LUCILi; SCH138'IT and ?ALLEN 5CHIJETT, her husband, GRA.NTGaZ, in considers-,
<br />titan of Gtr I~L%AR Ai~i G':giER t~Ai,IIABLE CGivSZ~E~ifiION received fram
<br />GRANfiEE, ?iAtlSGii & SGN, iPfC, a iebrasica Corporation, conveys to Gc'2AHTl;E
<br />Che following, described real estate {as defined in Meta. Rev. StaC.'rb-28I}:
<br />All our interest i.n a tract ox land comprising a part v£ the
<br />Northeast C~sarter (NE's} of Section Twenty-Fotar (24} , township
<br />Twelve (l2} iv""arch, P.ange Twelve (i2}, :+Test os the 6th P.M.
<br />i{all County, Nebraska and mare particular'.y described as follows:
<br />Bebinnin;, at a p~.-; at on the ncarth Zine of said NE'y, sail poinC
<br />being seventy-one and eight tenths {?1.i3G} Feet west of the
<br />nort'reast corner of said ~~ and also being a point on the wesC
<br />right of way line of the State highway; thence westerly along
<br />the north line of said ivE~ a distance of seven hundred forty
<br />and six hundredths {74G.Gb}feet to a point on the prolongation
<br />cf the west line of Berber Street as shown an the retarded
<br />plat of Cairv, i'det:raslC3; thence southerly along the grolonga-
<br />tiar, of the Nast lire of Berber Streit a distance of Twc
<br />hundred Ninety Six and Forty-Six Nundrt_=dths {'296.46} feet C€a
<br />a point on t:ae northerly ri;~t]t of ~:_ry lire of Lu:lingon
<br />~torthern, inc.; thence southeasterly clan, said :~urlington
<br />lvarthern riF,ht of Way line a distance csf Twv Hundred FiFty
<br />Seven and TwentyQr^aur hundredths (?57..24)eet: thence de-
<br />flecting le;.t 3C+ GG` anti running northes,steri.y along said
<br />x3uriington Mort ;ern right of way line a d~stanec~ of Cne Nundrzd
<br />(i£}G.GG} feet; tc:enee deflecting rigi]t 9U e}ti' anti running
<br />southeasterly aic:nY said Burlington dart?fern right or wa~, line
<br />a distance of ;our hundrefi e',i ;hty tii ne .]nd F c ty E;. gi]t iiuncire~iths
<br />{489,58} feet to a point on the westzr,v right ai wav line of
<br />the Slats iiighWay, said point b~ein;; Sixty `;even and r:if,ht Tenci:s
<br />f67.8) feet s:]easured alon;_ said 3urlin;~c,on ~z~rtl]er:] right of aav
<br />line Tram 1tS interS2Ctiat] W1LYt tht' ~':i&v tiS]e Ot 5.216 :`+%~: th,'rtCt;
<br />northerly slang said SCaCe i3ighWa;r ip~i]t :?a•~• iiz]e a rii5carice
<br />v:' Four Hundred :vo ar,d x<@ur r:th:~F ~«vt.4C3', i,>_et to titz p:~i_r,~
<br />t~f bega.:uring anti C~n~sirl,ng 5. X89 ucrY~ s~~°•, ~r I ~~s~~ wnicra
<br />t2. ~4i aCrSGS Imi'~I€3 car 323.r iS CTC~L~pi25 ~Y ~Yia~i.l rat:c~ ri ~`l~ Q Way.
<br />GRAi~`Ti3it covenants c` faintly and severally. if ravre than one`) Wit.,
<br />fsRAtd'I'H;~ that ~RA# i Gfi
<br />{I} is lawfully seised of such rEai estate and tt.aC i.t i.s fret.
<br />from enft~mbrances, excepting easements and r~=strictions of
<br />record and any public rot;ds and ri;:;tsts ca 3: wuy;
<br />(2} has legal. power and lawful authority to convey the same;
<br />(3) warranCS and u~3.i.1 defend titlm to the teal. sstaCe ragmi.nst the
<br />I~,r~f°ru~,: Clgima o~ all persons.
<br />- ~ ;~
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<br />,,.~; -day tr€ ,~?~F.-~~t~= i „. 1`~8t7, by
<br />. n ~: i,
<br />},~ ~ '~~.
<br />_ -95'ataY'Y k~t3t`31ic
<br />~'~$#.%~ff1 B.~ES3~'S"4$. :§'~,~`"~-_ ....~-}' ice,
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