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tagel,her i4ii#t a1S tenements. hrtsditaments and sppuriensxes t~eianging tSte.reta <br />-'Tt-7 H? LFti AidT# TC3 NOS }hQ shove dascriY,ed premises whit aSi the prlvi;e~s and appurtcnarues there--unto beiongng itrc,.udL~,g <br />air reirE.=„i.sues anei peofet€h,'rE~af aaen Mu:ta ge3, fi±rever, And tSrrtgarcir hereby coreaants that Mortgagor is we#S and ucty uized of <br />,: tiLTe- tts tTte gr.r;:ises a?teree e :=tve;red in the #aw, in tt"e^ nape, and h •>s gcrfd rin,{Y, and tawfu# au3hority trr crr^.vey t#re-sara:e, and <br />that ttte titSe so cart.eyed is ekear, free and urtincumbered except as otherµdse rated and th.t A~tartgagerr sviii foreuer warm} and de- <br />tend t.!e ~Sti ke lU RFt rti,".*_~ee 3g<~SSL 3i'{ .lai rni ~'iLtt`aOEVer. <br />~'~ T?ISs h#r~rgage a ~ezsv b} R#ozigagaty t-t ae,:utz the perf©m:;ma: of each agrzament contained herein, and to saettta tlxe payment <br />c.,f «f a Soss: it: titc..;rn:ottstt of ti:c Ta#ia=. oC t'ayvnent, ~:o:s,^ :wove, raitieh ioazt b:~ng e.idee=.-:.ed kY a prvmi~sary Hate k~earing e~aan date <br />ist'sc;~7tit xtts,~ wh;t'#a -bs furfhzr :ie~eriS;ed shove. <br />i*2tt3lrta~.t> Al 1NA 1S, an.l tSttae nrc~.enr., are. type=n thr.` e<prs:seer# . ndt inn. 'het tf the Afortga~,:s s?ta#3 pay in tali-ft Lie-McrsT- <br />,~,. ga2Pea~;xr€fTt .,trry nistc ;teat;ng even date i:ece;;~ittr in the atnuunt +et forth ronre, paE~abl<: m inss.`{lhrent., according to the terms €lsere- <br />oT #t'~ether e~SG't interest ~~ set forth ttrarctrt, and ,Ssall gay eft sates and assassments Seviad up nn said real estate before tfia-satrte be- <br />~Fxs de#inyttent. a;td keep tha i;3ti;r;ing,-, t.,r said pre,.o-ist`5 insur~~# ii,r a suet equal m the inde,*;tednrse seeused hereby, Suss, If ant, pay- <br />aEty to she said ~,fbrt~xigee, then ;~ese pee.<riz to kte Holt and vr,d, oth>?r:vi~ to ke and remain Sn Ccli force. <br />T's;~~ ~'Gti€T~A(FS :S :eLSF? T6 E£ , APe'[? Ct3~'#'!{:tFtfE'3`c3 ~. FtiflR7'6'.'`+.E'I'a`3 TFRfE, SEC'FTKT'1-Y FOR THE FsA1'~iE~'F' <br />>fl: ;~FGH7SO. ~fltt,SitRT~ OF ;v96eStFY A5 THE' l4FO12TGACEE 4!A'3' F?F43M1# T14fE T(3 TfME Tld TTiE FUi'DRE ARV ANCE Tt) THE <br />A46NT'GA~Ot2~ hjVZ3 €i1:t)E~l%E#? 33Y A '~UPPLk,41EhiTAi, NOTE fl9t Vt3TES, 1JU'7' 14OT TC 1}.h:GEELT TiiG gOTriL OF- <br />5'~*#*~>~°1~r~~*'a**~**~~`E~£EriT F~C3R Atti4' AAYANCES THA'P tvTAY BE AiAS)€ TO PROTECT THE SELURCTY T3V AC- <br />CO3tT;r1;v¢~E 1Y77"kt THL Ti`Ra#S OF TSjfS tii433iTGAC:E. <br />:3t.;cis7i;)rf~#'Pt=rrtst rtd d:::ncti;ie>n; .,tt ur reersi t:i *his aure+:r=trot arae msdr a kt;;rt rtere.>f and i^carporuted hcreia. <br />[.^! 4Yrs Tv:~ w€-ir~~Z Li3±~. tjte t.,`~ ;,7<>ra _Q:?gnr. ' exrcu*eci f hest nrese..`'~ i6~ day an4 yr+._a _nrs-i auccvc -w-rercen. <br />~ ~ i ~~ i ~~ ~ _~~.~_ <br />-' >'~°- LFr~rtg~¢r <br />_ {r ~ 1 (^} <br />- cr -Y,~hr~.~(d..'r^l.l~~x:,r%.I-q--<~`___~..~..: ~.'E.~ t_t.:Zd g.Pa;~ _.,. <br />~'' +^ +li~ R4caef:gsg~or <br />~.- i g5 . - <br />~,pq 7L~.{g~ - f3~t[tq ~ I + 4Ci t_UttF n^, the. sndenzYTttd a tioary Public. 8utp <br />i ~~z~~~,.,~ a :t.~. Ezx -'; ~o-..~,.a~ .. ,.? -, ~:: , ~ ._t# ~.,r-.. ~Ane} t-, FC1nF'sil tt ',rte `*ArTL~+I L. RODEWRI.,t3, <br />.. ~11i:i k! 3sr""'#. ~it.(dE. tti;(.tl_ &`.i:FSLfi ~t:.Il. ~c14 H i~_ t{X`+ ~1~L r!i tt . Ir t t _- <br />.a <br />_ t[:s £ <br />vm ~e~ s - - `-- - _ -- ---- ~-- <br />.~ •~ to , , ± - ,-.. _- ~ .r ,FS=, x n tit :, r,.k treed ~~°"~w <br />_ _~ r , - .,3 - ~~ i <br />~~_ it ait_Yi~nitlrYyyl~t~Jyia:fl ~kry'~.3Ft~6f ~X II[ ~ntr tt~H4 lt1xi '.PUtt iA biT:,rttl ~tlui :'iiefl ~., ~~~~ <br />iirT~ 4#° vi= ttl~~i;; .~iih =~ ~^'~~.-'.:~:. e ~ i.,.. <br />\1'i ii t- .i-i i}iftf i+. °:i3i itr(, ~i)i%tiii.: ii If K;'s `+i.e., .t ~.rr rr.r., <br />a g.:x.. <br />t # <br />{t ii <br />b....e <br />} <br />{ <br />