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f~~ ~d~ ~ ti~~t~ r~5 <br />MoeTCACt; LOAN No. L <br />sftat~iv~Lt.s~N>3~r'st~sEt'RZ:4a~'s:'rhst Henry C. Rehder sad 6eratdtne L. Rehrler, each in his <br />and iter own right, and as spouse of each other <br />MkXigtkgnt', whether one oz aaore,tn sensSdmatian-~' ilre atvtt uY <br />Siren Thousand and No/100 -------------------------------------------°---------- mLLAes <br />}craned to said moAr hlr The Egktitabk BuBdittg and iazsn Assssc#at#un of C.rand [shad.. Nthraska, Moetg~tt, upon ~ 6D sham: of stock +af <br />aid dsS50CtATli~7, Certifastt Na. L Z3s82D , do hemby grant, consvy and mortgage unto [ha ~ ASSOCIAT[QN the foftowing <br />d rest }slate. so}}}rted ier tisg County, Ne~ss#ca_ <br />LOT SfVEId (7} ?N BLOCK FOURTEEN (I4} <br />I'N WALLICH3` ADDITION TO THE CITY CF <br />DRANO ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />14gtthtr wi[tt a3# iht icacmtnts, heredttsmestts and upptuttzkanezs thtreundu htiongmg, kncluding attached ftar;x cuveritrgs,. aII window srrzecns, <br />window s#rsdts, #viinds, storm windows, awnings, ittarirtg, air rxkndi[ioning, stuff y#tssnbmg and water equiyttttnt and atexssorkes iirereto, gumgs, stotzs, <br />rcfrigentars., a[td uti~z taxturxs snd rquzytrunt m.~w ur hxrtatixr attaelted fu or uxd in unmctxan wish lair! rest estate, <br />Md wM:tas }tee said r'tar'tgagav has agreed artd Sues #atrcby agree tlzx[ rite martgagan shall and will pay all taxes and ss»esstmnts levied ur <br />assessed vyun said prtmists arxk open tha martgage and tier band secrsrxd thrrcby bx1'urt tttc same site!( btwrm dt#inqucn[; to Furnish aypravad <br />tnnurmkie own the huddtnsa .rn r,,w lsernusxs sitnsttw :r, thx .arr. u'. 5 t p ADD . Qe payable ro satd >S$(?CIA'fIO;N aad eo deriver to mitt <br />ASSCIC'4.4TICTN the policies Sur aid irouixrtae; and nut to aunmd •~e gerkatt'sny wxsle ,an ur atxut xud prxmssta; <br />in casr a5 ^..afivd! Sk tt;t yca3tsmarut rxE artp uS t":tt 0.Kaa[ and esNedituud€s ref etsss rmuxgsge ::r khe 'ai:rxA scsazded tKt¢h}°. tMt ntmrE~,e ahaki. <br />v x ,:__..-..s ~ ..tea t.~ .,fin ,, t~ ~.~ 3~: ~ ~~s ..m .zxt.~a 3~,-.`i'- as'x, t ~;'~s a,-.r1 ~s c:szr t t#~ <br />rain. ~ -_~t pll tht terns. dtVtniat'r atzd v!n; z3ue to lac t::~ztmt front t:hc mattmd py'rvn;,y~re' duraxlg ,'cwuclk arnn :tx fire enottga idrdeiu..dress dh>t##rtrnaiu <br />vya',t ~ ~.5 ~'-, tmtrt< t #savt rite #sc.