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t. <br />~~t~,~:~~~. <br />c) Shal L buyer faa:;L to males any instal.Lmen;, due under. <br />t2si.s contract a~ its rlaturity :hen the unpaid principa:~ balance <br />shr~3:1 bear irzcsrest az its maxienwa legal rate durfng the p~riod- <br />n¢ delnquincy. <br />d} A1L paya~entG due hereunder sha11 be anarie at the <br />~e:t~.ers past o£fLce address which at this time is Rural. Route f-1 <br />f§r~x r&Z, Grand Ls.Lartd, t:ehraska. <br />II. <br />'l.'e~~~"s` , A~'~~~t3~T~'s ~4]"} Td~'~rl!~T'!'~L~~v'("1TM <br />I. T~;x~'~. Se,lxer agrees to Bray tl'tc~ 7:.4~'~~~~ aa:nd, al:'R: prior yrears <br />ta.tesi, The} ~9ar}er 4g~-ees tl~t t~ey~ an;~,Ll ~~~,~aryi~ i~,he 1!?~31. ;~rkd ;~11 f;uture <br />;rears taaxes. "i"fie 'L"?dQ takes shall be t7ra-rated ihitll tl,e Sel:Ler <br />pas 3:n~ L ~t 12t:hs ~f Che tcrttzL taz; area the ~uv2r. ~:~vi::gL j 12th , of <br />tttr tc71"a3. tnx based on the 1~?79 tax Lev*.~. <br />I~. ~SSRSg?=!R'~TS. ~u~'cr ~~Frees r_Q :~a~ call. as.=.c~ssr~enCS snr! <br />,u~l;er T~4:~ve~ber i., i.;n~. y <br />._.,_~-.-_'-~~-.'-... -_r -.} .....-:r .,..,., t.C~7~:: Ei ...1 .. -:~~j~ ~z.~iw n. a vaa .~n.a-i,LY~ <br />'~=i~.i ~1~i~i~.~ i€r~.1i ~~ .zn~.~.:~ :. c.. ~.. ~rra ~. FW 1c~;', ral&5~r;iRi3~i~ i`n7 ~~rr~~~r.'A.7,c 7 c„ 1 ~,[~c 7.9.;,~ ~[r~ ~'r-7E,=~ <br />becoa due. ~t:s;ta ~tzLi;~i€:~ :?~r;~Ll he carried in the ~ms~aax~le nPrt les:= <br />t€2€it3 t~i1G` ~tiliF:~:~ z5i "'~t4 ~iU~C~kts:a4i ~3i`34d s1LI% ::tr~~1r2t3R.3'. Suct2 ()€711-C2E'.ti <br />shall be i:,a~~)e~; i.i5 ;;ir: tUe. c~c the St.Li~.; ant; nuYer is their <br />'_'+.I~lij1:4,~i'L.ll~~ ?.dl#.-~'.t'C+-4t*v ^_'-:°3.'1 3.~~~r3~tt.T <br />TTA. l FFY. e. <br />k A~F. A,eli <br />_. ~. l-a.i~=' =~.L':1»t ~C'° ~~:`~~ .. ~z. >.i~ ~°.`CSS G 3L..„ {?r '^1E lt: Cil f; E7 #?. <br />Iteael estate ~y~,iat~s,.n~s.~;d €~~+. 4:€~et=., ~«i?§ct~ .s;b:?tz~ar_t, i.~ i-a; ~a~~ref~cl, s<<oza_a <br />:E: -•-,€' -.. €.•, en E. ~`..., ~: €;F~ £: :'s1a 1. lC; F' s3G C€i~ cY z. c.c' ,.,tt,~t`€-C,° . <br />~x°€?,f.? ~s~~etx' i,~~ i;€ r+~?ar.rze-ea. ;^.3• Seiia~a la :~y ~, -1;~;~ ~.c~nr-ia1e~?.aaa~. ~~ ~?_ C~f!.i .> <br />~yP <br />~x_1 'L°. c1~. t,'s~ t?.'3~~.5.'d+»E= C3 ; t::11;.~,`. C.CSl3£.L'~~.a~.~' . <br />