::~:x.rv trot cisr: grruq.~x grre~tvati;;rt t}xrr°.~+:f, .surf the fell ;xi.,t<#rttxt .sf rear!: :au! .•.-rrs .urh <br />Ya3xnr€at. ~xafl he inuucs€irµelr ,trot aauf Ssasah€ra oust shalt 1'ur arrurevl €ac a#n, taut ,+Y thi* nr,rrt;ax+• <br />h. fie +.i€i Hera raltatctari}p errste car gcerrntt [a br~ f•reated ~agtaiuut the: frrr.a}t,~rYV- suhjet-t taa tlsa€ axtnrYKaq}e nns. <br />lirm axr liras infariar ur sugx riexr t. tlt,• li:rn Fr. t}xae tanrtraur w~~itlaazax the wrSttrtY ras+sent of thr, rttartgagre; acrd <br />- ftrrthrr; that hr !salt 3krY•}a stool nsanatiaisa tilt xetsar^ lt+-}t• f•~':rsas ti'sr .•eaxt:t art a#! !ts•r..xrt~ ,tt}a;rlt enn iaherr exr <br />- - nYatrrrsafa. SSUr Cttr~[r?tE•-Evrn+•I :t;t#' a3s~.tFs 3a::l~laiar~: rrr C€tclir: aix~rxtt~nt~ r[tsw `nr. ar. •r.~s~tr,€ .re tv f:,~ ,. ree•tr.€ acs <br />sa+fcl ~re~ir~. <br />:. lit- salt :znt mask ,:r arwixta .nrt,s ta3sY of [qxs [=tt[ .at ..x;.i artaraawa-r[«el t+aeslre•rts oa- .ie•mrt}rs} !•,aa~,.s. <br />_ ~~ ~~tarat±~iit- ~ts~n aaaa ier[riuiae wtShulx [zte wr}tarrx. .-ari,a•rn oaf t'str niarta,a~rc <br />f, ~~~ a,SSaTtti ski rz}tmg~,r-N s+2 ~atdta#F3sirz[ ;s2Yh stir t:e.slntx€,'i6stset ;ft'.r €+eitrlis° exxf s5f ,*€ ~#jerS+ tt, slat asi !fi.. <br />frs x~,~rf. F#i~t t=~ #t-e tar#£s~~- st: 1;=.-r,--tax ~ t~:r=! xtx~ -iaal€ ftt !°a~f Yt tu. rt~a~€~ ait~ r[-[~+~ aq€t,la tki= <br />~.ture }a.~xu;.-act ut time ruxtain€eu[a €.va .:ue an:$tsr at#tk sx.;t+«, arse! r:trert,tx~r•s* r,~ herr•rii zsee:aerracee$. tae t€sr- <br />tx3mr +,d t'hr [xti<a+rt'enr. Ea rxe•rute anal rtagdv er xssl}e$ z,r:rlui~t3asrer=, t$errra9 atad to spr}rrai ltvnu .rue ~ua•h a+aanl <br />F'. ~I.A~-€rar+~tsacq alaaaCt ~rxtt:t [~'i" rtxl><Y [xr taas}x+:s th1 et+sszi~,.tKt?-+i }arexn.a~!s•• .si acts rr~<e~s,txairais• txtras• <br />'4a„-`Ifatahh: isY ats~ ~ t31ne ~rawrsaants xzr r-aaxditiatxs txf t€tica 4~,itzaarrrrat <-zr crt' Che. ;salt :u l+ran .~z~ntrnt rcearel <br />!?r#t=~tl~ t~sal.11 i:r~ktndtR ll~P, A4+_tz't~ag'xr a~ ri~6t tta q*s~a~r~!si=:~i. tri1.'= oust, et5 j.cror [urnt cei tl4e !aru}eriv, aY the *Ait ti..xn u6 tllr <br />nYSM'fl,~aa oar laic auKi~us tit Smixx}g attrrrral that t8wr ntYtrt¥s~ar »itxli h+r•r »uefa settht antic urfastiti. l,~gwu snv sut^is <br />xlr~fecYt~ the sva-a;^tgaprr slYnft h~.[~rr tha saner Yaf sl1 aC Ylrr rertta ,anti w:xrfits axrrrina :tftrr drfeudt se ~rurttc <br />{,.~-- ~.s, `- ~. !~ ~p ; •i;F.3t~. ....~-'~"r..:,r ~ .~.d rte.: ak€ r~;~ c ,ratt,Nr,r.r surln <br />?fit &szr a.:`le-a l°€t~€t# atsara crz~+7~ ~ ;zas ?f atz~ ;~ztris ~s€ ~nar# €xrrq~rty "fi-S ~slrrd, <br />fi <br />"r.qx ^;aa~ Sere s =i <br />