`vexr zs a~;xatnt 3uay aunt trr nsa P Isway d+utzec eetr mites gtn{x+~ of r;:paiditr~ seat Fremisxs aad; r'-aai~ing <br />1~!IkL ~ ..,; ywd ty..t„~s,W.irb 4_"s d±~as.:cvxrtiaca and jeetae~ ~rJ :f rc~X car otst :kt maY aeu:!zxtttc. s11 experktts f e tas~i-'t~ satd ar=z~.a:s:'E. 3L~ '~3u.aES3arv'~ <br />a",tt€ ~ ~~[ k x~ .~ u~i ~t x ~_ ~ is -, .~. s~-s,ra ar.J <rH wt.+iNra-3ndtpg rrn,[ tMc-rr}'~m: she ba~n~ reasaittFag. iF a-rX`. sa b~ <br />IAtEk. az :+F++€a^u :z g r~ c~ : r;:l't-,.sR7..[war~i:,r x ~'.::..s _s rk$?15:. s) ti#x It.r YN;a6e P:7'~.i' .°~~ crYtafii~i t4 ata~'[t3Tx" clkn'33SY. €s'1C t,xSfQni1a' GY Sfitr~1 <br />dr<faau3,llrtlyYleerlXe nl anl' ~~ narfi'V 6!aiYCt iFF [M 9@fr+,. <br />_~, __. ~ _ . 5-_ ~~'- x`ax ~t-¢3 ~~?arta~. ' r~fy ry',ng~4 ~. % lam' e ._ -.r-,e~.~ 3F <br />g+a!uit~l['nt; yayrngsdalJSiy to 3au! Usl7f:9 aSTItJN ur t!xa3rz gnv~tlitd rt^t +ttc b~rrar'S um&e:ra~ t4arbity x.{€nttr+~at ;srtd y+ern~yak~ n,a_kd/laars, _ _ -¢!ka$u'xc <br />ti`ka roan 3ela" 4 C?•i'tactt atk3 L-^tey t n)ittt[. IFe`_. 5$W i:'.n _ JFk ~. <br />._.~ - - -~ tut;y g ns : _ :~_ .,l »~R .1s Lsds„aix.1 Tid y^anises a.'z:? a.~t :his .M'crrgs~ <br />and tilt ~Srxid xrtated ttscr'tby, brfur:. do#irtskucreY • ITxn;s,} apistav:,: un~tatzcs uixns thr buildings tticr~an [r; the Burn ui S ~ 6 , O(j(j , ~ yay:thle <br />is :,aid AtiSC?CIA'E'iCYci; ccpay u seed .LS,'tiQC'IA't'kf54 upon dtrataaxd aU rrrratcv by .s patsk iar suet} text}, asstxxmtrns akrd ntturarkct with uetrrrst at <br />the ttraximuza tepa# }sir thetstm dram date ut t:aymtnt afl at' which AAoetgagat htaeby a~ees err gaY.ktcratkk au wstty ua said grn_v#ttt: ktcy and armyky <br />wish af! tike .s~etarkeats atkd ptrxtiskuks of tY~ Ficmd tvr S 1 ~ , OD0 . DO }skis dsy oven `uy ehc satd a~tottgagvs w s-ard ASS(}t:iATtt?N, and sunsplY <br />with ai# She ragisastaatuis uF tfkt C'okzsttttrtsrm and By-Laws ut ssat e~.S5C1CioP"!'lit)N; dtcn t#xrst grtsan~ 4rr:onss anf# :utd raid. uthet+vrzn tktty <br />t#utt# trttaain !a tuffs fure',e ak'zt u~y !et ?'steel=:raev! at t};~ agttvxt of tht rssW ,'ISStX}ATIilN ai'ter failure tar thzts [ttunths m make am of std <br />taitinltCitS Rkt lx thdex rlktxtSYa S arrtalS ua ttfdk,tik~ read inaattik#y payFlktnf5, W tU kt±~ WTd CalSkylY wrth the agEetrl'pertfY and CUnd1ItUN <rl Sak:t sand; <br />an+wt Mtm>t~x a~rtta to hart a rsz;`iter at~+rz'+`d fe.rtitwiW ns sus#s i'urnr}awrc mactadurga. <br />if d3sa+< is sny~ ~[ap;+ in 4~tte-n-~rp <xf thc;drl eaiatr :uartga titrem, bq a`sfc an natarrwise. }teen tits ratue rantaitt ur[ithtvJsca~ l~reBy <br />aar,tas ~ tom. as }ire t' .. ,rt F-Srrasitk Ltvelw#tyL and L+,xan Asaw:utnyk st a tarkd islrnrf, Ntitradcs,becatnt imtrxdiatc#y dot anst yayabk wit#tput <br />-~'.!s. ~; ~ ~.~~. d~ .,:s'. ~,.t. ,.. a...d ~ :a~::ur sag ~.:rii~.°,:k a r-so-.~ t~:nu;r~r, xx.u, tnat~'snc <br />dpi} +at axti.9st of swl ,.ptw.ryl6`ar U¢itattt ar the aiux.iinax[x ktysai [ao:, and ehka rzk[rr^Ird'aygu ntry tbxa bx fncec}aaed to saiufy t}tt amnuns dot un said <br />hkj'rkit,aent any stthtr trurri t'tv sddrtiw-ut! advat>5'r3. o~et#ett with a#t suss peeed by .vrd'B'ttt Equrtable Buildinµ atsd 4,uan Atlnxratton uk i;rxrkki ixia[kd, <br />Pvthraria fat insnxtykirx, Saes -r•5i liii~a~?~nl~~ a~tt~s,anig «>Vten~urt ctiat~a, wrgh uk?crr.:3 :-fksrstzn< <[vrn ds!n 4rf gaYnkeez3 st ~hC tnr~tn;tutn <br />#a~Ea: tea;. <br />'~'rta ~ to She Ekes k u€n rkcaciry, wtrkfi th[a utrxt rsaaassna m ttfts,s tkx ttxartgagxe azkay hateaittr artvat•rx addt4annat suttts tsr ,ha <br />.*E a3i~.#h3ird, ~t'.r rs.,en.~ r e sim::exatars ia~ ru#rsct, which shyi; bt wkt?tsa thr xettrity- of thus at4rtg'age zttt ~kette as thx trip It a[tgikssEly <br />trot t~4 t~'rttiw, tlra to:a: ysa,,:.J~ of F" ~, xipat drht' Txst ttr ~sat*+rd xt auy tirsze tht arrgns,sk etrkuusat .rt ttkis rtwst <br />,~a-.ktats~ 3~`l;. ,~,at Ocetxi?t?t~ s.rt._t~a+~0 <br />-l <br />wit itr'i L * ~€`#'f~Cr ;_. _:.` _....,... <br />era tv i tie ;.. ~teitder <br />~ say ~ ttus :p'c't. dry of i~C~t3i;t, P Fu o~(T , latt`or~ ar, <br />C'€~'~i x ti ait3.I. ~ <br />tttt rae:duasigntd, s Nrsaaiy 8'r..QFit to aatd rue sskd C'annty, katrwreta;ty sxdrtf <br />It?r~-~ C, Rt;itcler sinSt Deaaiiine L. F€~3}d~:r, sect} in iris atad iker own rt~`~ttst. end a~ s~c3t,;e of <br />s:C'f4 ,~rrygr .,, a ar.ta kxrarmenY kasuwn sa <br />,Na <br />atpr ka pit 3kt1! sklasisksF ~kf'axka S s!7is7is fa re~rfi4 g aktixtd ksk tree alxtk+t utsiruntsnt as trtus t}as 5 atkd Ci10V savreraltr <br />urstr€at"~'`#a~asursss~~~}>p •. k~k'Ft''. hr.".- !yam `tami Jakit.. <br />~~`Tir?kaa-rl.yfS~.,[.u..,:.,enn+gr~C`,sr~eatszr,'. <br />16g'i'..cta?saaax.~}c.si9 •.> - ~ f. - <br />~}' 4iltat4 !t'Uta#ke <br />ila.°A.~ aC ~ _~a' ~ 'k '' ~1 <br />~~ <br />